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Show SETS BALL ROLLINQ. Belllnper Plnchot Controversy May Now Be Rssumed. WaablngtnnKxpreanlona of otlnloD nmiing Ihoee f.inilliar with the itus-Hon. itus-Hon. Indlcnlea that Ibe prealdent haa merely set the bull rolling In thetlal-llnxer thetlal-llnxer I'lnchot mutter. The tiiuvls chin ni-a will be male public, pub-lic, either thii'iiKb a r.iiixri"eilontl In vent U-at Ion or niberwlae. Frlenai of lllfurd I'litchol, chief forrater. aurthat he forced thr reatorillloll nf wllbtrsw-ala wllbtrsw-ala of waterpowrr alto lumln In the public pub-lic domain, which hud previously fc.,p, withdrawn by ex l,renlilent Kimaen ll, and the withdrawal was aunpende by Mr. Ilullliiger. I'renlilent Tuft wsstrtt-Iclsed wsstrtt-Iclsed for any lug uolblng about (be iln el-Ion nf Frank I'leriv, uanlalant lerra-mry lerra-mry or the ilepurtmenl of the Interior which, It A auld by the IMnchul peril-nana, peril-nana, would have p. rinliii d the cun,-ila'len cun,-ila'len of huge nail arena In Aluka, Thla dii lnloii waa overrule. I hy the ut-torney ut-torney general, iilan reaulllng In a eh unit" of policy In Hie Interior deptrt-pient. |