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Show ( H COALVILLE TIMES N. JACOB PETERSON. 09 Editor and Manager. - COALVILLE fifty delegate annual con4l- association NEVADA MINING MAN BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED FOR SMALL SUM. ' attended th of the State in Ogden last Father, Mother and Son Arreated on Suspicion of Having Committed On of the Most Brutal Crimea in Oto Odama, a Japanese employed In History of West. (he Southern 1artnc shops at Ogden, Wra hit by the traveling crane and severely Injured. Tb grand jury PUxhe, Nevada Omer Call, who, with hi brother, has been Inv etit'gating the mysterious talk the first flour mill In northern death of Charles Todd, a 1iorhe minUtah, died at Willard, September 15, ing man, whose body was found In a 1 the age of 75. well near the borne of Julius Weir, The Logan city council has decided Sr., at Bristol,'-twentmiles from t aubmlt the question of prohlbl-Uc- here, on June-- 7 last to the people, and a special Julius Weir, Sr, hs wife, Mrs. Kate election will be held on November 2. Weir, and aon. Julius Weir, Jr., were Wit bln the next month the ah placed under -- arrest upon the suspl t a of materia! for the new freight cion that they bad murdered Todd and then deposited the body In the pot to be constructed for the roads at Ogden will begin to well to cover up-tcrime. At the arrive. preliminary hearing Julius Weir,- Sr., the hi but chard were wife at well known a uischarged, Walter Moore, acter of Logan," wa found'" dead" In aon was held to the grand Jury, eviHie city Jail, where he ha! r been dence having been Introduced to show placed the night previous for drunk- - "that the latter and Todd had had tremble. It was also proved at the preA school for the use of the blind liminary that Todd bad 1150 when to being fitted up. In Salt Lake City. last seen alive, but when taken from The necessary equipment has been the well only a few dollars In change entered and the school will be opened were found on.his clothing, Todds body was exhumed on Friana soon aa possible. The different towna In Utah .county day, and It was found that the skull 367,- - was fractured on the left aide. Indiwill pay taxes this L Provo alone paying 9101.896, cating that he had been strucs with blunt Instrument. The Weirs Hash! being second with 141,093 to aom stories have told several conflicting to OBtrlbute the treasury. In Lcdi I will be dry after January atuttne officers believe they are to sufficient evidence 'of possession 1. 1910. The city council has passed the crime upon them. The aa ordinance making It an offense to fasten Weirs lived at an place even for ell Intoxicating beverages off from the main traveled road. "medicinal or mechanical' purposes. Resolutions looking to the protec MEANS MUCH TD ENGLAND. Eton of the health of the people of the state were discussed and finally Supremacy at Sea a Lift and Death Matter With Britons. passed StJhe laat days session of the Utah State Federation of Labor held New Tork. Admiral Lord Charles ha Ogden. Bereiford, for fifty year a figure In The opening session of' the Utah the Brltlah navy, was the guest of oouty.teachera Institute was held at honor on Friday at a luncheon given the Geneva resort Saturday, Septem at the Lawyers club under the ausher II, It was the first session for pices of the Pilgrims of the United this school year and waa largely of Statsa. (a social nature. In a brief address, Lori Berea-for- d The Installation of the block sigreferred to the European situs nal ayatem on the Oregon Short Line tion. He remarked that aa far as Ibetween Salt Lake City and Ogden Great Britain waa concerned, the sit9ms been completed. The ayatem la uation looked somewhat "redheadto be Installed " between Ogden ed." He added that. In view of this wad Cache Junction. .situation, there was nothing else to Contracts were let last week for do but for the nation to come forportions of the work pa the mam- ward with a great scheme of Imperial - " moth new hotel to be erected' on the defense. Around formerly occupied by the old What we want, continued the adDeseret News building la 8alt Lake miral, la that we shall bold what End Ion Har-rluwt- n' he prominent part Archbulicp Falconlo Says the Qrtsttd Danger to America la in the Excesses . of the Brslslesa Rich, TRAIN ROBBERY IN COLORADO DEFENDS WORKMEN Five Men Hold Up Passenger Trais and Dynamite Express Car, But PRESIDENT DECLARES LABOR 7 Secure No Booty.-- " - HAS RIGHT TO ORGANIZE IN . LAWFUL MANNER. ng In breaking up aous gang of rattle thieve the fa operat-Nffl- n death for the British empire. It is quite different with the United Btatea, which, by Us own natural resources, takes care of the nstlona need. It Is not so much that we should retain a big fleet for parild Utah county and further south ta the latter part of the seventies, died t hi home in Santaquln, September paring in war, but tor preventing war. It, at the age of to. It- - Ja - for English A rather gruesome 'find "was' unnatlona are trade nations. peaking earthed by D. B. Jones at Murray. When the time comes when the Mr. Jones was plowing acme ground great English-speakin- g natlona get tn the center of the street passing his together, there shall be no war. farm, when the hkeleton of a man was turned up. All the bones were In WESTERN FARMERS PROSPEROUS good .condition,- - andlhe teeth were Sec'vtary Wilson DaelaresAgrieuttur- , Intact. allst Are Indulging In Every - - Thatthe cement output tn Utah tn ' Luxury. 1901 was almost double that of the The average laborer Washington. In la shown statistics prevloua. year the cement business compiled' by la today living better than Queen EliState Statistician Halnea. The num- sabeth did fn her time, said James ber of barrels of cement - manufac- WUson, secretary of agriculture, upon tured tn Utah laat year waa 469,427. his return from a months vacation on his Iowa farm. He 'Was discussing aa against only 8 .,123 In 1907. the prosperous farmers The" president" the Salt Lake" A the high wages of the workingand -will Railroad Ogden company probIn the east men ably petition the Ogden city council The secretary waa asked If the for permission to run trains Into the western farmers were really Investing city along Lincoln avenue, with such large sums of money In autosteam, temporarily, until the work mobiles. ed electrifying the road between Salt . There la too mu ah truth in those Lake and Ogden Is completed. he responded. The farmer Mr. Savina S. Southwtck waa reports," la out of debL He has paid for hla found dead Iq her bed at LehL She farm, hla fences and hla machinery. bad evidently passed away acme time He baa money in hla pockets and big during the night previous from heart crops continue to come on. He la failure, though the exact cause la not afraid to Invest In eastern securities, definitely known. She had been e lest a year might bring trouble there. In luxresident of Lehl for nearly fifty years. Aa a result, he puts hla money Instead of channels that-mlgThe trial Judge has refused to ac- uries, return. give Why. folk In the east cept the recommendation of the dont know what luxuries are; they prosecuting attorney that Nick Vacos, must go west to find out." who killed a Greek candy Warship for New Zealand. Hirer at Ogden, he allowed to plead, Honolulu. Joseph Ward. - premier guilty to murder In the second dehero Frigree, and it la probable that Vacoe of New Zealand, arrived will now stand trial. day os the steamer Makura, en route The secretary of the Interior haa to Sura, capital of the FIJI Islands, withdrawn from all where he will be met by the British temporarily and forms of selection, disposal or aettle-..men- t, cruiser" Challenge proceed land In the Green river coun- thence to Auckland. In an Interview try. Utah, approximating 101.660 Premier Ward aald that In addition to building a Dreadnaugbt of the Inseres. The land withdrawn-Ile- a along at" a the Green river mod within s quarter domitable type for the empire, cost pt 910.000,000, New- - Zealand , jnllejfthe stream. A peculiar and unknowVdlaease, would be - give- n- three 94.000,000 six torpedo boats and all that la so far aa It has been diag- cruisers, submarines. These, with the Ausnosed, has broken eat among the tralian fleet and the ships attached . borses In Morgan county. The dis- to the China station, will give Great ease la principally confined to Croy- Britain double the naval strength In don and the surrounding district the Pacific ocean' over all other having died In Croyden within powers with tbe excepUon of - the United States. a week. Albert M. Baker, on of the first Noted prelate Summoned. -- settlors goLouisville. William RightT Kev. ing there In 1855, died at hla home In George McCloakey, bishop' of LouisMendom Me was 75 years of age. ville, and the oldest living prelate In Paralysis was the cause. He had United States, died hero Friday. crossed the plains two times by ox the He was 85 years old. Death waa " team. due to ailments Incident to old age. While attempting to oil S shaft tn Bishop M cC to key had been the head the Utah Copper mill, John Rafferty of the Kentucky diocese for forty-n- e years, and was honored and loved 28 years old. had hla clothing caught patholica and Protestants alike. la a act screw and waa terribly bat- by For some time be had been In feeble tered by the whirling machinery. health; He, was ordained a priest His left arm was completely . pulled at New Tork In 1852. and became aa out of the body and hla left leg was latent pastor of the Chnrch of the smashed to pieces,' desth resulting. Nativity In that city. ost-important, a of ht -- - six-hea- viFllings"on 652 oil claims in the with made were River cinity of Green the eounty clerk st Casll-- Dale, land aggregating 104,- 320 acres. of Eight miles from Ephrslm a vein In thickness Is being feet coal three Washington. With the broad Idea U said to be enof supporting Ameriean business In- developed The coal and other tot terests tn Chinese Immigrant trans- tirely free from rock matter. portation, acting Secretary McH&rg of e'gn Bed on Ita the records of his office, the department of commerce and labor tax collector, James bullion the state, haa directed that hereafter, the inF. Haley, says that Esmeralda county, of from Chinese the spection corning a total of Orient and seeking admission through Nev.. has produced '5,000,000. Canada will be made at Vancouver, Arrangements have been completed Wash. The present land border the driving of a big tunnel from for ports of entrjrtor Chinese are to re- the county road west of Eureka to main open for the entry of Chinese level of the Centennial-urek- a the coming from the Orient, furnished at mine, y Vancouver with certificates Of IdenStockholders In the Round Moilntaln tity, arid for the examination and adof , Goldfield, Nev, mission of the smal' number of Chi Mining company notice to the effect that have received nese, not from the Orient, desiring to dividend of 4 cents per share ha enter from Canada. Mr. McHarg haa been declared on the company stock. ordered that notice be served on the teams are now engaged About forty Canadian Pacific railway of the de- in hauling ore from Alta and the Cot partments Intention to modify the tonwood district mines to Saudy, at t. agreement of Feb. 23, 1908, to this wtych point the product Is loaded Into 4ie cars and shipped to the various This agreement was entered smelters In the valley. the secretary of the treasury The officials of the United States and the Canadian Pacific with a view Smelting company are spen ling a great of efficient control Of the Immigration of Chinese through Canada, and deal of time and money these days In American transportation" lines com- experimental work with a view to perplained that under the agreement the fecting to a greater degree the probusiness of carrying Chinese destined cesses employed In their plants. to eastern points was steadily falling Recently there rave been some very into the bands of the Canadian Pacific reports received from encouraging to the serious injury of the American Death canyon In the Erickson mining lines. district. They claim to have opened MORE GRAFT IN CHICAGO. up one of .the largest and rlchestvslns of lead silver ores In this country. tn Indictments Expected Alleged Statistics (Collected by forest serPacked Jury Case. vice and the United States geological Chicago. Bench warrants were Is- survey show that the annual consumpsued Saturday by Judge Jesse A Bald- tion of round mine timbers, exceeds win of the circuit court for John J. 165,000,000 cubic feet, and that hardHolland, member and secretary of the woods constitute more than half the Cook county Jury commission; Nlchol total. a Martin, secretary to Alderman Ken-n- a The - Mammoth- - Mining - company of the First ward, and Willis J. must pay the Grand Central Mining Rayburn, real estate man. company 9151,030.34 damages for the took-frothe- Grand Centrals The eharge against the thcee Is that ore-lt they conspired to draw names of properties, the state supreme court grand jurors in a manner other than says, in an opinion handed down September 13. that required by law. Coming at the height of the trial of Harry S. Josephs, who with Jess Inspector McCann for hlleged grafting, Cannon, Aa looking after the mineral the news of the action based on al- exhibltend of the annual State Fair, leged tampering with the Jury lists re port fs that this feature of the expo caused great excitement in legal and eltion this year will be made a most political circles. The complains on and instructive one, says Interesting which the warrants were lBsued were drawn "up by a special agent of the the Salt Lake Tribune. mill of The Montgomery-Shosbon- e state attorney's office, who haa been another Is to receive , meth-1Nev., g the Rhyolite, Investigating oils for weeks. lift In the tonnage line In the near A gyratory crusher Is to be InDetective 8hot by Bad Man. stalled above the present crushers, Dee Moines. In a' running battle that will materially raise the capacity with John Schmelzer Sunday nlghL of this department and thereby that ot Detective Frank Delmer was shot the entire mllL , and killed. Schmzer waa shot twice, The first gold brick to be .jrmde at recover. According a Bullfrog district" custom - mill waa but probably-wil- l to the police, Schmelzer ' had been sent .from Rhyolite the "first of the terrorizing the neighborhood near hla week to the United States intnL says home. He eluded the detectives for the Tonopah Bonanza. The brick repof the several hours. When finally cornered, resented the first clean-u- p Schmelzer fired fit, Delmer. The de- plates at the Crystal Bullfrog mill t tective fell dead' with a charge of Mill Junction. Foot buckshot! in his breast. Detective Operations on the Rabbit Robs then shot- - Schmelzer. mine,- - 40- mtles West-- of Salmon, Idaho, are being rapidly pushed forward. A Nurse Die in Flames. large force of men is employed, a Redding, Cal. Mrs. J. E. Harding, hoisting plant with pumps is being Ino' nurse, was burned to death and stalled and the mill and ground equipMiss Constance Ralnsberry, the mat- ment are everywhere being enlarged ron, was seriously tnjured In a fire and Improved. that destroyed the St Caroline "That the pay roll of the mines ot at 1 Oclock . Sunday morn-In- Goldfield Ja steadily increasing la .tot- Seven patients were rescued by clblv demonstrated by the fact that the matron and her asslstanL Miss the Goldfield Consolidated Mines com- Bertha Although Mrs. pany Is disbursing over 972,000 to its Lampkln. Harding was one of the first awak- employes for the month of August, ened that she might assist In the as compared with 968,000 for the rork ot rescue, she never emerged month . of July. room. from her After three months of labor on th- Killed Aged Woman-) part of a --large force of -- Steel work- over the ers, who have been engaged In tearing Fresno, Cal. Worrying doWn the old Highland Boy smelter, loss of her home, which was destroyed by fire recently, Mrs. Anna Huber, 86 very little now remains of that plant. years of age, deliberately walked in Large shipment of the steel work Southern taken from the structure have been frort of a swiftly-movinFacific train at Craycroft crossing and shipped to Tooele a was killed. Work on the mines In the Bellevue. district has continued unabated ' Idaho, Flood Situation lo Serious. ' throughout the summer, several op Washington. The flood sufferers era ting on a more extensive seal from the two northern states In Mei' than previously. The Minnie Moors ico are still appealing for help. Unitmine, alone has expended upwards ed States Consul Hanna at Monterey, of 9500,009 on the- - property . and In In a telegram to the state department, equipping the mill. describes the destitute condition of The last few years have witnessed the people and the great necessity for a revolution In the copper mining Immediate assistance, and closes by business in the United States. The . I hope and pray and beg low grade manganlte porphyry depossaying: that our people act, and act promptly. it of Bingham, Utah, and Ely, Neva- - He states that no perishable goods da, which ten years ago were die-- ' of any kind should be sent. but shelled dalned as worthless, today feed the concentrators and corn, rice, beans, plain clothing, shoes, most gigantic smelters in the, world. lightweight bedding, etc. 1b There considerable is activity American Surgeons Best,--Nethe mining camps oi Owyhee county. "York. Dr. Louis Livingstone Idaho, notably at Boulder and FllnL Seaman, one of cthe American dele- Operations are also continued at South gates to the recent International Mountain, although on a limited scale, Medical congress at Buda Pest, ar- and production continues, right along- rived Saturday on the steamer Camat De Lamar. Some very Important r and from strikes have been made In the Boulder spoke very Liverpool pania encouragingly, ot the showing made district Tbe directors of the United States there by America and the success The Americans Smelting, Refining A. Mining comof the congress. are far ahead pt other natlona In pany have declared a quarterly divimany branches of surgery and medi- dend of 1 percent (50 cents, par 100) cine," said Dr. Seaman, aa shown by a share on the common stock. Three the testimony and Jhe exhibits at the months and a year ago 1 per cent a ' hongresa. share' was declared. Automobile Relay Wrecked. Each delegate to the American Minu pon TteadlngrPa.-'nie'traaaconthienting congrese- - at GoM fleld.-wautomobile relay run from Phlladel registration, be presented with a handphla to Seattle, Wash., under the some badge showing In relief the face auspices of he Philadelphia Press, of Jim Marshall, the discoverer of gold f came to a, sudden and sad end lata In California, and a cut "of the Goldone of the most Saturday, when the first relay .car field Consolidated-mil- l, was wrecked at Robesonla, twelve complete of Its kind in the world. miles west of here, causing the death Fine reports are coming In from ofvoue of the occupants ot the ma- George's canyon, north of Goldfield. chine and the serious Injury of sev- The entire field seems to be a hi g milleral of the other passengers.. The ing proposition, and It Is hinted, that lead man Is Henry L. Bucyley. a re- wealthy operators are beginning to porter for the Press. William Brown turn their attention thither with t.ie rvs so tp'nred that he m die object of Installing a custom mill. s - 55C-ro- n year-totali- MINES AND MINING UNES Arrangements for Admitting Chlness Immigrants Will Be Changed Our Railways to Be Gainer. UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS Over PROTECTSAHERICAN RIDERS THEtjof Leadrille, Colo A daring attempt tofob the second section of the Dee ver A Rto Grande No. 5 passenger train waa made about 1 oclock Ik night four miles west of Ma&ij email station near Lead v Ule. The car was dynamited, bust, according to the trainmen, no booty waa l I f cured. ,- , It la believed that'the flve men, who were engaged in the holdup, crawled on the two engines of No, I ot Malta. The train had proceeded but. a short" distance when the twt men crawled over the tender of eaci engine and compelled the englseen and firemen to march to the express car. Engineer Smith of the first engine waa told to hammer on the door and order the express messenger ta open It The latter, however, refudN to open the door and a charge of dynamite waa placed under -- It and the i door blown open. , Three of the robbers . rushed la covering the express messenger .with He was ordered N their revolvers. open the safe, but without result e cept to completely wreck the Interior of the car. After firing a parting volley of the robbers disappeared In the i un-da- s Recommend to Next Congress Legislation on the Injunction-Fav- ors Change in Civil and Criminal Court Procedure. Will - Chicago Astrong - defens- e- of labor's right to organise In a lawful manner wan the feature of an address by President Taft In Orchestra hall Thursday nlghL The president also said be would recommend to the next congress legislation on tile Injunction, aa promised by the Republican platform. He Insisted, that the rights of laborer be fully protectthe ed, saying nobody should be allowed to force him Into unions. President Taft devoted the second section of hla address to the courts. He declared no question before the American people la more Important than (he Improvement of administration of justice. He said he would recommend to congress the appointment of a commission to take up the question of the delay In the federal courts and hoped the report of this comxnls-woul- d serve aa a guide to the Y1 4 effecting remedial legislation. "" fypwtnrB The president asserted that the adOne of the trainmen In the man-timhad reached Malta and Sferlff ministration of criminal law Is a disCampbell with a posse at once suited grace to American civilisation, as the tor the scene. poor man has not an 'equal opportunIt la rumored that the safe con- ity with the rich litigant. He aald tained a very large sum of monej hut he would discuss the tariff later upon 9 ' hts Journey. this cannot be confirmed. Mr." Tafts address was the principal SETS BALL ROLLING. ; event of hla visit to Chicago. Before speaking, he rode through the South Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy Park system and reviewed 150,000 Now Be Raaumed. school children assembled to do him took luncheon with the Comopinion honor, Washington Expressions of club and attended a ball game mercial among those familiar with the (filiation. Indicates that the president baa tn which the New York Nationals Chicago. merely set the ballrelllng t matter. TO FIGHT PROHIBITION, The Glavla charges will be made public, either through a congressional In- Taxpayers ef Idaho Will Organize vestigation or otherwise. Frietub of League In Every County. Gifford Plnchot, chief forester, say that Boise. Ida. As aa outgrowth of the he forced the restoration of withdrawleague in this city, backed taxpayers als of waterpower-sltc lands In tha by leading business men, and whose domain, which had previously ben activities were" responsible for the t withdrawn by Roosevelt, of prohibition at the recent local and the withdrawal waa suspended by option election here, the entire state Mr. Ballinger. President Taft wa crit- is to be organized on similar lines icised tor saying nothing about tha de- and the principal purpose of the movecision of Frank Pierce, assistant Mer- ment will be to defeat the plan to secury of the department of the Interior cure eneotment of a state-widprowhich. It A said by the Plnchot parti- hibition law. The plan haa been pracsans, would have permitted th? tically agreed upon for several days, large coal areas in Alaska, and rumors concerning it have been This decision waa overruled by the atto- afloat, but It was only on Thursday rney-general. also resulting that positive Information waa availchange of policy tn the interior depart able. It la the purpose to organize' a pient, league in every county In the state to hold a state convention. The and IDAHO-A- T THE FAIR. organization will not enter the politifield excepting when it may be Residents ef the Gam State Capture cal necessary to fight the prohibition . - . Seattle Exposition. forces. - The members will act as Seattle Gov. James jf." Brady of unit In tbat connection; No saloon Idaho, members of hla staff, the Cald- man will be Identified with the movewell band and three trainloads of Idaho ment, the plan being to make it a business and taxpayers body, exclu people came to Seattle cn Thursday give of those engaged in the liquor to celebrate Idaho day at the traffic. exposition. This la the 1 Child Trying to 8av Father, third visit ef Gov. Brady, who believes daughLos Angeles The 12 year-olthat his state has profited greatly by the exposition. ter of Harper E. Bennett, the "real - The principal exercises were held In estate man on trial for the murder of the afternoon hi the Idaho building. his wife, gave sensational testimony After an overture by the C&ldvel! In defense of her father when she litNadeau band, Director-Genera- l aj. took the stand on Thursday. The corned the Idaho visitors in behalf of tle girl testified In effect that her the exposition. Gov. Brady respond mother had put the poison In the beer with the address of the day. Judge which both Bennett and hla wire drank, resulting. It wa alleged. In the Forney presided. death and Bennett's serious Following hls program Gov." Brady lattera 111 ness. The child said that she had and staff held an informal reception frequently heard her mother threaten at the Idaho building to kill herself. Utahn Principal in Romance Cate. Kitled tn Auto Accident Norfolk,"Va. Traveling alTThe Fnu7nebleYuTlaiSyraTMorrir from Utah to Norfolk to meet a girl widow of the late Nelson Morris of of hi choice, Nathan Anderson Pate, died kero Thursday from Ina young druggist of Salt Lake city, Chicago, in an automobile accl received arrived here Thursday morning and juriesnear hero September 10. Accomdent waa married to Miss Elizabeth Frasc-- a panied by her sister, Mrs. Wolf of ChiBoyd of Brooklyn. N. Y., who eloped to and a private secrotary, Mrs. this city to meet her fiancee, the cago, Morris was making an automobile trip ceremony wa performed after Ly from Pari to Geneva. Three miles secured a license at the, clerks tm, out of Fpntalnebteau the car met and they left the same afternoon fir loaded with brick. The wagon keivy Salt Lake City, where they will re waa forced into the ditch, and car e Tate la a native of North Car Mrs. Morris was thrown against-thbut ha Hed In the west tor y front seat and sustained fas' Innrle. non-unio- n . , uh' , efeated llnger-PIncho- e pub-11- de-fea- e cooioll-datkm-'- c d . f ex-ten- 1 -- m - jury-drawin- fu-tu- -- re -- -- g il Hl. |