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Show .Hist meter. Edward H. Rhead Abstracter nf Title. fr Summit Cmiuly. I iuli-r ln,iMi lliniil Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans iinin' ni iii .i.ii'iii i'. ri-iiviiii-. rmh. fiiimi" sn. ' J'iysician a ml Surgeon O. W. FRENCH, Physician and Surgeon (Mice In Siiniinll HIiM-k, Coalville Office llouni, from t lo 4 p. ni. All who can "hniilil observe these Injurs a near a mishIIiIb. i Attorneys-at Law. p. H. NEELEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Coalville, Utah Thone 41 Red. Secret Society. oalville Lodge No. 28, 1. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday Evening in Jones' Hall. Visiting Brother Cordially Invited. .I.C.Ct.AltK.SMI W (I. HTiN'KMAS. V.O J. II t l 't 1 1 1. HiH'jr. WM. WKI.HH. Treasurer. Kolnry Public. C. R. JONES, Notary Public Resident AgentFireman'i Fund Insurance Company of Hnn Francisco Mary Ann B Clark (at the Shoemaker'. ' is the. Agent (or Summit County for JDXENL Send in' r orders I can illl tlituii for ton. Coalville, - Utah W. H. Robinson ..BARBER.. II you want a First-class Hair-cut or Shave, call on me. East Side Main St., Coalville. Ul. fSITcI Honored by Women ! PrffTiiM rou' M'"'"n ,,,v X I I I" aim 1 I'lcnr". I avi.ntr l'lrvcrlclien i , "?' - : N ', ' ""'''f'l llio l.irrif in A - fV " 1 , ('llttOWC A) II from pa. ond .uci-cliiNy f . - 1 i L StS rapplc Willi oi.imii'. wiiik- tu.l Am 11 k l Mil ii in mm '. tfSi"-1 'i nd ihvMom Hit. j i feirfe'llS ' ,T MAKI:5 nAK vo.nrN STRONG f-si:li, IT HAkUS 51CK wo.mcn vi:i.u I I l,a-'eVt, I ' Nnwnoiin'i .ppal ever mlndirrctrd or hrr eon- H'llr-'f'i , (idfnr. mi'pUrrd whrn lir wrnt. lor .dvic. lo L- . 1 w 1 . 1 tlif Wmi ii'i llrrsAnr M,nirti. Aik;iiiiin, Or. i K, V. I'irrec, I'rcMdcnl, llullil,,, N. V. I Oft Ptrm i ntmtmnl PtllrtM Imtu mlH Mf.nl lowrl imiiI . tty. I er-itr (. r ii:t--iKraj3rec HOME Si' NEWS FOR RENT OR LEASE-liW acre, farm, situated near Karmington In I Davis County, Well fenced, with at good dwelling hnu.e thereon. Apply for particular to K. K. Itlidi, U W.j 1st So., Salt Lake City, Utah. I While perambulating around for' new thl week we were told that a man got shut at the Co-op. On enquiry en-quiry we learned that the man in ileslliin had Just inad'i a purchase of four pounds of b!hi;sii you see Hie m.'wspiiper reporter is not always al-ways given Hie straight tip. HOYS! (illll.srcol.CMItlA IIM'Y-CI.E IIM'Y-CI.E FKF.F.! llreatest oirerout. (let your friends to subscribe to our uingn.liie mid we will make you a present of a ilium Cnlumlila lliey-clu lliey-clu the best mmle. Ask lor par-tleular, par-tleular, free miiili, , ,.r,.ular lulling "llnw In Start." Aildre.s. "The Bicycle Man.'" awil Knst a-jd Street, New York City X. Y. The Davl Coiinty Argil Is no more. Ilnwever, this doe mil mean Hint Farminglou has uu paper, us the Weekly Keflex has ma, le it appearance ap-pearance there with J.ilin h. While a editor and Vernon Kelt inai.ager and cartoonist. The Argu ha been in the past one of our most valued exchange am) we Welcome the Keflex Ke-flex with open arm. A very pleaaant mirprlse pnrty wn tendered Wllford Allen last Friday, Sept. I7lh, the occasion being be-ing hi birthday. A very pleasant tlpie was had. Tho.e present were: Kmlly Uranch, Tlllie lloyer, Kllua-beth Kllua-beth Salmon, Ituby ltratich, Klor. enee Ki.blnson of Salt Lake, Vera Klgler, of Nphl, C'liarlim Clnyt Charles Stones, Wllford Slinkier, Willie Arnold and Mr. mnl Mrs. E. f. Allen. WAXTKD-Skckkh Maiiaxixk want an eiretle and responsible man or woman In Coalville to col-led col-led for renewals and snlleit m.w ulHcrlption during full or apare Hinn. F'xperlem'e unnecessary. Anyone Any-one can start among friend and no-iiiainlaiice no-iiiainlaiice and build up a paying mid permanent business without capital. Complete outfit and Instruction In-struction ,,. Address, "VOX" Success Magazine, K.miiii nn, Success Suc-cess Magazine lluilding, Xow Ynrk City X. Y. i Surrey or J. Don Birch, On, ., .,(.. c. f Cunty Surveyor Surface (ml Uiidi'igrouiid Sur- VCVtlg, IIOYT-Vll.i i; . . . . I TAII YnU Citl l lie A (i I Sliinuilt tanner 1'it!,,,ut The T: :. , "" r Visitors are Welcome j At my Central orflee of the! H" k) i'"1" "ell I. -phone C'uliaany In business hour. Special Plans HlITi I,. , i made In receive and ntiTlnin visltnrs nl Hie Salt MUFebnnge during Confer- ncV. ek. (Illllle will I ij- hn(at all times between In a. tu. ami . o'elnek p. in. eneh day lo Ann visiinrs thmugb the IlirMI lelephnne rVi'liaMk'" be- twsrn lieuver mnl the l'aellli' ('"Vi. I I e I. .iir will Include a tWt tn Hie big sn llehbnnrd, whkh limy lie m'. ii In regular u"lili the operators at work. rathiiiHiif theenmpany at places oth tl.au Sail Lake are especi-' M; Invited tn vlsil Hie halt I.lllf (lltlce, 'ill SoiiHi Slate St. J. Rocky hA Mountain 1 W Bell ; Telephone Co. I Tlie Lyceum L. W. MEYERS, Mgr. Gans-Nelson Prize Fight during the ' I air. Hrst performance begins at 7:30 p. m. i.V General Admission I Oils. Children under 6, 5i1s jfiret National Banh lF..tabllsbed May Hit l. lunn.) i Capital, $23,000 Surplus $3,000 I We pay 4 per cent interest on Time i( Dexsits. We solicit yout patronage. jsnwsoii UMiOMt alprco LONouir.ruav a BLACKMAN. Vicl P.I. PRANK PINORCC Ti It is Economy to Get the Best A cheaply made sew lug mnehliie I denr nl any price, because be-cause faulty in iiclinn, liable to break and dllllciil. lo np. rnle ' THE BEST NEEDLES FOIt A I.I. MAKF.Snf sewing mncliines nre made by Tin Singer Maiiiilai'lurerlng Co,, and .old by me. DONT USE POOR OIL For use on new lug It i ni' I 1 1 1 , writing mneltluea, bleveles mid all purposes reipilrlng a line lubricant. Hie best I cheapest In the end. (leiiulne singer Oil call only be obtained at Singer 1 More. N. J. PETERSON, Coalville, Agent for Summit Co. THE LADIES OF SUMMIT COUNTY Are cordially invited to call and ex-amine ex-amine my elegant assortment of Pattern Hats, School Hats and Baby , Bonnets, before going to Salt Lake or elsewhere. else-where. Be sure you have a NEW HAT FOR THE FAIR. Prices Reasonable. No trouble to show goods jvx. k. iriojjs, . J 'PHONE 41 BLACK. MILLINER At Coalville Co-op ; " r j I , i If you are looking for Ladies, Misses and I Childrens Coats and Suits of the the latent j New York styley, fit and quality combined. j; WE HAVE THEM I Ouf Fall and winter gooods are now in wd j ; have a full and complete lint? in every Dept. It : will be a pleasure to have our clerks show you ! :' through, giving prices, etc. IVe ask for a fair I IV' comparison, as we know it will pay you. Remember--" We keep the best and aP ways have it." 1 . I- Coalville Co-op. ! |