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Show IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Third Judicial district of the Stato of Utah, county of Salt Lake. Adrian Pin-tro, Pin-tro, plaintiff, vk, Edmond Temoln, defendant. de-fendant. Summons. Tho State of Utah to tho said defondant; You aro hereby summoned to appear within twenty days aftor the son-Ice of thiB summons upon you, if served within tho county In which thia action is brought, othorwlso, within thirty days after service, ser-vice, and defend tho above entitled action; ond in caso of your failure so to do, Judgment Judg-ment will bo rendered against you according ac-cording to the demand of the complaint, a copy of which will bo served upon you with a copv of this complaint. FANSWORTH. LUND & TRUMAN, Plaintiff's Attornoys. p O. address, 304-5-6-7 Tomploton block. Salt Lake City, Utah. wlOSO |