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Show ECHO NEWS. SG-- A L Q H'-p- t. stanu Si-ho- . ECHO, Monday murning iih Annie Car-rut- pjriiv h a t Mix llutll Tonne teiiTnwl Sim.,y ni'ht I rum Crovden. after apeudiuj a very pleasant time visiting her grand-mothe- r. Mihh Llllm Kuctmiiller leftlait week for Ogden to attend eeiuMti ttna w infer. f . MIKE; WASATCH b tie belt tUn l Frank Bromley made another trip to Morgan Sunday. Vy net? j Mr. John Jones and her dtaTtel tore, bar ah anti Lythiu, spent very pleasant time In Coalvillf itt,t week visiting relatives. Miss Helen Bowman has bees on the sick lit tl e past week. W 29, 30, Four Days Only--Sep- t. Oct. 1 and. 2. I till gad domestic ptrpoaet MM WNB THB FEICE5 Mrs. James Bussell spent last week vudting her parents St IRwjr, Wyo. Miss erua Buclunlller has ae cejited a pohition with the tJuiimft bake Academy as violin instructor. r sTovb Pitrcnlzi a flasi Ictfnsfry. t COAL CO., Wonderful Specials from various Departments to Celebrate the County Fair. I.ylia tiilchriht returned Lid from Devils HliJe Sunday Digit,- Mr. Sam Summers spent Subdujr in Echo with Ins family. MifTHfe Carlson of Ogden is run nitig the livery for Mr. Buehtgillef Ladies silk and white lawn Shirt Waists 25 per cent off regular pnce Our entire line of Ladies and Childrens Summer 1 Dresses in ginghams and calico value 75c each Special sale on Mens Dress Shirts $ and $1.25 childrens black cotton hose, sizes 5 to 10. Extra , 1 f this week. Mi. Caldwell and family are 1,000 pairs her sislers, Mrs. Clan, Wick el and Laura Blclnns. Mrs. Eva RiehiiiH will Icavq fat Glass Creek Saturday, Barney Evans of Spring Vi Vy,f whodH- to - resident 'st Echo, arrived with his first load e( furniture Saturday. Mr. Henry Krause, who has bees driving the livery for Mr. Bach miller, leaves with bis family $at urday for Ogden to accept another ' t position, rooting KING OF THEM ALL! ! BALLARDS ip 1 Buccm ulnwi JW Um boon Crowned with Rhanomlnal the Beat Household Liniment on the market. CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, CURES SooaocaLoI.Vac CORN MUICLIlt IPklAINCD ANKLII, FfcKT. COONS, INST AND ALL INFLAMMATIONS. Rofuaw AS 1.00 sad 5ubtituUo. .Married Folks Dance N0W LINIMENT CO., U?.forMUR! th Second Street, .old ,nS Recommended i At the Opera House, Wednesday, Sept, 29th. The following prtwi will be given. Cash Best lady ant gent step dancer. Best walttlnf couple. Pair of shoes to man baa lng biggest feet. A beautiful hat woman with largest bead drw i Will pay marriage license of all puples getting tnarrlet at j tm dabee. Those who are preand- -j ing entering matrimonial blUawrd-laM- y Invited. Bring your kin a; rest room for babies. Free pinch. 'Pickets FiOc. . Dancing at 9. T. LOUIS. MO. toyTTi1! iViriBB Boa. Jobs Boyds :a: Vr- - ,Ai Mr. Gto. H. Clark and Mrs, Win. the of FrovoAfe Hind guests tdMr. M. A. Hartley. V , Th WtrM Sehrkfdhmia Ev.rTwhrTtr, tn attvomvrn-o- t the ..Mb m.y b found i. C. 8. tudent who r tudv-- Indent in lot better pa.inon. tourer naccentui hve.i and h.pp, old aim. Ther, r over million u.t think of If. tnor. Ih.o 20 lime Ihem-iof the Ituue.l American ant. tudew .1 man, 270 ye.rtl Von can find them in vermity ti b.d la the commercial offUe.ol New Xealnnd; the mine, ana of South Airte&i U machine .hn of fenglaud, the manufat forte of North America. Wen In all conhoar, each dition. of tile from the miner worhfng tong da, la the mine, al email wave and with a large lamilr to upporf, to the ealarird official who wl.bee to broaden hie knowledgo to tako advanfago of Oto W e have enabled portunine. for further promotion. Ihou.antle upon Ihou.andi of them to advance to oi 7 veare of experience, Wkat deee Ihie mean to TOD? If meant that, no the I C. B. mailer what four circumstance are, sure war1 cheap, end offer you todev n tn lecnni n1vncmenMHemoit prmcitcai wav Inere vroild. Tk.e ere net mere Idle wecdet the, Let ebeototofeetoprevedhraetoetetotiet.ee. ana them ink Into four mind, and if pou really end eerlouily would like to better your poeition -eoete It below.. the a earning, tend to do coupon you nothing " . Wanted Emitiire NOW.1 Von do not have 0 IaAVA Rl "O BB A, uo re inconvenience rive e M - a Hr a ett.mn ton... rmtol. 1 b. Fault-Findin- j . Sckeeto I, btifMio. r Wihm I Lew Biiuiwor GW f si. y tv.. A Household Necessity. -- r BALLARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP . qompoUND. Colds, Whooping CURES Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Etc' . Cough,-Bro- n It iff good for young Tha Favor! ta Ramady In all Homo. and old. Ha a Baothlng and Hauling Effect on nil Congtio nnd . Colds. v, Som tim an I to a had cold, w. g, Corwh. nichiand. Walk, wrftaai M bottto of Htotord a Hortomood , -- a ffrmp vrhka tariMtototo LaOHpp. I Mwi BaUard Horihound oot mihty calcly, Compoaad and it ttraichttimd -, Byru, Com pou ad will can any ca of LaQrippa. . Rrfwaa AH SuUfihita. Frlcu 25c, 50c and $100 Bo I hou, n BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. -toaoi and Raoommandad b j inks Uajtm 4 Mind to by It. WORLfc. I Summit 'Furniture & Mercantile Co. 1 I If One Mtkll Abide , 4 1 Did you ever stop to consider bow .inportant is the critic? If it were not .nr this person of opinions, then nory Butter wrappers (printed wiV one would Jog along in the same old. rut from year to year, make the te be charged for at this to office at faults eternally Slid never get abtal Uie following rate: True crtttctsm is tha peach stick that For 500 $ 25. makes the youngster sit up "and beFor 1000 $3.po7 have. the lash that makes the alder For 5000 $8.00. man shrug his shoulder and tug harder at his burden, and yet we all lav a wholesome contempt for the " The county Fair is going to criticism until, like the baddoe Bill of medicine, it has telling effect! suit bave a Wild West Show. we are really recovering from abaft ?nd rider renowned Morie a malady When you get real eaaeH vnd want to know more and more, you ranger has charge of it and sill take the -- medicine and lick the to have a band of the spoon, but if you think you have no promises need of it you will be just as obstinate mustiest plungers in the land nd mean as the ash cart mule lathe' dozen of buckeroo3 ! M' a alley and you will never go any wy 1 out backward. Honest critlc'am er that stick like tanglefoot to a the beautiful work of ones head Is ' There will be three days -- lot pleaaaut. in fact. it Is patbettt in fly. a sense, but It la so helpful that t per- of riding and roping, broncho son should be willing to abide ladies horse races and by. Jf we were never criticise about the races, races,- singing, painting, writing or oth tfffe potatoe Inwe ntg which, hope to .Kceed. then there would always 'be a nme-nes- s Stewarts Improve your home with about everything, but, one, the on Fencing. Apply to C.H.West, spur is felt. It means making a clunge, Hoytsville, for Design, and prices, nd. what is more, usually for tb,bt Cheaper than wood and lasts a life28 tlr. Houston post ' time. . , -- j rN Cilr -- THE ! t . I say way. a IN Healthful g Up HI .W.lkIk.w..kwlg youreelt fa . rooifii. at this office, CRITICS USE ..........11 btontfieml CermpwHwe A furnished Two -- ey, tton this Great Slaughtering of Prices lasts ONLY 4 DAYS. We specially invite visitors to the County pajr to ca ancJ make purcHases at Our Bargain Counters. Remember Mrs. Jeanette Marshall of gait Lake is the guest otMr. andjrn, C. A. Walton. ln-t- ., if- 5 cents per pair. special price of v WlTMOITtO KUOKKIfV IMIAIMD - he--- - SNOW LINIMENT -- ... A Brutal Indifference. Burglar He la bad cuugh. doesnt care tor gold or Silver bnt he will ateal your health away. I! he appears In yoor house arrest him at once with Ballards Horehound Syrup, it may mean consumption it you dont. A cure for all coughs ' colds and chest trpubles. Price 25e, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Joha Boyden 4 Son. jck hts name Thornley haa developed into a perfect brute. What tug be fYou sutprtse me! done!!!- - - "Why, the other night while jfis wife wasrcgallng him wlth all the particulars of that choice Vnttast scandal she noticed that he seined very quiet And what do you thug! He was sound asleep! THE TIMES L-r- tf -- It teems since hia marriage You cant be a good Summit Farmer without Specials fpr 3 Days Only oEPTk 29th, 30th and OCT. 1st. .... BOX STATIONERY. Regular 65c quality Regular 60c quality Regular 50c quality- Regular 30c quality Regular 1 5 and 20c . - . quality--- 4 . , . , . . r " Sylrian Toilet Talcum Powder - sale pried' ' . 50c price 45c sale price 35c . - side sale price T sale price in Sandlewood, ' 20c 10c Violet, Hclia trope and Lilac Odors. . Regular f . 25c quality Sale price 15c ,. Java Rice Face Powder, regular 50c quality, on sale 35c Tooth Brushes, regular 1 5c, 20c, 25c 35c, 40c and 50c quality; sale price 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c & 40c JOHN BOYDEN & SON. |