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Show MUSICAL CONTEST TUESDAY EVENING TO BE BIG EVENT Summit County Fair Begins Sept. 29th and will Last Three Days-Ball Games Galore-Every thing in Readiness-Come and Bring the whole Family. Next Tuemlny nlglil at H o'clock in the alnke talH-rnncle the Fair l to be fittingly opened b) the mimical mim-ical content. Then cholre will be on hand to content for the prUr: lien, fer choir under the direction pf , John C. !'-kett !'-kett ; Coalville conducted by J. K. Cnrriith and Park city by MIm Kth-el Kth-el Kiinhaud will nhow the public Whllt chorilN work Ib. There will be three (uartei, two from Coalville and one from llenefer. Alao lever-nl lever-nl KoloiHt from the different pan of the county. The choru work will be adjiicuted by Jo. Poll one of Salt Lake' bent conductor and ad-Jucntor ad-Jucntor and the aolo work by Mr. Judith Andernon Heard, A Rchedulo for a aerie of bane ball gnuie from the different comity tenui I arranged a follow: Flint day; Kainna v. Coalville, and HoylKVlllev. llenefer; Hocondilay: Kama vh. llenefer, and Coalvlll v. HoyHvllle; Third dny:Conlvlllo tj llenefer, and Kaiiiaav. IloyUvllle. A large penaiit will be given tn the winner and the Park city team tlier olfer a ohallengo to the ' wlunlr1" ieam. -- - The Fair ground have an apect about them now of oinetlilng going on. Tin i bullillng la whitewashed and acruhhed and table made for the dltfereiit diaplay. There are 44 tall built for the cattle and hormw bealdi' 1)11 1 to a number of hog, Hlieep and poultry pen. A Iready a doien outlaw and bucking buck-ing horHe have been captured and aevernl rider are ready to ride them. Some of thu hckt rldera in Ctiih and Wyoming will be here to participate partici-pate In the event. People coming ffOnll over the State. Kale from H lni In I'tnli and from l-'.van-itoa, Wyolillng. Ili.gluilillg Sept it. tpxf.ir lOdny. |