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Show Killed in Auto Accident. FnntiilnchtcttU. Franco Mrs. Morris, -,rl ' m of the lute Nelson Morris of i h . ei il , e beii Thursday from In-1 In-1 ,1 , ni't'viij III nn nuionioblle tti'cl .u.'iii . ir t.'-re Sep, ember Id. Accom-,,!t'- !) ier sinter, Mrs. Wolf of Chi-: Chi-: caxo, and a privulo aecretnry, Mrs. i Morris waa making an automobile trip fm Purls to tleneva. Threo miles 'out of FimtsiucVK a'i Hie car mut a heavy wagnn loaded with brick. The I cnr waa forced Into the dlich, and Mrs. Morris wua thrown against the (.out seat and sustuined fu'a' In urles. |