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Show M A Big Sale. h Preston, Idaho, April 18, P.iOii. -Wc H will sell the machinery pint of our HB business, consiHting of the following H named machines: 1 Ames engine and HBJ boiler ir II. P., 1 sweepstakes planer HBJ and fixtures, 1 Fay moulder, 1 rip-saw H with grovelng and dado attachments, H 1 Kgau woodworker, with boring at- HB - tachment, 1 Frank & Co. scroll saw, 1 H sand paper machine, t Hall & Brown H baud saw. 1 Frank & Co. two spindle HBJ shapcr, 1 Frank & Co. tenoner, 1 large H grind-slonc, 1 turning lathe, and one H foot power mortlser, all titled with HBa ; necessary belts and tools, bits, etc. lor HB the sum of SL'OOO. This is a snap to H the right parties as there Is no com- H petition closer than Logan on the HB south and Pocatello on the noilh. HB Iteasons for selling Is that our Mr. HBY Skidmorc has just left for a mission HB and our Mr. Mouon Is unable to at- BH tend to the work. HHJ , This plant run 21 1 days in l!H).' with a H force of o men and buyers can gel the J contract for all the mill work from the 1 two lumberyards in this city, which HBj will keep them going the whole year. HHwj Address all inquires to W. P. Mon- HHwJ son, Preston, Idaho. BBBBB 'BJ V I tBBBBBfljBHHHHHHnjHHVJMKIitt, Hanging by a Thread I IS THE REPUTATION OF A NEW PI- ANO, OR A NEW, UNTRIED VENTUR- H ER IN THE MUSICAL WORLD.. H HH SAFE AS A ROCK I IS the standing of the Man, and the Music, which has stood I the test of time. The HENRY F. MILLER, the BAUER, I The SCHILLER, and all the makes sold by the THATCH- I ER MUSIC CO., have stood the test. I V I 39 South Main St., Loan. I OUR NEW STORE. I vhbhhhhhhhhhjhhjhhjhjhjhjhjhhjhhjhhjhhjhhhhjhhhhh bb Re-Opened Farmers Feed Stable at Oarll's Mill South Mafn Street, teams feed at reasonable price, also good horses bought and sold here. N. A. Williamson, Mgr. I- THE I Litchfield Spreader I Is Low, Easily loaded, Strongly Built. I Wide wheels, easy draft; a boy can drive and unload this machine. Will handle any kind of manure or wet coarse straw and spread iteven. Has only one level wliich Is absolutely under the control ol the driver driv-er at all times. This starts tho beater wheel, raises the tall-gSp, starts the conveyer and regulates Its speed, whether the machine Is in motion or otherwise. One lever, one movement, all else Is automatic working In its proper order. There can be noconlllctlon by a failure to operate one part in advance ad-vance of another. Heater wheel must bo started before endgate can be raised, or convener con-vener out in position. Tall-gate must raise before conveyer can start to move. All machinery is driven from one main gear. Sidney Stevens Implement Co., SOLE AGENTS. Ogden and Logan, Utah, Preston and Montpeller, Idaho SPECIAL SALE OF Wash Dress Goods 2 & ' l at Logan Dry Goods Co. 2 Hh Bh j 20 pet ct. discount. This means that on MONDAY, April 30, we place on sale the Largest and g Prettiest line of Wash Dress Goods ever shown in Logan AT A SAVING OF 2o PER CENT TO THE PURCHASER. m. Organdies, Batistes, Lawns, Silk Mulls, etc., all go during this sale and you ' ' J cannot afford to miss this chance to buy your Summer Dress Goods Cheaply. J ! Sale begins, Monday, April 3o, Ends Saturday, May 5. ; V : ! LOGAN DRY GOODS CO., I Si? J Logan, Utah, j r |