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Show AT THE HOTELS. Tho Culjen. Arrivals at the Cullon yesterday were: G. W. Craig. N. Chrlstensen and brother, Dr. J. W. Alrd, Dr. George E. Roblson, Provo; L. S. Hanson and wife, Denver; J. W, Kibbey, Monde, Kun.; Tom Culley. M. C. Mayer, Rochester; D. W. Cade, St. Josoph, Mo.; A. S. Condon, Ogdon; B. Vlllauncoa. V. N. Vlllauncoa, Vlanda, P. T ; Mrs. E. Norrcll. Jackaon, Mla3.; Dr. N. P. Loury, Mrs. Alma Pope. Neary. Va. ; James Long, Jr.. Klmberly; Lewis Anderson, Ander-son, W. A. Taylor and wife. MantI; Alex Nordqulst, Provo; W. II. Ranson, Tribune; Trib-une; Dr. J. T. Noycs and wife, Miss S. L. Chlpmart, Miss Melva Chlpman. American Ameri-can Fork; J. M. Smith. Demcda. N. F.; J. W. Mackel. Frank Coffee and wife. J. A. Dathle, Sydney, N. S. W.; James Rldman, Montpellcr; R E. Wilson and sop, Idaho; Hugh) Taylor, Provo. The New Wilson. Yesterday's arrivals at tho New Wilson were: A, C. Cundlnnd, Mt. Pleasant; B, Montgomery, Helper; E A. Nock, Denver; C. H. Senior, Kansas City; W. C. Braffel, Scollcld; S. R. Davlcs, Portland; L. C Hudson, St. Joseph, Mo.; J. R. Wolkowltz, St. Louis; Mrs. Leon Bachman. Miss Bachman, Miss Lena Bachman, Provo; Mrs. H. Frazer, Mrs. J. A. Hurd, Eureka: G. C. Sloan, Milwaukee; W. E. Gray and wife, Provo: John Crawford, Albany, N. Y. , J. R. Van Slykc and son. Chelan, Wash.; J. W. Busby. Seattle. Wash.; H. O. Bullcn, Jr., Logan; Georgo Wllklns, Denver; A. L Kohn, Kansas City; A. L. Sandcrlleld, O6kaloosa, In.; Henry L. Hamburger, Baltimore; cGorge E. Pexlon. Evanston; J. B. Grossage, Seattle; F. C. Boylcs, Denver: W. 15. Racker and wlfo, Lehl; E. E. Hofmnn, Richfield; W. L. Maxwell, "New York: J. E. Bergh, R. O Brlttnn, Bingham: H. E. Smith, Provo; E. J. Fleishman. New York; S. II. Shaffer, Denver; Mrs. T. L. Mitchell, Vernal: C. F. Bartholomew and wife, St, Louis; Mrs. John Mitchell Galvln, Miss Annie J. Jensen, Jen-sen, Boston; B. F. Ellason, Logan; Mralah Evans, Garland; H. G. Holt and wife, Portland; H. Scnon, San Francisco. |