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Show PROVIDENCES $8,000 PAVILION The splendid new pavilion elected In Providence during the past winter is to be formally opened Tuesday evening, even-ing, May 1st, with a grand ball. The best music procurable will be there V0t and those back of this enterprise arc In hopes that the public will Join In their Jubilation over the completion , of this splendid hall. Cost Some Money. . Rullt at a cost of $7,000 or $8,000, I Providence now has a place of arouse- ment that would be a credit to any a 1 city treble the size. The new pavilion Is an opera house and dance hall com- ' blned, with a splendid basement and v every convenience that could be In- lt corporated Into the structure. Dress- r Ing and toilet rooms for both ladles I' j and gentlemen, a swinging balcony for the orchestra, upward sliding scenery and wings, a circular or oval celling, I and a maple Moor with rubber springs leave little to be desired, and the promoters, pro-moters, a company composed of nine Providence gentlemen, are Justly proud of what their money and energy has wrought, it has been said by many who have seen the structure that the Providence progressionists arc far ahead of what the town warrants, but the promoters aie Inclined In-clined to feel that their place will be supported properly and as jet have no misgivings. The one dllllculty of the pavilion Is the Inability to secure Just the kind of light desired. Inquiries have been made of Logan city as to the possibility possibi-lity of extending the electric lines over Into Providence, but this has been found Impracticable. There is now some talk of trying to induce the Providence town oillclals to bond and put in a small electric plant. A splendid splen-did power Is at hand, and a plantcould be put in at little cost. Until electric lights are secured in some way, large gasoline lamps will probably be used, Providence Strawberries. The basement under the pavilion is 42x70 feet will havo a cement lloor and be furnished up In a comfortable way. Here the famous Providence strawberries straw-berries will be served In season, and It can hardly be doubted that many Lo-ganltes Lo-ganltes will tlnd it a pleasure to drive over occasionally during the spring months. Providence Is to bo congratulated on having such a splendid -amusement, hall and the cltl.ens, joung and old, should show their appreciation by patronizing the home affair In preference prefer-ence to others. Dances aie to be given regulaily every Saturday night. |