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Show City and County Judge W W. Maughan went to Brigham yesterday morning Good sound onions for sale at the Tithing olllce. II A. A. Allen .Ir , bishop of Hyrum, was In Logan Thursday. People using Vowles Health Hour hac no occasion to use spring tonics. Alfred II , son of John Henry Gnehm, has a serious attack of pneumonia. pneu-monia. GOOO Industrious girls can receive employment at the Cache Knitting Works. : John McQueen, the leading blacksmith black-smith and wheelwright of Preston, was In Logan Thursday. Fou SALisCiiKAr Selfblndcr, marc 15 years old and light spring wagon. Inuuhc W. Fames, Republican Olllce. Mr. and Mrs. 11 W. Reeder, who have been In Hydo Park the last month, returned to their home In Cardston, Alberta, yesterday. Lawn grass, orchard grass, vegetable and (lower seeds at llenj. Carlisle's, Florist and Secdman. t Hon. James T. Hammond was In Logan on Wednesday acting as ?ttor-noy ?ttor-noy In the divorce case of Mary C. Larson vs. Charles Larsen. LOOK OUT Spring is comingso Is John Bench coming after you, for jour house painting and paper hanging. hang-ing. First-class workmen sent to all points of the county. The- new electrical machinery just received by the city weighs liO.OOO pounds, came in two cars and freight charges ran up to $!00. All of it is now In the canyon with the exception of a ten-ton wheel This will not be taken urAwtll the weather gets better. FIFTEEN knitters wanted at once. I Union Knitting Mills Co., Logan. Mr. and Mrs. 15. G.rhatcher returned re-turned Wednesday evening from Salt, Lake city. For garden seed of all kinds go to Uenj. Carlisle, Florist and Seedsman. Mrs. Alfred Cole, of this city, with her mother, left for Los Angeles yesterday yes-terday morning. There Is talk of the old Con. 1. buildings on North Main being removed re-moved and new ones erected. Lost Sit) gold piece betw eon U. O. and . C. of U Suitable reward for return to this olllce. t Mrs. Annlo Koucchc, of Millville, still rcmnins in a critical condition, being confined to her bed constantly. Boy's straw hats, 5 cents and up, at Andreas Peterson's. Mayor E. W. Itobtnson will address tho Third ward mutual next Sunday night. Mr. Gordon Garret will render Instrumental music Incubator bargains Two Cypheis 210 egg machines at 40 per cent discount. dis-count. Call up the Experiment station. sta-tion. ( The Gesscll Pressed Hrick Co. expects ex-pects to start work about May- 1st Owing to the bad weather they have 1 been set back with their work. I Fiom our extensive and well chosen ! stock of carpets and wallpaper we are able to suit all. Wo lead! Lundstrum Furniture and Carpet Co. t Twenty-eight sheep shearers from Paradise and Hyrum arc at Itawllns, Wjo. From there they will go to Hcxburg. Idaho, and Dillon, Montana. For Sale Phil's livery stable at Preston. Good bargain if bought at once. Inquire of A. C. Smith, Smith Bloci', Preston. The condition of E. J. Madscu, who has been down with typhoid the past three weeks, remains unchanged. His friends hope that the critical period has passed. Incubator bargains. Two Cyphers 240 egg machines at 40 per cent discount. dis-count. Call up the Experiment station, sta-tion, i Miss EUabcth Stoddard, who was operated on for appendicitis In one of the hospitals In this city, Is so far recovered re-covered as to be taken to the home of her father James Thurston, at Hyde Park. 5 Lost Last Thursday, a Rambler bycycle, model 515, No. 2ISS1. Any person returning It to the Hell Telephone Tele-phone office will be reasonably rewarded re-warded J The district court granted a divorce to Mrs. Mary C. Larsen from Charles Larsen in tills city on Wednesday. The decree granted her all the real estate. The day following, Charles Larsen was married to Miss Dubois, of Salt Lake, the marriage taking place In this city. For sale A tlrst-class mercantile business In Garland, including buildings, build-ings, ground and good fresh stock of general merchandise. Tho best location loca-tion In tho city. Address R, P.O. box 47, Garland, Utah. Hon. GeoigcC. Rlgby, ex-sherllTof Cache and present hustling representative repres-entative of tho Danlelsen Mfg. Co., loft Thursday for Montpellcr, Cokc-vlllc, Cokc-vlllc, and that section generally where ho expects to sell enough faim Implements Imple-ments to keep the big tlrm going for the next ten months. All smart up-to-date women ofto-day. ofto-day. Know how to bake, wash, sing and to play; Without these taicnts a wife is N. G Unless she takes Rocky mountain Tea C. E. Napper. J P . Riley, head of the new creamery cream-ery soon to be In operation In Logan, came down from Uutto Thursday, bringing with him O. A. Mlsener, an experienced creamery man who will push to completion at an early dale the plant now being installed. Mr Riley Is confident of success In tho new creamery. You owe it to your dead relative to erect a suitable monument at the head of his grave. Tho Cache Vallcr Marble & Granite Co. has II o car loads of lino stones just In and from this you can select a good monument for any amount of money you have to sparo for this purpose. If you want the stone up by Decoration day put In jour order now. "The Daughter of Jalrus" by tho students of tho A. O. of U. and soloists F W. Baugh, Mrs. Nettle Sloan and M. J. Ballard, will up presented In the First ward rooms next Monday evening. even-ing. This will glvo an excellent opportunity op-portunity for tho "down-town" folks to hear this splendid oratorio at the least Inconvenience. At tho A C. of U on the 18th, this was presented In a very delightful way, and on Monday night In tho Fourth waid hall it was repeated no less successfully. The disposition to present such a class of music should be encouraged by those who care for music that Is really worth 'ho while. Rooms furnished or otherwise. 11 j south First East street j The Logan city schools close on Thursday, May 31st. j 15 cents per doen paid for eggs at j II. G Hav bail's. J ', F Turner, of Tun Rkitiilk an, is J In Rcxburg for two or three days. j We sell tho Earth and Loan money on It. 11. A. Pcdersen&Co. : A. R. Homer, of the First Natioual ' Hank, was a southbound passenger ' yesterday morning. Boy's overall's, 35 cents and ' up, at Andreas Peterson's. ' J. E. Taylor, of the Deseret Farmer, came to Logan Thursday night returning re-turning Friday morning. ' Incubator bargains Two Cyphers 210 egg machines at 40 per cent discount. dis-count. Call up the Experiment station. sta-tion. The city council held an extra session ses-sion Wednesday night, but passed up most mattcis until the next regular meeting. Boy's shirts, 35 cents and up, at Andreas Peterson's. Miss Rertle Johnson started to work Inthecountj clerk'solllce Thursday Thurs-day morning as one of the clerks. Deputy Albert Law will remain until May 1st. Incubator bargains. Two Cyphers 240 egg machines at 40 per cent discount. dis-count. Call up the Experiment station, sta-tion, i Horace Kerr, son of President Kerr, and a young gentleman friend are In Logan from Palo Alto, where both were In school. They arrived Tuesday evening. The Pittsburg Peifect makes a very nice fiout fence. For samples see the one built by Matt Shaw opposite the llensor. school, hec Everton & Son's ad elsewhere in this Issue. Miss Ida Apperley, who Is In Rochester, Roch-ester, New York, wired her father, Win. II. Appciley, fifty dollars lobe forwarded to hei mother and sisters in San Francisco. Wanted An experienced girl foi general housework; good cook pre-feried, pre-feried, good wages, no washing. Apply Ap-ply to Mrs. W J.Kerr, Agncultural college. 8 Mrs. E.J.Rroberg and family at rived here from San Francisco Tuesday evening. eve-ning. Miss Amauda Johnsou, a cousin, cous-in, was with her. The family here as well as the rcturning"refugees" weie delighted beyond measure. William Thomas, of Praradlse, whose feet were badly froen while going to the Laplata mines with the mail, still icmalns In the hospital. Up tu the present no operation has been performed and his friends are holding It oil as long as possible in the hope that it may be avoided. Tiik Hi:i'uiii.iuan Is Indebted to Berkeley fi lends for copies of San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley papers detailing the terrible disaster on the coast. The San Francisco papers have been published since Fii-day, Fii-day, the 20th and contain excellent accountsof tho city's calamity. Have you done your spring house cleaning? If not don't begin until you have seen the best stock of wall paper, carpets, linoleum, etc., in the city at the Logan Furnituro Co. t Dr J. A. McAllister Jr., at the Piesldlo, Montcicv, Cal , writes his parents of this city giving some of the expeilencs during tho lato catastrophe catas-trophe at San Francisco. They, with others, wcro placed on rations. Miss Venna McAllister, who Is there, states that she will soon return home. Mrs. S. O. Stevens gave a 4 o'clock luncheon Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. P. E. Kreler. The luncheon lun-cheon was very elaborate, and the table one of exceptional beauty A lace centerpiece, lace dollies at each plate, candle sticks, ferns and violets combined to produce a Ladles Home Journal decorative effect. The guests wore Mcsdames Kceler, Ostlen.Iludgc, Bexell, Moore, S. A. Langton, G W Thatcher, and Miss EUabeth Smith. This Is the season of listless headaches head-aches and spring disorders. Holllstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea Is a sure preventative. preven-tative. Makes you strong and vigorous. vigor-ous. T cents, Tea or Tablet. C E. Napper At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson Tuesday evening, Chas. Eng-gland, Eng-gland, retiring superintendent of tho Second ward Sunday school, was tendered tend-ered a very enjoyable social affair by his co-workers and those over whom he has had charge. The occasion was mado as delightful as slncereapprecla-tlon slncereapprecla-tlon of his past efforts could make It, and In speeches by Dr. Geo. Thomas, Joseph Qulnney and H. E. Hatch, this appreciation was expressed In glowing eulogies Mr Engiand was presented with a fob chain as a token of tho honor and esteem In w'.lch ho Is held by tho Second warders. During the evening a delightful program was given. |