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Show 4 Just a Little Paint I - t j Right now when everything In nature Is beglulng to look bright and fresh, a little paint will go a lone way toward brightening up ' j the many old things around the place - Torch Chilrs and Scats, ; Lawn-Mowers, etc., besides dozens of things Inside thehouse, which X T need a little touching up. f X We've paints all ready to use, for any purpose, put up In any u X size can you may wish. ', SAny color you may fancy; drop In and get a color card, and ft we'll bo glad to tell you more about It. ft S Of course we have BRUSHES to put the paint on with 10c up. ft f Riter Brothers DRUG CO. Come Here jor the Watch If you're thinking of buy ing a watch, wo want you you to think of this store as the proper place to buy It. You'll llnd a llrst-class assortment of the different grades of the best watches here, and at the reasonable prices that are asked for them anywhere. You should see our Cardon special before deciding what watch to purchase. We fully ful-ly guarantee this movement to wholly accurate and reliable, reli-able, and believe It to bo the best value In a watch we have jet olfercd. Cardon Jeweby Company LOGAN, UTAH ' Y YOU WANT Good, and Safe Electric Wiring In your homes SEE ME! L E. PLOWMAN, Electrical Contractor. Con-tractor. 7 Commercial Block. Ind. Phone MSa. ED. POHL IS THE TAILOR FIRST NORTH STREET, LOGAN You should see him when you want a good Suit well-made, or an old one made new by Repairing and cleaning Satisfaction Guaranteed S We call the attention of our numerous pa- IK trons to our very ffi 1 Extensive Lines 1 of Spring Goods S Several carloads of Furniture have arrived this spring and we are jj J better prepared than ever before to take care of your trade. Our lines " K are so numerous that spaco will not permit mentioning them, but ask j Ci you to call If you are In need of Carpets, Wallpaper or anything that H goes to make the homo desirable. We carry a line of goods that will gj p suit the mansions as well as the humblest cottages. Gj I! hundsttum aj Furnilure and Carpet Co., Center St S ta5B5aH5H5H5H5H5a5HHa5a5E52H5H5E5H5H55B5H5HH5HSH5H5m " ii 'M ti. ii J& its. a'a iti jfi, A 4fi iS, ifi. ii & A i'i ii ii a'i i'i ii ii ii it it ii ii il I A Special Bargain Sale I I COMMENCING FRIDAY MORMNC I jl I APRIL 20th AT II. G. IIAYBALL'S STORE $ fc - - ! jT A sample line of Ladles' Muslin Underwent at one-half regular X M ST price A sample line of Ladles', Misses' and Children's Hosiery at j). 5. greatly reduced prices Best Grade Flooi Linoleum, two yards wide, X ,M .jT at 1 00 per yard Rest Table OH Cloth, only 20 per jard Carpet $. ffl !. Warp, best quality attl 25 per bunch All colors of best quality J4 'H j, Chainbinjsat 10 cents per jard Flue quality Apion Ginghams, 'H ft. plain and fancy s, at " cents per jard. Wo also have the best and j T cheapest lin" of Lace Curtains ever shown In the city. It will pay ' V you to see them I. ibbons for the neck and hair In all tho leading M if shades, atone-half regular price These are only a few of the many $& ' jji ltms that will be on sale at unusually low prices Come and bo ? tM ii convinced foi yourselves and save money vi. tM & Basement Opening. $ ,1 '; Our Bargain Basement Opening will take place about May loth. ! We will carry In this department a complete line of Chlnaware, '; ,1 $i Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Graniteware, In fact any article " H Jr necessary In the household will be found In the Bargain Itascmcnt ft ft We hope to make this department one of the leading features of ft i our store Don't forget tho date, and remember the place, at , M I H. G. Hayfeall's I I ft ' ft 4 CENTER STREET LOGAN, UTAH J I - 1 1 We Offer Exceptional Advantages I i i i To those who are Going to Buy Pianos. j fc i L' : $ I i i 3 AND ORGANS and all kludsof musical instiuments. We T y have the tinest Hue of pianos at our store ever brought to , H si Logan, and to let us show thein to you will convince you, . H ii V m T Old oigans taken in exchange on pianos. Terms If dc- f iH sired. T i ! it We also handle VICTOR Talking Machlnesand Latest V i I U Edison Records. See us before buy Ing. K H i Prof. Garrett has a studio In our stoic and furnishes U H v music to those visiting us. V j i I I i ' V I i I I i Hobbs Music Co.t I I I i NORTH MAIN ST., : : : LOGAN, UTAH L' 1 1 Vu ForAII Live Stock I " EASY AND SAFE TO USE. I KILLS LICE. TICKS. FLEAS. MITES. CUKES MANGE. SCAB. I KINGWORM, SCKATCIIES. ETC. DESTROYS DISEASE GEKMS AND DRIVES AWAY FLICS. NON-IRRITATINC. EFFECTIVE. INEXPENSIVE. I A A THE IDEAL. DIP jiffiuTrsp roii sale iiv S "Hi''?sSt I , gv Co-op Img Co 1 S I I tMf A8IC FO ,"EE DOOKLET8. Yy V'; I Bank of Smithfield. I SMITHFIELD, UTAH. , I Paid Up Capital $20,000.00. I General Banking business, in all Its branches. fl We pay 4 per cent Interest on time and savings deposits. Interest compounded quarterly. ' Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Safety deposit boxes for rent. Prompt, progressive and up-to-date. H Wo solicit, your business. Correspondence Invited. IE. R. Miles Jr., George Y.Smith, President. Cashier, g Subscribe for Logan Republican J |