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Show Is Your Hair Starved ? THIN hair, baldness, bare spots, falling hair and .dandruff are caused by lack of nourishment in the scalp. HAIR TONIC nourishes, feeds and stimulates stimu-lates the hair, restores natural natu-ral color and makes new growth on a clean scalp. GREATLY ADDS TO BEAUTY "I can moot highly recommend Rexall "93" Hair Tonic as the beet of preparations prepara-tions for the preservation of thcfiairand the promotion of its healthy growth. It not only preserves the hair and Gtops it from falling, but It givea It a gloss and sweetness which greatly add to ito beauty. Every woman should use Rexall "93" Hair Tonic as a dressing for the hair if che desires to keep her hair in the best condition. MRS. J. C, HALE, Palmyra, N. Y." Price, 50c. Sold exclusively at our jtoro Smith Drug Co. and Druehl & Franken. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. 11 j GARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS, j 1 The .greatest variety to pick j iiiiii frm' I ffW?M c kcs values for your 5 pllllp money, , 1 1 The assurance of satisfaction, I I Or your money back. I That's what you'll get if I f yA you come here for your' Sum- I I mer Underwear. I j Whether you get the 50c a 1 su kina or any other kind up to that at $10 a suit- BliliKI N Store could give more, j 11111 C0U cxPec mtrc' 0ne S P OTONFI? ,36m38 I Price. J.' 1 o yiIy,llLI MainSt. I jj THE QUALITY STORE. 1 OSWEGO 1 Purest and Best for Puddings, Custards, Blanc Mange, Etc. 1 For sele by all first-class grocers. 1 At Haberdashery. I ITfc & ' "'s pretty tie, tho neat shirt, I 1 t1l?iirf flltTl I the correct collar and the riSht hos- ! S BiiSB tJl M eJ I iery that does more than anything 9 I else to distinguish a man. as a good 1 1 TV rag dresser. Our Furnishing Department I fe3l.lJ'I v is the pride of our store. Everything I 1 that's correct, smart and right is H I I here. Good dressers come here for I BBHBBHBBpHKff their "Toggery," and we invite YOU j One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Haberdashers. 45-47 Main St, I The II ! Krakauer Piaao j i Is another of our new linen c-t PI- ; anos recently added to our list. . " Thla Piano hlyh class In every 3 i respect, comes In live different I Btlcs and Ifu tone, quality and I action 1 superb. j I Price $4.56 t Hold on pajmenta that mako Pi- ano-buylng easy for you. Let uh g J show you. a I Carstensen & Anson Co. I Teroplo of Muelc. ; ..74 MAIN STREET.. ! n Formorly Daynce Music Co. j HHNO SHP L I FOR TOILET AND BATH. Delicato enough fo the softest skin, nnd yet efW.oJous in removing any stain. Keeps tho skin in porf&ct condition. In the bath gives all tho desirable after-offects of a Turkish bath. It should be on ovory wash-stand. wash-stand. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS. An a. 1 THIRST QUENCHER thero'3 nothing better Invisratlnjr, healthful, bonoflcial. Womon especially will nnd Select- THE BEER YOU LIKE. n most wonderful tonic. Ono or two vlassfula each day will assist matorloJly in regalnlnc lost strength. For convalcs-i convalcs-i nt8 nothing oquaJfl it. Roputablo physicians phy-sicians Invariably recommend Its uso in moderation. Better ord'r a case quarts or punts, one trlil convinces. ' i Adam Snyder, Agt., 276 S. Main St. Fred Krag Brewing So. Omaha's Model Brewery, PICTURE FRAMING At Popular Prices. s American Wall Paper Co. RHXRDOrJTHJI l I Wednes Special. I 1 Willow rocker, strong, roomy and tvoII made, I ? 'I I 1 nicely finished, and one that will stand the wear. I ( S u I Wednesday only, for I ' ' f 1 i FR.EED FURNITURE AND I ! H CARPET COMPANY . Ij'jH 1 YOUR CREDIT !S GOOD 1 1 WM I ' 1 v ! ' H I Breezy Toggery , I 1 Suits that the breezes can blow vlglit throuph "no fussln', no cussln'", K 1 f you buy your thin suILherc. Thore's no use Qf putting much money S t 1 Into a thin suit, some people say you only wear It a short time. That's m bo, but do you like to go round 1 n a bag even for a short time? "We M , M have thin suits that are as well made ag winter clothing hand-made H jH H lapel and collar, and all that. It's easy enough to muke heavy clothes M , H that hang well. So the best test of a clothier Is his thin clothes. Try H , n oura. Prices so reasonable that you will say, "satlslled." ' Rowe & Kelly ,6oM ' I I Sole Agents Hirsh. Wlckwlre & Co. "Hand-Made" Clothing. 1 Ij 1 132 mmN STREET, " H I ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES , CEMENT. 'PHONE S08. Burton Coal & Lumber Co. 66 W. 2ND SO. rszxrcsmxOa YOUNO. MIDDLE- & VS r3P8 AGED AND BL.DER- i'j VM V il nfl ' : LY. If you aro aexual- 1 M . s frij ly weak. no matte ' lB S I I U wfi V i Irom what cause; unde- iH tt M k I vclopd: have atrlctur. ; IH vUx!nisa3U vurlr icelc etc., MI . B PEUFKCT APPLIANvE wtU cure you. I ' iH No drugs or eloctrlclty: 7&.0.0 cured u3 . M devclopwl. 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Snd for. i treV bbokleL Bent oealed. QWMt. ' I IH BlocS. Pdv er .Colo, '! JPH |