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Show School fell Greets President President Welcomed at Groton "by Cheers From Students at tho School. SROTON. Mass., May. 24. President Presi-dent Roosevelt, who had mado the trip from Washington, "to be present at the Groton school today and participated in the annual an-nual prize day exercises, reached Groton Gro-ton at 5 minutes past 9 this morning. He was met at the railway station by the Rev. Endlcolt Peabody, principal of tho Institution at which two of the President's sons, Theodore, Jr., and Kermit, are preparing for college, and was driven to the scnool. As the President's carriage appeared In the grounds the school .yell, given with all the enthusiasm wnlch the occasion oc-casion prompted, greeted the President. The carriage stopped at the residence of Dr. Peabody and the President quickly quick-ly walked over to the hall where the students had assembled to return their greetings. He said that he was (exceedingly (exceed-ingly glad to meet and greet them and provoke'd a laugh by saying: "I deeply sympathize with the two unfortunates among you who have a Presidential father." The President then returned to the Peabody residence where he remained until 11:30, when the exercises of prize day were scheduled to begin In tho main hall. There was some delay in beginning the exercises, due chiefly to the desire to await the arrival of parents and friends of tho students. Dr. Peabody made a brief address, Introducing In-troducing the President, In which he said "We like him as a parent, we admire him as a President and we love him as a man." . Talks to Students. , Tlie audience rose to receive the President. In addressing the students, the' ''President gave what he called "homely heart-to-heart talk ylth the boys." , In his remarks the President said that if a boy had not pluck, common sense and decency he was a pretty bad sort and a man without these qualities was even worse. He admonished them that they must not in any degree become be-come "prigs," and urged them to be strong, to be decent, and to be resourceful. re-sourceful. "Boys and men," he said, "possessing such qualities will not be snobs. There are In social' and civil life worse creatures than snobs, but no creature is more contemptible." The President referred to the advantages of training In public schools, which training, train-ing, "he believed to be most beneficial because of the democracy of the Institutions. Insti-tutions. The President alluded to the athletlds of modern school life, saying that he believed In athletlcB and sports and in the spirit which Is back of them. President Presents Prizes. At the conclusion of the President's address Dr. Peabody announced that President Roosevelt would present the prizes. The boys who had won honors during the year were called to the platform plat-form and President Roosevelt shook hands with each one and passed him the prize, in most cases a book. President Roosevelt and Secretary Loeb left for Washington at 5:22 this evehlng. The train will make the return re-turn trip by way of Worcester and Springfield to the Poughkeepsle bride and over the Pennsylvania road to Washington. |