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Show Wi' do mily good printing. Can we do v.uirs? I rice nrc right. On to Mm. M. K ltiinnil-n fnrj yimr in i lint. Mm. Jnn CliiTry lia- ri-tiirni'il fli'in a Hip in Maim. I i ni I fall In n-iiil lllni'kiiniii V irillln' ii.lv. In 'III. I-mi.'. K.'ii.l M. It. Salinnn ' ml. I mi llii-frmil llii-frmil patf' "f llii" lin-. Clinili K Avrrill ri'innn il Mi. inlay ' fii.ni a wi'i'k'K vi-li In li.'.li'ii. For Sale ('limp. A liiinjo ami i" Hlrlnu'K. Knipilri' nl llil nlllri'. Vi- I'llltnr t-pi'iit tin' fnri'part nf tin-wi'i'k tin-wi'i'k In llri.'liniii city nnil iiln. Mn riir Malin k (i K. rfti- vvw titlii' man' pi'ii on Wi-ilni-mlny. Mr. J. f. Iliili'll of I'nrk City vlnlli'il rilatlvi' hern during the week. Mra. M. K. KIhuhIi ii can unit you wild i I'nltern lint, at Kaatern prlee. KverylHiily In the I'ouiily will at- li'iiil llm Siiniinll County Fair here next Week. Spend your money at the Summit Furniture A Mercantile Co. Hale next week. Lo,t Parrel containing, clothe. be-tween be-tween Keho and Coalville. Ketnrn to tin ollloc. (lame CoininlH.louer Win. Arelil-liiild Arelil-liiild of Parley' Pnrk wiim In Coalville Coal-ville Wednemliiy. I MIIIh llroH. of lloyt.vllle have 1:1 heiid of well-hri'd early uprlnir entN-wnlil entN-wnlil buck for Miile. I'l-H Weniultti'd liliHilli'll in our hint iHKiie Hint a Kirl wiin tiiiru In Hie wife of F.ll Kiiblu.nii nn the Kith. Fullnw the ernwil to the County Fair Mile of the huinutlt Furniture A Merenillllf Co. 111'X' Week. Horn To the wife of J. F.. Keen, II irlrl, Saturday iiiornliiK, Kepi, i'.'i. Mother and luibe dnlnn nleely. Mm. C. I. Wheailou.w'ho Ih uowNln-lloned uowNln-lloned at I'lnliib, wiih a Conlvllle vlidlor the forepart of Hie week. Mr. Claude Smith of South Fork I the iruo.t for a few dny of tier parent Mr. and Mm. John Stone. There are many harirHtim In the ail. In till Ihmiio. Yon can save money by reading them and then aoL MIb A Kiie. I.ewL and Mr. Ward Lewi, of thin city, left the forepart of the week for Logan to attend Hchool. Deputy (liiinn Warden W. (I. JoliiiHton plnnled KO.nnii trout In Chalk Creek and (he Weber river hiHt Wednesday. Mr. and Mrx. Joweph Joiie. returned re-turned Moiidny from a verypleamiul trip of ten day with relative In Trenton, Cache county. Hemember ttie lint and Cloak Sale on at the Relief Society build-lug. build-lug. For Cah all ciiMtninur will receive re-ceive a liberal ill.count. M. It. Salmon. Sal-mon. Mr. W, I.. Hansen loft during the week for fieri limy where her IiuhIiiiiiiI i on a uiIkhIoii. She will remain. ill liermnny until her husband hus-band I released when they will return re-turn to Coalville. A pretty little girl came to tile the honienf Mr. and Mrs. .1 A. Arnold Ar-nold Wednesday miiriilni;. Hale ami mother lining nleely mid Orson is nn Hie ilupme. IT I". S. I.ll.i.li. nf Ou'.l.'ll. will I be III Hie Mnnre 1 1 llle k .III i 1 1 1 1 1, ip on Ih ill silny. .- i it.:UMb. pri'pari d lo do I veleilnaiy surgery nl alt kinds. ! Iti hii; alnii- ymir lim-e-. ' Mr. mnl Mrs W allai- Avi till and fiiiuily of Trinidad. Colo., are the UUi ms ,.t his l.i.,iii r I'Imis. Av. rlll. Mr. A vi i ill may li.eale In t lab If ean llmi un Ihing Ihnl suits him. , The Siiniinll County Fair will be held In Calville In xt We.liiesduy, Thursday and Friday. Sliow your apprci'iatlnu of Hie labors of the Fair committee by ymir atteudiince. Vlsllor. lo the Coiiuly Fair from adjoining (own will save money by making purchase at the Summit j Furniture A Mercantile Co. Fair; ale on Sept. !fli ao Oct. 1st and 2nd. , See ad 1'l.owhcre. |