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Show SKIDM0RE REPORT OF LITTLE VALUE Holds That This Is tho Wrong Season Sea-son of the Ycnr In Which to Test City Light Service. FROM the report made by O. II. Skidmpre of his investigation of the lighting service furnished by the Utah Light and Power company com-pany to the city and its Inhabitants, it would seem that the Council has chosen chos-en the wrong season of the year for taking up this question. In" his report the electrical engineer states that at this time of the year there lssa surplus of water and tho light company has no difficulty in delivering plenty of electrical elec-trical energy. Consequently the lights are better now than at other periods of the year. On a resolution introduced by Councilman Coun-cilman Martin the Council some time ngo appropriated $150 for tho purpose of an Investigation being made by the improvement committee. Mr. Skldmore was employed by the committee and tested the voltage and meters of the light company In various parts of the city. Hla report, now in the hands of the City Council, Is not of the startling start-ling nature expecled. Mr. Skldmore says that the street lighting service Is as good as Is usuailv maintained in other cities where similar .systems of lighting are employed. He says, "Tho suspended lamps of the enclosed en-closed type, though of less rated candle-power, candle-power, would give more and better distributed dis-tributed light than the scries of open arcs principally In use in Salt Lake City." The report says that the meters of the Individual consumer were found in most cases to be correct. Other cases were being attended to as fast as reported re-ported to the company. He tested the voltage of the lines in various oarts of the city and says that he only found flight variations In the curreitf. not to exceed -i.2 per cent. The strength of tht current, he says, varies from 112 to 121 volts for the 315 volt service and from 101 to 110 volts for the 101 volt service uouneiiinan Martin, as chairman of the Improvement committee, will prepare pre-pare a complete report of the irivertl-gation irivertl-gation made by the expert and the committee, and submit It to the Council with recommendations in the near future. fu-ture. On Monday night the Council appropriated ap-propriated 5150 to the credit of Mr Skldmore In payment for his work fo--the city in making the tests. |