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Show 8TRENGTH NEW FOREWOMENS ?FRAK IN BEAN ANTHRACNOSE, -B- OTH COMMON AND SEVERE FOREST SEQUOIA BACKS. Tree Trunk That Haa Stood for teen Years Severed From How to Make a Bad Back Better, FALL PAINTING. The majority Six- Uiue is the the fall of tin For a number of years, nVrts liavaiot the bean oNuns largeH peihars. b come to the bot.itiual section of the ivlettmu of seed in fruit, to which lowa cpci in , nt btntion of tlie iliju Ui ILUeted fust called attention riotism w W t an anthrai nose, a dis The disease spit ads rapidly from ease wl.'th is both sommon and se pol'd o pod (as for example in the mar-verin the stue On mi: i" tuetit s set plai t 1. as has been shown l bean it is espuial'y s. , seat i d ino u'ations in the lnbmatory, The niaht s its a earuni ivltn, under the most favoiabb condt in sn ill letidisii brown s; i s wloih iins a slot may be established upon rapidly int n asi iir s - - si o 'om'iru oi o hi i wise healthy plant or pod In t 'I (,. reii large and im auai s,u s The inlet t, on is fio'n with bouts ie rJiLLOj n s d at k, MUdLL. ow !iXamj may "be by liuans of wind e re-o- f di'-ea'- u.-Yb- AFTER owners time. l!ut ofTers several ad- - i it in California there is a tree vantages to the painter. One of the ' that constant feeltEF v hi. h has stood for The last Hi i11"1 important Is that surfaces are almost sure to be dry, and there is no of dullness and ftW entire!)' severed from its ba--or inner moisture to work out ness, will find h0P.Wl, ihv- WettM Magaane Tht in the advice of Mrs kttiinp is 15 Teel in diameter, and tin alter the paint ts applied 21 Pure white lead the Dutch Boy tr h towers 75 feet in the air The Mary llinson of Strother St., Mt ft i hable freak is located near tlu Painter kind mixed with pure linSterling, Ky. "Hod Stipioia forest reserve in Tulitie umn seed oil (tinted as desired) givciia 1 vciat to a building that is an not used Doan s tv iliforuia and was sawn off be-Ibin In rnien for timlu r Through some armor against the severest attacks of Kidney Pills, I w inter v e I would not he rain, slei t, w inds auil snow living today, says m .tic ulatiou. when the cut was fin 'M eyesight was poor, Mrs Hinson Ntinul Lead Company, 1902 Trm .1 the tree still held Us ponton suffered with nervous, splitting hted ddg . New kork cit). makers of Jv liainlle w hs resorlt d Ui in hr mg j aches, spots would dance before my the ground, which siccoum-- , for Purt white lead. Dutch Boy Painter ees and at times I would be sodiizj' ltc-the trademark, are offering to those In deep gush on one side would have to grasp something for of the explosive bad been terested a complete painter's outfit, bulge My back vas so weak snd supjiort led the tree still remained stand leinsisting of a blow pipe- and lead of scheme book color s, ttc. tester, painful I could haidly bend over to butand it was discovered that the ton my shots and could not get aroind eii'ire trunk had been shuttered bv State whether you want exterior or without suffering severely. Doans Kid' tin disc barge and was therefore use-- Interior decorating ney Pills helped me from the first, and T for lumber eiuigly, the A New One About Napoleon. continued until practically well wi k whs slopped and t In giant has A new" story about Napoleon Is Its Bate. ho suffer with backacb. hearing doun pains, dizzy spells only-paint- Wonirg Injurious Disease of Plunts in Iowa, on Some Varieties oi Which It 'Is More Destructive Than Others. of property are under the impression that spring ing )car -- SUFFERING j e ! TEN YEARS hyn,r Cured by Lydia E. Pink hamsVegelabieCompound M klton, N J- - I feel that LydiaE. ITiikhains Vegetable Compound has """"I riven me new life. 1 suffered for ten years with serious female troubles, in- 1 ) r 1 i t c ation, indigestion, nervousness, ana could not sleep. Doctors gave me up, as they said my h 1 again. Remember the name Doan's. Sold bv all dealers 50 cents a box. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. HOW HE DID THE aim el uptight withstanding some the severest wind storms that the sire lias known to Id in, iis natural po ltlem by Its great weight ri ol CHORES i COVERED WITH HIVES. V , Wound Up the Music Box and PutHu Child a Mass of Dreadful Sore, Itch Corkscrew in the BaromIng, Irritating Humor for 2 Months 1 eter. Little Sufferer in Terrible Plight. " 't wait for me," explain'! "You the head of the house; FTiflve a.dio-ntengagement, an important busk ness affair, and no doubt 1 shall tf kept quite late At breakfast next morning an silence bad fallen upon all. Ths head of the house had no appetito and was evidently far from feeling well. After a painful silence the bus band, without meeting bla wifes ty essayed to start conversation. It's funny about that clock," b It's stopped, and Im Biff J said wound it last night "You are mistaken, aald bis fif Telly; you wound up Willie's nusfc box Instead and It played Horn The dock . Sweet, llomej tlll.dayllght in the hall has also stopped, but ! finf that you screwed your corkscrew Into the barometer nec-dn- , Bean Affected By der. Throughout the spot occur small irregular raised portions in which may be found the reproductive bodies The fungus also occurs on the leaves and stem It is frequently so severe on the stems that they are more or less riddled with holes It not infrequently occurs on the oung seedlings in the form of brown, discolored, sunk en spots The bpots or cankers may be go, severe. that many seedlings re ji killed. The colored or nearly colorless branching separate mycelium penetrates the tissues of the pod and bean Anthracnose. dripping winter hearing the spores, or through the agency of insects which visit the bean (lowers for their honey and incidentally convey the germs with the pollen they are distributing among the floweis. Prof Whetzel calls attention to the mode of Infection in bean plants. The disease makes its first appearance on the bean seedlings, as they come It n i a y th e n b e d ete c t e d as upr brown discolored sunken spots ot cankers on the seed leaves or the stem. The early appearance, of the disease is due to the fact that the CHAUTAUQUA Cured by Cuticura. My six year old daughter bad thtt dreadful disease called hives for two montha.She became affected by playing with children who had it. TSy scratching sho caused large sores which were Irritating Her body was a complete sore but it was worse on her arms and back. We employed a physician who left medicine but It did not help her and I tried several remedies but without avail. Seeing the Cuticura I Remedies advertised, thought I would try them. I gave her a hot bath daily wrlth Cuticura Soap and anointed her body with Cuticura Ointment The first treatment relieved the jtchlng and ln a short time the disease disappeared. Mrs. George L. Fridhoff, Warren, Mich., June SO and July 13, 1908." Potter Drag WISDOM. troubles were chronic. I was In doubtful, .the piolmtullty is that it is simply so old that it has despair, and did not care whetberl lived been forgotten However, here is one that Arthur M Chuepiet "prints in or died, when I read about LydiasoE.I rinkharas Vegetable Compound; 1, Opinion as never liefoie published began to take it, and am will again and It relate sto Napoleon and Blucher Mrs. relieved of all my suffering. The emperor" received The "general ' Georok Jordy, Box 40, Marlton, XJ. at the castle of Finkeustein, while he Lydia E. Pinkhams V egetable Com- -. was preparing for the siege of Danzig pound, made from native roots and He drew him to a window in an up pc r herbs, contains no narcotics or hgrm-- I drugs, and today holds the record story-n- d pit men t sou ful paid h tm-cthe largest number of actual cure for his military gifts, and Blucher, going of female diseases we know of, and away deliguted, described the inter- thousandsof voluntary testimonlalsara view to his aide "What'g on file in the llnkham laboratory at chance you missed!" exclaimed the Lynn, Hass., from women who nave been cured from almost every form latter. ul-- ce You might have changed the whole female complaints, Inflammation, fibroid tumors, ration, displacements, course of history. irregularities, periodicpalns, backache, Howr indigestion and nervous prostration. "Why, you might have thrown him Every suffering woman owes it to herout of the window." self to give Lyuia E. link hams Vege"Confound it" replied Blucher. "So table Compound a trial ' If you would like special ad vice I might! If only 1 had thought of 1" about your case write a confidenNew York Evening Post. tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, From Overhead. Lynn, Mane. Her advice Is Creep A canary hung directly over the big fluid always helpful. square table in the Hungarian restaurant ' Once,- - said' a xtuniia lia aa dim ing there, the bottom dropped out of .the cage, the bird flew at the orchestra yonder, and we had bird seed Four hundred thousand peopl In our soup. It was awful. .That reminds me," said the cross- take a CASCARET every night and rist up in themorningandcal eyed man, of one time when we were having a little game of poker on the them blessed. If you don't belong to B. & O. You know how those trains this crowd of CASCARET foil. Well, Just about the middle of takersgreat are missing the greatest you the game down came all the grips and asset of life. n your dress suit cases straight Into the 7 the box a broke for Money and CAACAWJT9 weeks lac game. up kitty I treatment. .Udruxipalx Biggnt teller We got so mixed flew everywhere. month. ts tbe.workt. Milboa boxes we couldnt tell which had won Or thti1 whoever was that where money This Trade-mar- k bad won It won. Talk about bird seed! Eliminates All necessarily ! om Disease r s ulcer- flammation, a Cbem. Corp, Solo Prope, BoOoX JUST A3 BAD. de-tam- at Big -- Uncertainty ' A ... yA "Vk ( U.. A as- t, AM'-i- V . Musk Melon Affected by Anthracnose. Masses of threads collect at points, which causes a collapse of the cells of the host plant and a breaking of the epidermis.- - From- the -- mass - crf layer is promycelium a duced. The layer contains brown known as setae, which do not produce spores, and ordinary . erect threads of basidia which bear the spores or conidia. The small postules contain a large number of 6pores which are held together by a mucilageous substance. The common expression Is that they "ooze out forming pink masses. Water causes the mucilage to dissolve and the Infection spores become separated. - spore-bearin- g one-celle- d SUBSTITUTE GATE fungus is usually carried over winter in the seed 'and so is already In the His Size Was Known, bean when It Is planted. I want some collars and neckties -Gain found that the disease spread for my- husband! " she snapped.--from infected seed, or from presence Yes, madam. of spores placed on a seed or in the The clerk offered her the ktest soil. thing. Dr. Halsted, in a series of Inocula"What size are these? aske4 the J tion experiments, transferred the fun- lady. gus to watermelon, and Dr. Farlow Why, twelve and a half, madtii!" How on earth did you guess tlat?" reports it on watermelon and nutmeg melon. It is found in England, ac"Ah," replied the clerk," siding, cording to Carrothers. gentlemen who let their wives lelect Mr. H. F. Whetzel, after long ob- their collars and ties always taktthat servation, finds that selection of clean size! seed is the best means toward control The Difference. ' of the rust. "Marriage is a good thing for tingle ald the bridegroom-elect- . men, "Hum, yes, remarked Mr. Hcsfeek, TRAINED FARM BOYS for single men only. . i HLDEMAND VERY HANDY Arranreniciit Herewith Illustrate, Increasing Needs Are Far Greater Than the Supply of Yotuif ted That Is Always Closed to Men With Experience. Animals, Bat Open to Man- There are places where a common everyday gate Is an utter nuisance and where a turnstile or some Qther gate substitute or contrivance Is parand welcome. ticularly convenient With the arrangement herewith illustrated the gateway Is alw ays closed to A Substitute " Gate! animals, but men may pass through It without difficulty. The accompanyof ing drawing will give a clear idea to the plan. The sketch Is made very Small gate, but to represent answer all purposes the wing panels and gate perhaps should be a .half - led In length. A Happy Hen. A happy ben will make master. ' a One of the Chautauqua talkers says: Husbands, let your wives have an extra dollarenow and then." He might have rendered a greater service to mankind by saying: Wives, let your husbands have an extra dime occasionally without asking them to explain why they want the money. . . The demand for young men who have been reared upon a farm and trained in the science of agriculture is greater at the present time than pver before. The Increasing needs for are far tachers and Investigators greater than the supply of young men with the proper experience and training. The type of young man in greatest demand at the present time is the college graduate of an agricultural who has been raised on the farm and haa had practical farm experience with a high school education before entering the agricultural college. Such a young man Is able to succeed in teaching various lines of agriculture and work may take up Investigational with reasonable surety of securing valuable results. , The demand is for highly trained mefi who can do things with the assure afice or good results.- - The demand for mancapable farm superintendents, agers, stockmen and dairymen Is greater than the supply. The average place, young man can usually get but the best positions are awaiting those with widest experience and most thorough training. Thrifty Chicks. What Is prettier than a bunch ot thrifty chicks, all of one color and happy breed, and as much alike as so many ' i peasT I THE DOCTORS WIFE Agrees with Him About Fooi A trained nurse says: practice of my profession f In the I, bate found so many points In favff of Grape-Nut- s food that I amhesitatingly recommend It to all my patients It is delicate and pleasing to the palate (an essential in food fof the sick), and can be adapted to alltgto, being softened wth milk or cream for babies or the aged when deficteney of teeth renders mastication bPPi-siblFor fever patients or lbte on n and liquid diet I find Grape-Nut- s water very nourishing . and ' "This recipe Is my oWn idea d$fa made as follows: Soak a teaspoonfai of Grape-Nut- s in a glass of water for an hour, strain and serve with tho beaten white of an egg and a spoonfd of fruit Juice for flavouring. Tkis affords a great deal of nourishment that even the weakest stomach can llate without any distress. f My husband is a physician and hs uses Grape-Nut- s himself and orders fa many times for big patients. f ....Personally l regard a dish of Crap. Nuts with fresh or stewed fruit ts the ideal breakfast for anyone wi& tr sick." . In any case of stomach troublaceiy. ous prostration or brain fag, a ll fay trial of Grape-Nut- s will work wanders toward nourishing and rebuilding ad in this way ending the trouble. Theres a Reason," and trial pmvn. Look In pkgs. for the fanlou litfle book, "The Road to Wellvllle." Ever read the above letter f A t appear fra at tlae ta time. 1'Vy are aeaalae, tract n4 (all e( Mata taterprte alba-me- 1 - When Sitting Bull Was. Doane Robinson. head of the department of history of the state of South Dakota, says of 8itting Bull and the The Indians tell Custer massacre: me that Sitting Bull was a' medicine chief; that be was the greatest Influence among the Sioux at that time by reason of bis constant agitation against -- the whUeSr-- and- - that hs dld. Dobson Can your daughter play the not personally engage In the fight piano? Custer, but that be was back Sububs (wearily) I dont know on an elevation between tbe Little whether she can or not, but she does. Big Horn and the Big Horn making medlclne.L-Tndla- n School Journal. Fooled Them'Ttilrteen Years. Frank Nelson, former state superinDodging Work.. tendent of public Instruction of KanIta too hot to - do housework, r sas," arid "Cap. Gibson, the veteran sighed lb Wife; - - "I know It Is. record clerk In Auditor Nations ofLets go and spend a few days with fice, are great friends. Nelson Is now tbe Browns at their summer cottage. president of a .Minnesota college. Wben Nelson was still Jn the state Theyll be tickled to death to .have house be and Gibson bad a talk one us. I was day abput teaching school. once -- a school teacher, volunteered Important to Mother. Examine carefully every bottle of Gibson. A a safe and sure remedy for Is that so? asked Nelson. How CASTOR1 Infante and children, and nee that It long? Bears tbe Yes, I fooled em 13 years, reof Signature plied Cap. . How is that? asked Nelson. In Use For Over 30 Vearm. "I quit when said Cap VOh. Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Bought Kansas City teachers had to qualify. Opportunism. Journal. nicker 1 have Ideas for a new political party, a new religion and a new $100 Reward, $100. The ivpdcn of thp pop win bo pfeunl to kan diet that then M at Mat one dreaded dlaean that arteoeo Bocker Better wait till the ball able to cure U all Ita atacn, and that haa Catarrh. Halit Catarrh Cure W the only ptaitlea season Is over. -- -- bt cure how catarrh known to the medical fraternity, betnx a coneuiuuonaj dwraaa. require a eonattto-tlonIntreatroe.it. Halit Catarrh CXin la takes ternally. artlnx directly upon tlie bkwd and moeouo tho of the ayefem. thereby airfare tnundatlon of the dtnram. and atvlna the pe'tmt atrenath by bulklln up the conatltutloh and aaata-h- w nature In dulna Ita work. Tlie proprietor, here an touch faith In Ita curative powera that they otter One Hundred India ra fur any tmm that X talk to ure send for let of teatlmonlala Addraw F CO, Toledo, a Sold by all irnunrleta, 7V. Take Hall a Family Plila for oonetlpaUoa. May Limit Hat Pina. owing to the increasing hat pins andThe list of accidents, such as eyes put out, ears, noses and cheeks torn, the police officials propose to place some on wearing hat pins in omnibuses, railway cars, theaters and other public places. In Paris, length of womens The Old Mans Joke. Mary, called her father, "has that young man gone yet? But No, pa, replied the maid. going right now.. hes ' Then ask him to empty the pall underneath the Ice box before i he goes, will you? I forgot It. 'A little bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil is a medicine chest in itself. It can be painful applied in a larger number ofknown. ailments than any other remedy The man wbo haa the greatest command of language Is the one wbo knows when to keep quiet. WEATHFR FNFWTK8 OF ATX HOT Treatment be pmaipt. Twi iRthort whi b oTerromet nil bowel Pinkl lien Perry rboUr UoeWes,llfc4isrKbecbelermmorboMkddyeentei7. Brazil grows more coffee than any other country in the world. ,Jn the purchase of 1 paint mxtrrul. ft is aa xhsolute guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own protection, see ot that it is on the side every keg ot whits lead you buy. UU MtniT 1M1 Irtattr twtttas. lac T YOULL feel -- better for work, play or rest if you Quaker Oats at least once eat day. ASSAYS BEUABI.1C FKOMFT Oold IV . ndd aa Silver. Si JSi OmX . Sllvev snd Cow r, fid Oold and Silver teSnalt free fur hX Write and boo. aiatllnajari OGDEN ASSAY lO.. UMlrttT. The board of agriculture. Industry snd commerce has been granted leave Wentrwl tor "WFimABTP." Tt to establish a factory to manufacture ArenU unvote. Alao FA HM fRMhT AMiBY-ltiteta- X authentic weights and measures for SUjolaia 1. TlioMXe XA1S UJ, Coa Xoil. uniform use throughout tbe empire of W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. China. Cel. 39-19- Each of tho chief ore gans of the body is llmk in the Chain of Life. A chain ia so than ita weakest link, the body no stronger then torn "weakest organ. If thera is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there is weak link ia the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this se eallcJ weakness " ia caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or disease' of the stomach and other organs ot digestion end nutrition. Diseases and! weaknesses of the stomach end its allied organs are eared by the nse ed Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or di seated stomach in cored, diseases of other organs which irm remote from the stomach bet whicW have their origin ia a diseased eoodition of the stomach and ether organs of digestion end nutrition, are pared also. stronger n (Msg mam haa a atroaf atomacM. Tata (he chare reaammaadad Dlucow art sad rev mar here a atraag atom met mad a atraag tody . The , , GrvsM A way. Dr. Pierce's Commoc Senas Medioal Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent fr$ on receipt of stamp to pep expense of mailing eay. Send 21 one-oe- nt stamp for the hook in paper covers, or 31 stamps for tbe vok me. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. cloth-boun- d DISTEMPER iww Pink Eye, Epizootics Shipping Fever & Catarrhal Fewer I tt Hsr WMfcopwfny dpototttw fttood L4Utd flVflfa prT Of tfafl VWffUfli tw Yp hd lbp and ( bofavi iwniu frntn tl feosty. Guru pirtwajC naek llvt rlpr MMon kgiMh brfv unnutfltlllBf itry. rrwdy. IDe id II a bottto l&hftd M dout. ?utf out. and u fln Kory rmdy.who villftotltfer jmm, fm Boufclto. istriau It. how tojonrdrnirvifft. wmatvda adCum." - m-- yj . mm, ind |