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Show Warships for New Zealsnd. Honolulu. Jnaeph Ward, premier of New "aland, arrived here Trl day on thn eirainor Makura, an mule In Huv. capital of nn r'ljl lalanda where he will bn met by the llrlllah rrulaer Challenge and proceed thence In Auckland In 11 n Interview lreniler Ward auld that In addition to building a HrendnuiiKhl of lha In dnmliable type for the empire, at a coat nf llil.iluil.niHI. New Zealand would be given three fl.tHIO.IIill) rriilaera. al loipedo biiala and all siilimnrlnea Theae. wlih I he Ana irallan fleet and the nhlpa aiiached In thn China mi til Inn. will give (Ireat llrltaln double the naval sirrngth In ihn I'aritlc ocean over all 01 her powers with Ihn exception of thr t'nlled Htlllea. |