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Show The Doings at Rexburg Sugar City Joins 'Em and Court House Will - Be Located Between the Two. A corumunlcutloti from Hexbuti: of iccent date lias tin- following lo say of the county seat tlithl between Sugar City, St. Anthony ai tl Uexburtf. II will be leniembered (if couisc that Sugar City and HexburK have united against St. Anthony and ate certain to secure the removal of the county seat. Our Hexburg wiiter sas: "Kexburg and Sugnr City have practically agreed to cstabllsli two additions ad-ditions between the two towns, one to be known as the Fremont, addition to Rexburg and the otherus the Fremont addition to Sugar Cltj. The plan Is to open, or to build, a boulevard eight rods w Ide on the cast side of the O. S. L. track between Jtexburg and Sugar City and to connect the I wo towns by an electric railway fiom .'lain street In Rexburg to the factory In Sugar City. Tlio court house Is to bo built on the north side of the Rexburg addition ad-dition half way between the two .i towns, and the property adjoining the , vW court house grounds, both on the "" Sugar City and Rexburg side, is to be cut Into lots and used for residence purposes exclusively. The road Is to be macadamized throughout its entire length, bordered on either side by a water seel and rows of shade trees. As this road will o, the court house will be one and a half miles from Main street In Rexburg and the same distance from Sugar City.' As Rexburg Is by far the best residence resi-dence district, and as this isalteady the educational center and the ecclesiastical ec-clesiastical centre of Fremont county, we llguio that wo will be the gainer by tills proposition. Spring has Just fairly dawned here. The weather Is dellghttul, famcrsare at work In the ileitis, and the robblns and the larks are making sweet music for in. Ur. O. C. Ormsbv Is making preparations prepar-ations to leave for Chicago In the near futuie, to visit his sou, Oliver, and take two months postgraduate work in Rush Medical College. |