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Show COVERED WITH HIVES, j Child a Mats of Dreadful Sore. Itch. Ing, Irritating Humor for 2 Monlha Little Sutterer In Terrible Plight. 1 Diacaie Cured by Cutlcura. "My six y, ar old daucliter bad thn dr, a.tful disease cull, , I hu-s for two i lnoiiili, sin became t,(T-, tut by play- Ii K with clill.lreu who had It. Ily j s'-ratcbiiig she caused laren aores which were Irtiinilng. H-r bmly waa a complete sure but It was worse on tur anna ntul back. We employed a physician who left meillclnn but It til, I nut help h'-r and I tried several reine-tiles reine-tiles but wlihoiit nvall. Seeing the Cutlcura llemeillea advertised, 1 thnuiiit I wnulil Iry them I gave her a hot bnth dally with Cutlcura Soap and anointed) her bmly with Cutlcura Ointment, The flrat treatment relieved re-lieved tho Itching uml In a short time tho disease disappeared. Mrs. (leorgo L. Krl,lhi-fr. Warren. Mich., June 30 land July 1:1, iwis." riaur imai a Cbcm. Curp., a.,i t-np, aoae. |