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Show i m. b. mm i mi 1 j i I BIG SALE ! j t At the RELIEF SOCIETY BUILDING, during the Fair, I will have a large line of i PATTERN HATS. LADIES and CHILDRENS f! j COATS-ALL STYLES-the Rainproof, London j Slipon, Utility and Dress Cnat-Childrens 1 1 Bonnets and Coats-All Styles. I MY OTHER STORE 1 Will display a full line of Skirts, Waists, Under- $ 3 wear -all winter goods-DON'T FORGET THE W DATE AND PLACESV Vf W AX. 1. SALMON $ i . .J : 5 1 I ! I ' No Change. (l think It wrong for a niarrlci, 'i to (auible." i worto than wrong. It' Idiotic, r (He give lihn fit If he loe. ,i lawtiflscalc If be wlu." Ailvctli.se vour jiooda m TUB TIMKS. I Fresh Candies The sweet tooth begins be-gins to assert itself with die araton. A box of these Candici daintily packed male very accrplaUc gift. Firtt-clatt MeeJi Quick Service Freih Bakery Supplies "Royal" Bread. E. Swainston, Jr. Beef After all there is nothing more satisfying or healthful than a juicy rib roast of high grade beef, such as we sell. We have a Knack of cutting up a roast that makes it cook well, carve well and taste well. Try one for Dinner. SUMMIT MEAT CO., Bagnell, Shaw & Ball, Propt. I r. I m Examine the Simplex Cream Separ- N $ ators to be on exhibition at $ I the SUMMIT COUNTY FAIR, g Talk I cheap. It iloenn't mean much In thene da.va of 2lt hliilt mid hlunler to nay, "We've got the beat." Thar ji h-, the nlereolvped exprennlnll of nil l.innufllctllleln the Will Id f: f ' t: 'f over; Inn wl. en the mini from Mlntoun i along and f I" .. nayn: ' Show inel" then It cane of ainvlval of tlio ji f' fliienl and the manufacturer who can't make good oou r, ' llniln hluinelf liiicked olf on ih. n. He truck. fj j-.', j V. au't he too particular w hen you buy n neparntor IV i '1 j there' loo lunch at nlako lo lake nil. chimo n. There . are too miiiiv vital polnla m cir. i!er material, wmk- ylw W maiiabip. Iliiiali. wearing ii.iliin ellleiency, nn-engrh. M l VI perfect a.ljnniluenl and acmiiaci ill the feature oin- , i), j yi. Lined with convenleiicu nlioul.l I o eiul lulled In a perfectly jli V" coiintrncted nrparalor. Hi i V.' Thl neparntor took the (lold Medal nt the 4 'tate Kair V rei tly held in ( gded, over U.e In ads ol all the leading fl . ( As nepaiai'orn which worn ntiongly repr nled on the .. " V' grotindn. jy j JK We will have thene iiiaiihliien on exhibition nt tlio jti ' ' "r SiiiiinillC v Kalr. a id would he deaned lo have till '! VI Inlerenied In dairying call nml lalk with our lepreneuta- Ji ' JI live, who w ill lake iileanore In ilMuioiiHiraliug lo nil. the yjv f W uperlor Ualltle uf the Bait Cream leparater nude. M ; 1 BLACKMAN&GR1FFIN JI OGDEN, UTAH. & I i jS'k'--'-iiiiJt-41iiiii;ii2;!t'S- I? |