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Show H j Wanted. H 100 four horse teams with drivers at H (0.75 per day. H 50 two horse teams with drivers at H J 1.50 per day. 1 25 single hands; teamsters and M laborers at $2 25 per day. R Hoard $4.50 per week. Hj Wo guarantee baled alfalfa hay, H dcllveied at Commissary Camp, $11.00. Hj : We guaratee best Idaho oats de- H livcrcd at $1.00 per cwt. H 20 miles of main canal construction H i I will bu ready to contract by May 15th. H s j ) A part of this Is now ready. Hfj j American Falls Canal & 1'owi.r Hj j Company, Pocatello, Hlackfoot or H . American Falls, Idaho. I L PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers Sign-ers lor further Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In and for Cache County, State of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Con-atantlnc Con-atantlnc L. Shclton, deceased. It is ordered that all persons Interested In the estate appear before the court on the 12th day of May, WOO, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the County Court house at Logan, Utah, then and there to show cause, If any there be, why tho administratrix admin-istratrix should not be authorized to mortgage the following described leal estate: Heginnlng at a points rods N. of a point :w rods W. from tho S. K. corner of block 5 Plat "D" Logan City Sur-vey, Sur-vey, Cache County, Utah, and running run-ning thence N. 4 rods; K. 8 rods; S. 1 rods: W. 8 rods, to beginning. J. X. L.utsuN, Clerk J. '. Stkwaut Jr. Attorney. 1 Want Column Wanted Girl for general housework appl) "F" this otllce. wc Some good residences In Smlthlleld for sale by James Mllllgan. wc lstclassupholstcring.Logan 2nd hand store;workguarntped; prices to satisfy For rent House with four or seven rooms, with kitchen and cellar. 270 south 2nd Kasl. wc For Sale Twenty acres good land one half mile south of sugar factory. A bargain. W. T. Hrown. wc First class sand delivered to any part of town. W. T. Hrown, Ind-Phone Ind-Phone 221. wc SAND For building and cement work, for sale, O.C. Hlucmel, H. phone 37IIZ-. wc For Sale .'10 horse power engine In good condition. Walker & Wright, Utah Marble Works, Logan. wc For Kent- ltoberts building now occupied oc-cupied by Union Knitting Mills Co. or Dry Goods and Millinery store, wc Highest price paid for bottles at Cache Valley Tea and Soda Water Co.'s, First North stieet. wc Wanted Good milch cows for the summer. For further particulars apply ap-ply to C.L Anderson, Hyrum. wc The Logan second hand stoic will give you a new linoleum for an old one with a little dilfercnce. wc For Sale Cheap. 5 gal. Ice oream frcez.er: 3 gal. freezer: Portable soda fountain; other llxtures. G. II. T 40:i W. Center. wc Thoroughbred Wyandotte and Leghorn Leg-horn eggs and chickens for sale, A Kollcr, U. F. IX, 41. $1.00 a setting of 15 eL'gs. wc For Sale Gtfod city property, either large or small lots. Inquire J. T. II. Darker, corner of 3rd Hast and Second South. wc Wanted An experienced girl Tor general housework. Good cook preferred, pre-ferred, good wages, no washing. Apply Ap-ply to Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Agricultuial college. wc Fou Salk 12 bugules, blacksmith shop with tools, a large supply of wagon material at llfty per cent discount, dis-count, and residence. Inquire of Jacob Schweitzer. wc WE WANT to Loan Money, sell Farms and City Property and write your Insurances, Cache Valley Real Kstate Loan & Insurance Agency, J. '.. Stewart, Manager. wc A GOOD PASTURE Horses will be received at K. Hawl-Ing's Hawl-Ing's place In Falrvicw on Monday, April 2, at Hill's place In Whitney on Tucsday,Aprll 3rd, and the Preston astray as-tray pound on Wednesday the 4th. Cattle will be received at Falrvlew April 23, at Whitney the 24th and at Preston the 25th. Horses $1.00 per month, cattle 50c, all stock Insured. A, M. f RECBAIRN Nounau Valley. Hear Lake county, Idaho. Write me at Preston. C.V. HANSEN Painting and Paper-hanging, Wal Paper, Itooin Mouldings and Picture Pic-ture Framing Kastof Llndquist's, the Undertaker Sunshine at Last And with It House-cleaning and gardening. gar-dening. What do you need In our line? Here arc a few prices of season goods: Large scrubbing brushes from 10c, 21b house brooms from 25c, store, shoe and whitewash bushes from 15c, paint brushes from 5c, carpet tacks COO for 5c brass head tacks 100 for 5c, galvanized palls, 20, 25, and ,'iOc, tin palls from 15c, galvanized tubs 55, 05 and 75c,No. 8 boilers, galvanized or copper bottom $1, tin pint cups 2 for 5c, quart, 5c, hoes and rakes from 25c, shovels from 50c, manure forks from 55c, pruning shears, saws, sprinkling cans, spray pumps, picks, grub-hoes, crow bars, wheelbarrows, tools, and hardware of every description. The quality is good and the prices is right. Pi. LaFowit & Go,, 38 W. Center St., Logau. j Beginning Todayf I $ and Continuing One Week, H CAMPBKLLS's Dependable Store will offer the following J I BARGAINS IN SILK . f & MOHAIR SHIRT ' f WAIST SUITS $ & & f -iff S6.00 Values now $4 00 $15.00 Values now $io oo ijt $ $9.00 Values now $6 00 $18.00 Values now $i2 oo J & $10.50 Values now $7 oO $20.00 Values now $13 00 $ 4jf ; ' $- ft Ladies', Misses and Children's OXFORD'S at prices to suit all. Spring line of Hosiery, Underwear. R. & G. & Corsets, and Everything except piece goods found here. F f ! MEN'S SUITS, Shoes and Neckwear regardless of. cost. $ jf New and Complete line of TRUNKS, Suit Cases and Hand g Jk Hags direct from the Factor'. ; Campbell & Sons Co., ? :: Never Misrepresent Quality of Goods or Fair Prices. '" jiiMBw aaaaaag S 7T,T7T T-5,TTJ. , iT 5 .1- If- - T Notice to Users of City Water. On April .'iOth the water will be turned out of tho upper canal, and there will be only a limited supply of water In the city. No person will be allowed to use water except for domestic do-mestic purposes. This rule will be enforced en-forced until further notice. Hy order of City Watku Mastku I H.K. Merrill, M,D. Physician and Surgeon. Oillce, Over first National Bank Bell Phone No, 10 lz.. Residence, 114 South SecondEast. Hell Phone i:i2y. Independent 130 HOTEL EAGlF European Plan. ROOMS 50c, 75c and $1.00 RESTAURANT In Connection. ' Zepii Thomas, Mgr. &&m&&lr Main St., Logan,Utah. Cache Valley Marble and Granite Co. Manuf acttii?ci?s of a h MARBLE AND GRANITE f MONUMENTS ( AND FINE HEADSTONES jgM First-Class Work Guaranteed. fIKSWIMSv Our Prices are Reasonable, M . IK. 1175 SOUTH MAIN ST., LOGAN, UTAH WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE AN INSPECTION. V |