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Show MINES AND A.INING Flllnes on '.? oil claims In Ihe rlnity nf f In -n Itlver wer made with the county clerk at CnH- Dale. September Sep-tember in. the land a.T n; Hint 1M,-r.:n 1M,-r.:n ncres. Eight miles from l- phrulm a vein of n.al ibn-e fe. 1 In Htlikru-s Is beln devei qud 'Ihe l I In "lid to be entire1! en-tire1! free fiom rmk and oilier for-e'irn for-e'irn t'iatii r. 11,-ineil on the records of his nfTlrS), thn state bullion lax collector. Jumna F Haley nays Unit Ksmeialdil county, N-v . has pniiluced 11 mini of IT.-.. .: Arrangements have la-en cumple'ed for Hie ilrv'ng of n big tunnel from the mutitv road went of Kim ka to Ihe r..V finil level of the C-ili nlllftl- ..'.irev.ii mine. Htin hboldeis III the pound Mountain Mining company nf HoMllcM. Nev.. Iinve received notice In ll"' eff.st that .1 dividend of 4 rrnia per nbtire hiu been declared on Ihe rmiipuny nns k. Alsuit forty tennis are now i-ncngerl In baiilltig ore from Alia and the CiK-iniiwisul CiK-iniiwisul dlntrlct inlni-s tn San ly, at wljji-h indnt Ihe product Is londed Into aie cms und shipped tn the various smelters In Ihe valley. The nmclnls nf Ibe Vnlted Stntea Sm II Ing ciiiui any lire s n ling a great denl nf time nnd money these days In eHrlmeiilal work wlih a view In (cr. feeling to a gn-nler degree the processes pro-cesses employed In their plants. Uecently I here ruvo been some very encouraging reports received fmui Death cunvon In the Krlckson mining district. They claim lo have opened up one or ihclurgcat and richest valna if) lend allver nrea In tbla country. I Hlntlsllca collected by force! set- ) rice nnd the Pulled Hlnles geological survey show Unit the nnnuiil consumn-tlnn consumn-tlnn of miind mine llinhers exceeds, 1fi5.fin0.nun cubic feet, and Hint hardwoods hard-woods constitute more than half tha total. The Mammolh Mining rnmpnny must pay the (irnnd Central Mlnln. company llfil.ran.ru damages for the ore It lisik from the (irnnd Central'a pniperlles, Ihe state supreme court says, In nn opinion handed down Hcp-leiuber Hcp-leiuber 1.1. Harry 8. Josephs, who with Jess Cannon, la looking nfier Ihe mineral exhibit end nf Ihe annual Slate Fair, rcHirts Hint Ibis feature of thu expo-altlon expo-altlon this year will bo made a most Inleresilng nnd Instructive one. say the Suit Luke Tribune. The Montgomery Shoshone mill of llbyoliie. Nov., la tn receive another llll In the tonnage Hue Iu tho near future. fu-ture. A gyrnlnry crusher Is lo bo Installed In-stalled nliovo the pmsent cnmliers, that will mnlerlnlly raise Ihe cupaclty of this departmi-nt and thereby that of Ihe en tiro mill. The Hi nt gold brick tn be made at a Imllfrng district custom mill wots r"' sent from Ithynllie the first of thn week to Ihe ('lilted Stales mint, says the Tonopnh lloiiiinr.a. Tho brick ron-reseuli'd ron-reseuli'd Ihn first rlenii up of Ihn . plates at Ihe Crystal llullfrog mill at Mill Junction. Operations on the Knbhlt Foot mine, in miles west or Salmon. Idaho, nre being rapidly pushed forwaid. A large force or men Is employed, a hoisting plant with pumps Is being Installed In-stalled and ihe mill and ground equipment equip-ment nre everywhere being enlarged and lin proved. That Ihe pay mil of Ihe mines of flnldlleld Is steadily Increnslng Is forcibly for-cibly deiuonsirnteil by the fnct that Ibe (ioblflebl Cnnsnlldnted Mines company com-pany Is disbursing over $72,unn to Itft employes fur the ninnih uf August, as mmp'iri'd with filX.onO fnr tho month of July. After throe months nf lulKir on thet pnrt nf a Inrge force nf steel workers, work-ers, who have been engaged In tearing; ilnwn the old Highland liny smelter, very little now remulns uf Hint plant, large shlpmenta of the ateel work ration from the structure hum been shipped lo TiKiele. Work on the mines In the llellevuo, Idaho, district has continued intubated throughout thn summer, soverul operating op-erating nn a more exteuslve seals-Ihnn seals-Ihnn previously. Thu Mlnnlo Moore mine, nlonn bus expended upwarda of I'iiiii. 1 on the property and la equipping tho mill. The Inst few years have wltneased a revolution In the copper nitninif business In the I'nlted Hlnles. The low grade manganlte isirpbyry deHia Ita of lllnghum, I'lah, und Kly, Nevada, Neva-da, which len yeurs ugn were dla-dulnetl dla-dulnetl aa wurthless, today feed the most glgntiitr concent rutura and smelters In the world. There is considerable activity In the mining rnmpa 01 Owyhee county. Idnho, notably at lloiibler and Flint. Operations are also com limed at South MniinttUn. allhnugh on a limited scale, dad production continues right along ul liel.uniur. Some very Impurtant strikes hu,vo licen mailt In Ihe llouldur district. The dlreclora of Iho I'nlted Siniea Smelting. Itellnlng A Mining company com-pany have declared a quarterly dividend divi-dend of 1 per cent (SO cents, par 100) a share on the common stuck. Three months nnd a year ago 1 per cent a share was declared. Each delegate lo thn American Mining Min-ing congress at Coldlhdd, will, upon registration, be presented wlih a hnnd-some hnnd-some badge showing In relief tho fuco of ,11m Marshall, tho discoverer of gold In California, und a cut of thu Cold-field Cold-field Cnnsolldnied mill, one of the must complete of Its kind In the world. Fine reports are onmlng In from fleorge's ennyon, north nf (loldlb'lil. Iho entire lit Id scorns to be a big milting milt-ing proamnion, and It la hinted Ihul wealthy operators are beginning 10 turn ihelr attention thither with 1 .0 object of InsiglllnK a custom mill |