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Show Butte Regulars Win OuMr Denver Employees Rockefeller Properties Ad-mitted Ad-mitted to Seats in "Western Federation Fed-eration Miners' Convention. DENVJ3R, May 24 Tho Western Federation Fed-eration of Miners' convention spent the entire morning over the report of tho committee on credentials. The only contest was in the delegation from tho Butte engineers. The regular delegates were seated as follows: Joseph Corly, J. F. Lyford, Malcolm Gillls and J. B. Stodden. They are said to be employees em-ployees of , the Rockefeller properties, while the defeated' delegation aro Bald to be employed on tho lllnz properties. Tho ' latter delegation was chosen before the announcement of tho postponement of the convention was made. After tho selection of a now date tho second delegation was named. Tho contest con-test was upon tho question of the effect tho change of date of meeting had upon the action of the Engineers' union in selecting se-lecting Its representatives. Jt was tho senao of the convention that whatever action ac-tion the union had taken to bo represented represent-ed at the convention as first announced, vn nullified by tho cancellation of the dato of holding tho convention. One of tho most important acts pf tho convention thus far wa the seating of delegates sent by the United Mine-Workers of America, and tho American Federation Feder-ation of Labor, Their credentials wcr,o rcad today, and a,l though they will have no voting powers, they will bo permitted to engage In discussion upon all matters pertaining to labor. This action Is significant sig-nificant in that It Is the first official recognition rec-ognition of the two organizations given by the Western Ffcdretlon of Miners slnco Its withdrawal from tho American Federation Fed-eration of Labor. Borne have tho temerity to predict that it will have tho effect of causing a complete adhesion of the two great bodies In the near futuro. At tho afternoon scslou tho reports of Acting President J. C. WllllamB of California Cali-fornia and Secretary-Treasurer Haywood were. read. Williams's report consisted mainly of a recital of the striko conditions in Colorado. The secretary's report was very lengthy. Jt showed that moro .unions .un-ions had been organized during tho past twelvo months than ever beforo in. the same period of time, and that tho financial "condition of' tho union was excellent. This tn spite of, tho great drain Upon the exchequer ex-chequer by reason of tho bitter tight now being waged in Colorado. Within the organization or-ganization there are now 250 locals, and thousands of menjbers. |