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Show MFOMWELL NEVADA MININO MAN BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN MURDERED FOR SMALL SUM. I Father, Mother and Son Arreated on I Butplclon of Having Committrd One of the Moat B'util Cnmee in H.atory of Writ. I I'll- In. S. whI.i - I l. iT.in.l lurv hK 1 11 In . 11 x:iiin ih" ti:i ilium d. lltll i.t t -h.il lea 'I mid ,1 l'l' In mill Imt mull uh.i-i' lnh rmitid in n ' well near the I,.. 1 f .l ili'ii W. lr. Sr , in llil.tiil l. on mil- f"m I.e.". nil .lull" 7 I.HI I .I'lllil. Welt. Sr. hi lf" Mm Kile : Wen. and aim. .lullua Weir. Ir. wire itihnid ler 11 r r. -.t uiui Hi" nfl'l r..in Hint Hhv had mufti red Tmld and Hi. n i. k,Ii. .1 llir l,...v In Mm Well In rnver lli til" rrlliie Al Hi" in lli.ilhiirr ln-urliiK Jullii" Weir. Hr.. ai il hla wile wer irhin m d. lull llir mm iih hi Id lo Hie xnind Jury, evl-dern-e havlnx lieen Imnnl'ieed in hIiiiw thai the latter nnd Tudd hud hml Inni blr II wna aln pntved at thn pm llmlnnrv that Tmld hud ll.'.O when Inat aren allvn, bin when lakim from the well only a few di'llara In rhonte were found nn hla rlnthlnx. TiHld'a body waa rihiimrd on Friday, Fri-day, and It waa found that tho akull waa fmriured on tha left aide, I ml I rnilnx I hill he had been atruea with annin blunt Instrument. Ilin Wnlra hava tnld arverul tuifllrllnx alnrlea ami 1 In omrera lielteva ttiey am In pnaaraaton nf avldetien atimrlnnt tn faatnn thn rrltne iim thnm. Thn Wi lra llvad at an 0111-nf the way plara off from ttm main traveled made. |