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Show TO FIGHT PROHIBITION. Taxpayers of Idaho Will Organlie League In Every County. Ilolso. Ida As an ouigrnwih of Ihr laxiwyera' league In Ibis city, uncked by lidlug business men, and whose activities were retrponalbln for Ihn do feat of prohibition at thn recent local nptlun eliTtlon'here, the niillre suite la to ba nrgutilred nn similar lines and tha principal purposn of the movie ment will bo to defeat tha plan to secure se-cure enactment of a atate-wlde prohibition pro-hibition law. The plan has been practically prac-tically BgriH-d iinn fur several days, and rumnra concerning It have been afloat, but It was only on Thursday that positive Information wna available. avail-able. It la Ihn purpiaiu In orgmilio a It-ague In every county In tho state and to hold a male convention. The orgunluitlnn will not enter thn political politi-cal field excepting when It may lie necessary to light the prohlhillon fnrrcs. The members will uct us a unit In thai conniwilon. Nn saloon man will be Idenlllled with thn movement, move-ment, the plan being tn make It a business and taxpayers' body, exclu slve of thuse ruguged In tho liquor traffic. |