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Show Wae Laid on the Shelf. AlKernon TaHMln Iiiih a mry In the current Hmuri Het that atnmim him ai A niiiH'er huud nt the deplrtlon of lender len-der Benilnieiit and ri tnakalilii ilrnw-Inn. ilrnw-Inn. "Tho llistorallon of Mla Willy MiirNenl" la the atory of a onrn pop-ulur pop-ulur ncinmi. laid on Iho ahulf foi many yeura, who auildenly flnila her oiportunlty nnd itoea hack lo hnr Ihaotin. "Hltneon t'ralK'a laiat Words" la a powerfully portrnyed account of I tragedy that reattlteil fnun a wild "Joy ride. Therw la u remarkable at ml r of A wonian'a aoul torn by fear nd reniome. henlilea a numbor ol other pxcelletit atorlea. |