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Show : l 1 A Hippy Hen. A happy liiu will make a happy master. " ii ii iiinuii. "' " m Thrifty Chlcka. What la prettier Hum a bunch uf thrifty rhlcka, ull of oue color and breed, aud aa uiucli alike aa so many peaa? THE DOCTOR'S WIFe Agreea with Him About Fool A trained nurse aaya: "In tin prucllce of i:iy profession 1 bate found ao tunny polnie In favor of tirape-Nula food Unit I unlicsll ilmiily recommend It to all my patient. "It la delicate nnd pleasing 10 tan palatu lan i sm nihil In food for tko alckl, and ran be adapted to ullK. being softened with milk or cream for bablea or the aged when delidmcy of teeth renders IliaHtlcutloll UiPOj-slide. UiPOj-slide. Fur fever patients or thOK on llipild diet I Iiml '(irape-Nuta and alba-nien alba-nien water very nourishing ant refreshing.' re-freshing.' "Thla recipe la my own Idea ltd la made as follows: rlouk a tcusiioonfiil of drupe-Nine In a glasa of water for an hour, strain and serve wiia tb beaten wliltu of an egg and a siinfi of fruit Juice for flut'ouring. 'iblt f-fords f-fords a great deal of nourishment Um even the weakest atomacu can Mil-Hutu Mil-Hutu without any distress. "My husband Is a physician and be usee Orapc-Nuta hlmaelf and orders It many limes for bla patients. "1'ersonally I regard a dish ofOraot--N'uts with fresh or stewed fruit as the ideal lircukfust for anyone wtll or sick." lu any case of stomach trouble,!"!-oua trouble,!"!-oua prostration or brain fag, a 10 dty trial of Grape-Nuts will work won' lent toward nourishing and rchulldlof u,i In thla way ending thu trouble. 'There's a Heason," and trial pP1. Iook In pkga. for the faint, u lltt book. "The Itond to Wellvllle." Kver read the above teller f A on aepeara from lime ( lime. 'CWr lulerl, ' ' I $100 Rvwnrd, $100. TV s,lrni ot tl,b PM--' ts !l''"i1 " th.l It,. I. B .1 trul ,,r..,l ,!. - It.. I rt,. lua k.ll l.ll U. -It,- III ,, !! llll iul 1111 CUrrli lliii'i l lUttli i n i Ir l-u.i brttiR I r.',il,luli.,.il .11- ir, l.-,if B r.,.l,lu. tl,M,il On ,1 ll.ii I it-if'li ' hi, a Ui.it tn- Utinllr. I'ti'tl ,Ue,t v i, ll- I'x.-I i'l ti,un-. I',,?.',',,, i,l ll.r it's. .J. nl IU,, 11 all"il tt.iiiiii ',r('",",,l,l1(,",J'"' "!,,ll'Jlr'"1r'(",ri"""t oni'i'i',1,-!"!,'-,, i't..!'rri"rVir,rflr, ibiV a ilia w u,M,'Xi'i "! ' in'si'i ai'i'i'iiiisde.o. 'l4i Uiii I ii,.i, I'iim iur rumlliMiUia. A little ls.ltls of Ilaiuliiti Wirard Oil i a tut.lit, In'.t in ,'-,11 It can l applied in 1'irip-r niin,l-r .,f puiitful ailment! tlmu any otlur remedy kutmu. The man who has the gn ate-t com munil of lunguiige Is the one who knows wln n lo keep unlet. OK 1 1. 1. Ill IT V 111 III It IM' 1 11 ek.!.! Ilraull grows mure i offee than any other tommy lu thu world. Important to Mother. Kxanilne curelully eveiy hot I la of CAHTOUIA a safe and eure remedy for Inlanta and children, and ace that It Signature otf" Id l'ae Fnr Over :Ut Years. The Kind You llavo Alwaya nought. Opportunlom. Knlcker I have Ideas for a new po-lli po-lli l(it parly, a new religion and a new lllel. Ilm kor-lienor wall till the bull season Is over. The board of agriculture. Industry anil eouimiTfc has been granted leave to establish a factory to nuiuiifactiire authentic weights and measures for inif nriii use throughout the empire of China. AFTER SUFFERING ! TEN YEARS ' Cured by Lydia K. Pink- , ham's Vi'KctabicCoiripounc. f-.:, M M.l.TiiN, .SM. I I'ccllliat I.vliai:. V.' i't ,1,1 nil's Veeet.-ililn C'"lui'iuiiil lm ," '. " " I given tne new lite. ;. ' J' " I siili, ri,l for ten V - ' ' S." '. years with s, -rl.uut f f. i.ial.'trniililei. Iii- ' f . T ' llutillnatinll, Ulcer- ' lJj A i aiiitii. Iniliircsiinii I', H 'j . lietMUP lie i, ll till . ' V.r", ' r",M ""t "'"i'- I Jje - Ihaiors give inn J .. T ' tfi, ns tin y sanl mjr f ."" r i '.' -t troll lilca Mini " ' - ,, ' ilimnle, I was In V"i ' V . .1 despair, iniililiil lnt f. i. - , - - -3 i...ii...r i it .1 '; or flietl, when I nail ultmil l.ylia K. I 'Ink Ii un's i Ut l.lhle t 'olllpoUllll ; SO 1 i Is' van to t ike it, aiul nut v II analii anil r, in veil of all my auilciiiig." Mrs. Ol iiiiiiK .liiimv, llux an. ,l nllmi. .S.I. l.yilU K. liiilih. nn's V'ecetalileConi-JKintiil, V'ecetalileConi-JKintiil, in. i, In I miii unlive roots nii-l lierlts, rnnl. tins mi narcotics or harmful harm-ful ilmcs, rintl tiMlav bobls tlio recorii for tlm largest niiiiiis ruf mi unl cures of feinaln ills. a s wo know of, ntnl thoiisiitiilaof viiliitilnrytesliiiioiiiulsari mi II le In tho linkham lalMiralory at I.ytm, Miss., friiui wotneti who luivo lsen rtircil from almost every form of female complaints, lolhtnmntioii, til-ceratlnn, til-ceratlnn, ills,.iceinetils.lilirolilliitntirs. Irregularities, s-rioillc,:ilns,l,ai katite, liiiligestloii nml iicrviuiH irostratloiu Kvery aiillerlng wonian owea It to her-a-lf to give I .villa I:, liiikluilu'i Vi'KO table ( iiinMiiiiul a trial. If you woulil like spri'lal mlvlco fllxHit yniirt'iiao write ni'onllilrie-tiiil ni'onllilrie-tiiil li tter to Mr. I'lnkliain, nt I.ynii, Muss, Her ndvloo la I roe, aud itlvYii) liilf ui. Big Assets j Four hiimlrptl lliounnntl pcoplo ! take a CASCARET every nielli 1 nnd ristup in thcmornincniulcall ! them MfNiH.il. Ifyoudim'tl'lnni;t this itn-'tit crowd of CASCAKKT takers ymi pre missing the greatest asset of your life. iu ran'aatlT l a boa l,.r a wek'a I liiittr,i Hllil,NKiiis- n,ravt .ur i u. llw.wui 1,1. Mnlstu banc, a tjauuia. tiv "N1 Trade-mark V Himinalcs All fi-' . ritJim, Piiit Biateriall. ' f . guarantee ol pur- li'.V'j ta J.J ior your own 1 ,.'', A-lLaa protection, aro Vev,, " I Wiat It ii on the aide of jV evrrv krg of whlla Iced JlYv yb"r f.jliM aitsiiu triitnnn JT HOI ln.,1. lsai.t Sr Tut YOU'LL feel better for work, play or rest if you eat Quaker Oats at least once a day. . ASSAYSSSli I (MiliKS uav I .. inai-.il . s. oaw ' A"'l' Wanle.l "Mtr NIlAltlf ." tl , Mil. .-Is Al... I III Ml It. -SI A MtltVllul. I..I. aiuui.iui. 'inui4aoiiifcuj.,uiAi,i.-i. uo. ' W. N. U., Salt Lake City. No. 3-1909- " "mmi0 pu iruner lhn it weak eat or tt. If (tier It wrakneti uf tomach, liver or luitia, Ihcra ( f weak link in lh chain nl lile which may anap at any lime. Olten ttiis o-cmtled wia-nc-a ' ia eaucd by lack ul nutrition, the reult v weakncit or diatate- of the atomach and other or4na ot difcttiun and outriliun. Iiaraaea tail ' ) weakneatri of llio atomach and ita allied organ 'o cured by the uie el Dr. , 1'ierce 'a (ioldcn Medical Diicovery, W hen the weak or tJiaeeaed ttomach im cured, diieaea ol other or.ana which urnt remote lnm the atomach bat wUicb f bave their origin In a diteaked condition of the atomach and , -' liter urgana ol digestion and nutrition! are cured aiao. r Th9 afrootf tnmn bam m mtronj mtomac, w t f Tsmm fAe eoure rvcttmmwnded "DIbcow (Ql Jr.- I S ry" mnd you may hmvm m a f road aiom . ' mcb mad m arrend body, r.ivvNAwAY.-nr.INerceUrmmiiMiSenteNfedioal Advlaer, IX'.- hS new revised Kdition, ia aent frtf on receipt of atamps lu ra fr - etpcnm ol mailing omlf. Send 21 ont-oent atauifia lor the " T''tmi i ' botik in paper on vera, or 31 ttampi for the cloth-bound vol rLi V 1 ume. Addrna Dr. H. V. I'ieroe, Ituffalo. N. Y. h '. jj DISTEMPER g5 J |