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Show MXARTiy WIS I Lecal Man lips Otto The Finish Came After Ten Rounds of Whirlwind Ring Battle. Clricago jtfnn Was Knocked jDown Twelve .Times Before tho End - Cake Story of the -right. T . , v A pTER ten rounds of tlic fiercest and gk fastest Ugh Ling ever witnessed In a local prlzo ringf Olto Sieloff iof Chl-cago Chl-cago went down and out last night 1 cforo-tho hurricane of blows rained upon nlm by J crrj' McCarthy of this city. Only .ificr assimilating enough punishment to put half a dozen ordinary men into the (and of dreams, and taking' the count an won dozen times, did tlio Chicago lad go out. He exhibited rare grit and sameness, and time and again won the applauso of M the crowd by coming back when ho H icomcd to bo clear out.- Only at ono .stage of the mill was JIc-H JIc-H f'arthy in actual danger. In the fourth 1 round, when Sieloff seemed to bo about faded, tho local Ind gTcw reckless In his Hj endeavor to land a knockivul. Suddenly the "Fighting Dutchman" rallied and, fl with a rapid succession of vicious swlnga to the head and neck, drove the local boxer back, and for a time It seemed as though McCarthy could not lost through Jerry McCarthy. tlid round. Although very groggy, Jerry stalled-and blocked, and with tho timely asslstanco-of the gong finished without, going down, lie rallied surprisingly Well and' from the -fifth round on was the stronger of the two men. . One Dozen Knock-Downs. Twclvo different times last night ire-. Carlhyput his opponent to the canvas, with head-splitting wallops, and eleven different times Sieloff gamely gathered himself and camo back. .Twice during the course of the mill the 'timekeeper's bell aved tho Chicago lad from defeat. In tho j third round of the mill Sieloff had gone to tho mat four times and was all but out when the gong sounded and checked tlio hostilities for a minuto. Sixty seconds of rest revived the "Fighting Dutchman" wonderfully and he camo back vcrv strong, and In tho following round nearly won tho battle. In "tiro ninth round the self-same gong 1 j-oundod when Sieloff was rolling about on tho Iloor in a desperate effort to gain his Pivo times during the ninth the Undy City lighter went clown before the 1 terrific. onslaught of McCarthy, and only 1 the bell prevented Jerry from scoring tho 1 knockout in this round. Finish in the Tenth.. Z11',0 finlfh camo ,n tno tenth. At tlio tap 1 r'f the bell McCarthy tore after hia oppo- 1 nent with the evident Intention of ending matters. Sieloff camo up with a brave effort at a smile upon Iilss battered fea-lures fea-lures and danced about In an attempt to convince McCarthy tliat ho was as fresh a ever. They rushed into u clinch. Refcreo Bean stepped between them, and as they parted Jerry whipped his right over and lloorcd Sieloff with a hard swing on the back of tho neck. . The Chicago 1 lighter was up at- tho count of nine but was very unsteady, j A moment later tho local man planted another head-rocking wallop on the samo 1 spot, and Sieloff went to the mat oif his .Py shw, srrlt and giunencss the Mghtlng B-utchman" staggered to bis foot after being down for the count t 1 Scarcely knowing: where he was. Sieloff balanced himself and squared off to his 1 opponent. Before the gritty Chlcacoan hnd fairly located McCarthy, tho latter T,LI,?cd ,l ful1 left-luind swing on tho point H of his opponent's Jaw and it was all over, Jerry Found His Friends. Whcn Refcreo Wlllanl Beau patted llc-Carthy llc-Carthy on tho back as the winner, tho crowd swarmpd into the ring and fnirly 1 ?'nli,ored t victor with congratulations. 1 On tho shoulders of his seconds McCarthy waa carried to his dressing-room, amid' dcSLonlJ?P howls from the spectators. f no first and second rounds of tho cn-counter cn-counter were marked by soino of tho faat- !cst mliyng- ever seen In this city. Neither man lind any advantage nndfor six minutes min-utes they went a frightful pace. In tlio fhlrd Sieloff came nar going out and In rho fourth McCarthy did a similar stunt. From tho fifth to the ninth rounds tho pneo was a trlflo slower, but loth men mixed things vigorously. In SlelofTs dressing-room after the lat-lle lat-lle I ho principals mot and shook hands. "Vou'ro tho toughest and fc-amest fellow 1 ever met, Otto' said McCarthy, as ho grasped tho fallen gladiator's hand. "They told me you couldn't fight " said Slclotr, with a faint smile, "but they're wrong. You're a good boy, Jerry, and it's no disgrace to loan to you." Tho main event did not begin until vory near 10 o'clock. "ITnp" .Bold, who wan nchedulcd to appear In a preliminary with Patsy Hognn. refused to go on at the last mlnuU- nnd ihe event was called off. Two "unknowns" went on for six rounds and furnished about as grotesque an exhibition exhibi-tion of the manly art as could bo found this side of the Sandwich Islands. Sleloff's manager insisted upon having throo judges to act In conjunction with the roforc and this caused an additional delay. de-lay. Porry Qucenan, James Connelly and M. A. Brats: of Ogdon woro finally selected se-lected and the main event began. A good crowd witnessed tho fight. |