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Show 31lZZI!ILaaI11113 " "'"' 'K' 'r,l "llOUl-eW'iff ttllO nyalclllalizca llcr work limU uniile tnue'ai ( iinpriic her niiiul," ulwnys iroviiliii(f tlml she has only licrwlf ami her hinlinn.1 for (IlC BllliiCSI whom to keep Iioum'. Hut most of us do I not remain mg in this Meal state. ( 'Ini tial U IIOUSC1 (Inn come, uml even one cliilil is a mil yYQJ '''"w fViits'i". If one ever has n unall luiliy to cure for "lie is lucky if hc p is all her aflcriini'iiH fr.i' to ili vole to the haliy. . ,,r.,.., I hinc Imiii u hunineari Wniiiiiu ami tun By AMI L HtUPLE . . , claim Home Miccena. I aImi Ih'Iicw in . C!113ZIllZlllZZllZlj teiniiliin work, hut I do not join in cm-ih cm-ih niliinj; the woman who limit liouscwnrk liuril. When llicrc is even one tiimill chil.l the lant-luid plans are apt to "gniiR nft ii)jlcy." Ix't us my iinlhinj; of our hroken nifjIiU' real, nor of the upwU that chihlii-h illmsius iMctiniou, when even llie iliiihiiahinj p-ta left to the niiin of the fumily while we turn in to el a few hours' sleep. The houc-w;rk houc-w;rk .l.H'Hii't get done then, uml it takes time lo culcli up again. Itul even Ihe orilinary, ovcrythiy work where there are two or three aiiiull chil-ilrru chil-ilrru inokinu Aiel Hushing, linking uml ineiuliiie;, milking perhaps all of tht- small garments mnl lukiiij; a ildiyht in lining it even this will liunlly give us our nflcrniions free, litis the reader ever Iru-d to htiy a liol with a ntnall Imhy in her i 'ins? I have, for wu have no eniivtiiient gramlmolhcr. 1-et her see whul a jileiiMire it in to (;.i chopping with a child of Iwo or three uml m how t in. --f ul ahe will 1k. l'or my part, wilhout childien I would prefer the hu.ineK world, hut I have iiinde my choice ami 1 tun not sorry for it. 1 work a good d'nl harder than when my hours were nine to live, weth a i-linr! day Saturday Sat-urday ami Sunday free, hut there are comjicnialions lluit the childless liotiM'ttife lucks. 1 regret 1 have little time In improve my niiiul whul lime I take for reading 1 often hegnnlge. Things will he' heller hv uml liy, ami imanwhiU' lei me liml lilcaitire in my bahics. Here und now we lime them nml nothing else not even tin; Kvsieuiuliz'uig of our housework house-work is so important. |