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Show Sliyer Makes, f J Threats in Court ju5Slfiy Who Appealed for Poolroom Wen Tells Officer He Will Be Shot. ' iIW YORK, May 24. Threats o 5 bodily harm to a police captain '!'' 4m Dart ln tne general ll pwlroom raids oC yesterday, in Srs!A event of continued., surveillance r.'Tiij manner in which it has Ifl conducted, were made by an CcKty in open court today, when "t et ot the raid prisoners were nr- 54, a UT Stephen O'Hara, who reprc-wvf reprc-wvf .J three men arrested in the raid :Erj' bu alleged poolroom in East Thlrty- . rati street, bitterly attacked Police & J. fcjtiln Shjre when his clients were ar- J jtrf In the Yorkvllle Pollc'e court, fjciarged that the captain had(un- I' krfully raided the place at various . EBTj iinm the captain now," said Law- t pO'Hara, "that If ho ever goes there Ul ffiln.he will be shot." 3 ;&pialn Shire then made a formal TTTi ) plaint against the men and the V laiitjvrns adjourned until tomorrow. |