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Show DEFENDSJWORKMEN PRESIDENT DECLARES LABOR HAS RIQHT TO 0R0ANIZE IN LAWFUL MANNER. Will Recommend to Nest Congress Legislation on tha Injunction-Favors Injunction-Favors Changs In Civil and Criminal Court Procedure. Cblrngn A strong defense uf labor s right to nrguiilne In a lawful manner was thn feature of an address hv rrenldenl Taft III Orchentra hull Thursday night. Thn president also said ha would recommend In Ibe neit enngrena leglalullon nn the Injunction, as promised by tho Republican platform. plat-form. Ho Instated that Hie rlgbla of the nnn-unlnn laborer be fully prntect-ed, prntect-ed, saying nntiody should lie ulluwrd to force him Into unions. President Tuft devoted Hie Beootld e-Hon of his address In the courts, lln declared no question before the American Amer-ican iveopte Is more ImiHiriunt than Ihn Improvement nf administration nf hint Ire. Ho sulil hn would recommend tn congress the apisilntment nf a commission com-mission In lake up thn quint Ion of the ILiw'i delay In Ihn federal rourls and A hoped Ibe report uf Ihla conimls-Vi conimls-Vi would servo us a guide tn the rfiew In rfferllng remedial leglnluHon. The president anai-rled that tha administration ad-ministration nf criminal law Is a diagram dia-gram to American civilisation, aa tho poor man has not an 'equal nppnrl unity un-ity with thn rich llllsranl. He auld ho would iINcubs tho tariff Inter upnn his Journey. Mr. Tafl'x address was Ihn principal event of his visit tn Chicago. Ileforo speaking, hn nnle tbroiiKb the South Park system and reviewed UiU.ikiU school children assembled tn du II t 111 honor, tonk luncheon wlih Ihn Coin-men Coin-men ial club nnd nliemled tt ball gninu In which Ibe Nnw York Nullonuls do-fesled do-fesled Chicago. |