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Show HHBl J . ---. I Magrath On The Boom H' MAOIiATII, April .-'.-Land buj- H t ers, home-seekeis and farmers of every H nationality arc Hocking to this north H . country. Last year where prairie H was all one could see, nourishing towns H . and cities will spring up this year. H I Magrath is only slxjeais old and has H ( a population of twelve hundred. A H ( o I large grist mill Is in course of erection, H we also have a store-house that will M I hold :i0,000 bushels and an clcvatoi H holding CO.OOO bushels. Thai looks H like we have a farming country. M . J. T. Hradshaw has contracted 1,200 m ' acres of land at $ 11.00 per acre to be M ploughed by June 1st. H The North West Irrigation Co., is B enlarging their ditch, making II 'Jl M feet in bottom, It being formerly but M II feet. It Is headed at Kimball and M runs out at Lcthbrldgc, a distance of M 80 miles, Irrigating thousands of acres M of tlio best farming laud In the world. H- The Alberta Land & Stock Co., and some Minnesota real estate men are negotiating a sale of a large tract of laud north of Magrath. If the sale is made, a colony of those good old Minnesota Min-nesota "Sweeties" will be planted there. Our town has just been furnished with "5,000 shade treei from the gov-orumcnl gov-orumcnl free of charge, which are divided among the people for the beautifying of the homes and farms. A Hoard of Trade lias icccntly been organized which Is booming Magrath. They have been the means of getting a newspaper started, also a new bank, which will shortly be erected. Mr. and Mrs. John II. Turner reached reach-ed homo last week. They were tend-eicd tend-eicd a swell reception at the home of the bride's parents, Thursday, April 10. They will movo Into their homo on Pot Hole avenue the latter part of the week, which has been newly papered pa-pered and painted. |