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Show i CONDENSED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Or LOGAN CITY I With Information as to the Varied Resources and Industries of the City and Cache Countv. I J J ' M KM- H . , rl I',. WESLBYJACQUES TUB SWELL CO MICTION. I FINK WINKS AN..LIQFOUS PROPIllTOn BUY OF LOGAN. ALSO CIClAItS. ' 1 Cache Valley Barbershop KS;,,,, MURDOCH'S J. R. Edwards Livery CO.... ' and Bath Rooms !" " f" "' ,te u'"tol Camly Kitchen and company , , . , , Wo cmnlov nnnp hut Fxnorlnnpnil 350 daS 111 the VC.ir Oil which tile Livery Feed and Transfer Stable. reemploy none but Lxpcr enced el,;,, " Try our Whipped (ream. Choco- j H Hus Meets allTralns. Harbors, thus ensuring tlic I sunshines. lates, Hon lions. Ice I'reatn. Don't fall to Call If you want an v. ' Commercial . Trade .. Solicited Host of Service. Short, mild winter, and long cool Ices, am! Sherbets. Made the year IIHiik in our line H Stables rear of Basic Hotel Everything clean and Up-to-date. SUllllliers. g 'round. Our cream Is l'.tsteurUcd U Entrance 'lstNo'rth Street. Wc solicit your patronaRc and I Seldom IS below in the winter and . before neein. Oimr.oonSAHEIimil r.HADE ' H . ... ,i ., will do our best to I k... nn .1 -it i I All our candles ate made from : Phones: office 11 lies. 00 y. please you I but 90 ill the Slimmer, With cool Cache Valley S.mar. LOGAN, - UTAH. uaskmexttiiatcukkuank S '"EveigSl enough for light j all home laiiou used wii eke the fish a he. ,H - i ' blankets. j ' -The Hanks" Hotel The Lincoln Hotel 1 Purest mountain water in un- I Tremont Mouse The Farmer'" Union home-like, popular. limited quantity. I i runout Mouse " well lighted and heated. Good meals and Mrl ,lank$' ProPr AtlllOStpliere dry and highly ill- I MRS. E. WILCOX. Prop. Smithtitld Utah. H First-class service. Hut to all trains: Kav- Rj vitmnlinir I .Mainifai'tiiri-rt of Dm famous Tauners' Un- H I orlto hostelry for Commercials, Phonolllf Commercial trade sollcllcd Center street H nuiaini,. m Center treet-Ops,sltc the Taleriucli Ion Hour" thu lo-st Hour to tisu-tliu best " I Over 1'oston.ce. Main and. ,t N. .. P u ..ox 41. 'Phone 14, . I Valley is 60 lllilcS ill length by 12 S 0k mforuhle rooms, with or without KltSfSi'Slt H llllleS Wide. I '"'""I reasonable rates I . I elcrsen manager. ,H Keister Ladies' Tailoring Ed. Pohl S Named Cache (cash) Valley be- - College merchant tailor. cause it is hidden being ciitirelp sur- John A. Sneddon Alfred Picot ,, and .51 North Main street. ..ogan Open W Clean.,,, and pairing a specially I rOlllldcd by the Wasatch mountains. AUOinty-al-Law STTtiie year. Largo Hno loom, luu reel long. I'lncst samples of goods In Cache county; H iMOUlltaillS are HCll HI mineral , lr.irr in nlceh' equipped. Hrnnch of famous school Ileasonableurlces for superior work i.i 1 ., n , rnn Over In National Hank uraicrin H y same name at HI Louis. Write fur book- loasonauiepr ...s ror superior worn g wealth, ailtl tllC V.tlley COlltaillS 500,- Fs,t..s 1-m. 1 lea or fall and see for joursolf. Lerona A. Nnmbcr W West 1st North street H nrir. ' f c . .f .. ' hstates 1 robutul ,,.,. ,,,,.., ....... ,, Ir in,llr. ,, W.lson. I'rlnclpal.. I. K. Wilson. inanaKer. I 000 aCTCS of hllCSt SOU OH earth. ... estate, mortcam loans and lite Insur- ; " I T.- ... i , .-, ., iriM eiuial l.aw I racilce anf K-nlllrii n! west 1st north street M I no-qn Nnveltv Thentrp B I' arm lands easily worth $100 per M Logan Novelty Shop Logan iNoyelty I litatrc , H R-H.ROLFSEN. $aw),r4 me..e Prop,. A. C. Smith G. V. Lilldqilist , ,, . ,.. IteflneU vaudulllu tierformances after- '.,''."'..' (HHH The old reliable, shop for lllcycle. Gun and noon and and evenlnir. 4. 7;0 and 8;30i com- V per, marble CroppillgS foUlld 111 lliaiiy ,. r t . Itepalrsofall kinds: Also dealers In plcto change Mondajs and Thursdays: Ad- r,rn;npriv: Allorney-al-Uw Undertaker 4 Einbalmtr. fH Sporting Goods of All Kinds mission lOo reser id seats 10c W 1st N St 1 JJIU&JJH... tl No is West 1st North Hell Phono 111 If. " 1 Conditions CXCCedlllgly favorable tO I'stales probated, collections- i-eneral law pbonw iifllcii l Sl 1 . I scientific farming and raising of i.ractie,n,i.i, mwu. i-res.o,,. i.uiu. ., .rwW,.Ilcl.ai.k M I H. A. Pedersen & Co. Logan blevator fruitSi - H real estate. LOANS.INSURANCE. colleqions Isaac Jorgensen. Prop. Valley is the greatest dairy section Jos. Wilson & Son Mans S. Nielsen 11 Tried. True and Reliable. Dealer In all klndsofitraln and seeds; car- E of tllC State, Containing tWO C01ldeilSed Brass anil Iron Founders. H r I M '! 'SVcooV! shipments a speclaltj IM K Snd south E llljlk factories aild HUlllberlcSS Creaill- I JWM., , machinery repalrlntrof all Livery and feed Stable. H CorresiKindenco In any LuinruaKO answered pbonclMx g Cries. m kind done: we isislilvely iniiniifacture the Good teains.new rlirs for any servlcei can- H . ... ft i.t mil ,),.. .i li,i f.,-i., ,,.,ii sonrh-'s a hieclalty; hacks meet all trains) B - - E Cache is noted lor fine horses and , . J ,krrlcl,H iuaram.o p.ompt seruco 1st north streou In Iltl Tliniins I aLHL lb HOILU lor Hill. IlOrbt-b a.Ul over placed on the market. next door to Novelty theater, phono 151 1 James I.Hammond '"'"" ' "u""i: l largely supplies the San I'rancisco i Merchant Tailor. I ,,,-tl-nr ! AUorneyandAUorncya.-Law. prLeadimr tailor of northern Utah, call 1 riSVo Vn11o ,'c fi?,J1c rtl. of William Bowen John Bench H Itooms 315-310 McfJornlck Hlk, nat !',ls ";v',oro 'VuA1' .wt,,,t ,l,t,"orl,i 1 Uiclie Valley is 65 miles north ot H A fine lino ot I all and Winter samples of a 1 1 mn M . ., c o 1. Llverv and Feed Stab s n r i. HHH nli l nbnPiiv I'mi, s-ultlnw for lnsiH-ctlon. B Ogdeil aild 100 llllleS liortll Of Salt Livery ana rccmiaDies. Dry Cooij, iH saituahCUll, i Mil. LoBan Uuh Like CitV livery and Imirtfaire promptly am nded lH B ' t.i-connections made with all tralns-rom- Groceries, and Notions ' ftH uT, rI..U" CnUnn . . . . II trade solicited. I'lrst West streit. , !!! "I he Club Saloon A. H. Palmer U LOGAN ' Ula1' " """"' ""'" H. J. OeWin. Prop. I H the plumber. js the county seat of Cache county 1 Peterson & Sons Worley & Nelson IM 117-119 North Main Street. VT Pavorlte re- vJtt. Tjonillation 0f 7 000 the Center I -l-I&UU auilb. J BH sort for Choice Imported and Domes- nriMumblmf that needs no repalrlniT un- Willi a popui.lUOIl OI ,UUU, Ult LLIULr The Painters Contractors and Builders. lM tic Wet Goods and Clears. ,11 Jack frost sets at It Ol-5,0UU. Gold slKns. Mndow lette'rl,,,... card s.tns. .,. .,, H Is located at the base of the eastern I i'cu,riai sins. jaiuied bulletins, waii dis- 1Uitt" ,uo" ! rs n r. . r.t sit . Plays. General palutliiK of all kinds In up-to- Phone Nos. u and Uk H Dr. I. P. Stewart J. Z. Stewart Jr. range of the Wasatch mountains. I 'JJ "n-i aji work .u-r.nu.u. ttoi- .l)i1,33i!forresIK,dencesoiicited M Is the "Temple City of the North," I M 4fT 0ENT1ST Auorneyai-Uw. and the '' Athens of Utali'' White Swan Ijiundrv J. A. McCausland Successor to Gowans.t Stewart. Olllce over UlC AgnCllltl .Til College Wltll WHItt UWail UllinUry M Estates probated, collections. general law iSCnn nnn 1,...'1,1!.. ...1 7Cn ......1.. utnust. IH rirst Nationaiiiank. Phono loti ,.,ip i.,... ii,.i. $500,000 buildings and 750 Students C. A. Cummlnis, Prop. practice. Loiran Utah tc ij-iwl 1,-,n A 11 1,;1, nn..-, T.eth lllled with irold. amalgam, or white ! IS lOCateU Here. All higher COUrSeS fllllnir: teeth extracted with thu least possl- ! I - i t,v1,f HT-llest work-l'rompt delivery ble pain by use of ixlontunder: satisfaction ( JameS L. Walters AlfrH A Rlivt tatlgllt. Kuaranteeds p otn 471 imw Itlter Bros H rtiiit-UA. diixi The Brigham Young College with 4sr.cinuTM. Thonoiw, M I AnORNE,AT,AW. House Pa.nlin, and Paper Han,, mjifica buildings and 725 Std- -- CH AS. G. HOLMES 1 Vrt, i, . T . , -, sr 1 he Logan Nurseries ! I Dnlonlllock 75 North .Main street Sign painting a specialty; All work euar- 1 lie JN'CW Jersey Academy With 150 Painter and Paperhangcr. . fH I - anteed Orsfcl.ss. phono I63z StlldentS is located here. Trees. Plan.,. Seeds and Floors. Gralner and decoralor. Ca.c.m.ng done '; I n,M Cfn,. I .,n,U, .. , . . TllC city School System is One Of As line stwk of ornamental tre.s as STtlooil orkma In guaranteed. Ilhll fH Logan Steam Laundry Hart & Nebeker the best in the west. couiu t...iinjt i.nci.n.w.. h lM 46 West 1st North. TM . i -i 1 South .Main street !' Lars. The city has wide streets, paved : irn-iM ti rri-rri --I First-class efllclcnt work done on short Suite 5 and t) commercial block sidewalks aild Crossings. . .. T ,.,, JOHN KUUM I I ', notice: family washes a specialty: satlsfac- waterworks SVSteni CaCllB Valle TB8 and SOtla W3 6r CO. . Urrrhint Tiltor '--- tlon guaranteed. Phone liu .,.,- , e, V 13U)UUU waterworks system Knrnnk.i Pptn p,. Merchant Tailor. , 'Phone 70. no box 54 r.,....r1 K,. fl.r. ..t,, Rorupkal & Pearson, Props. ... ... . ... ., , , OWUCU DV tllC CltV. r-v-n . . . ....... . I.adlesard (ientsf lothlng neatly c eaned IHiH . -.J-. -, ,.J . , , , rwHeadiiuarterH for all kinds of teas, cof- I I r M CO - A $100,000 llOfllt plant OWlied bv ties, spices. Ilavorlng extracts and baking and reparled. Good woik guaranteed U. O. Al. OC B. CO. A c,inH uuuuiijjiii. paiu u,iiv.w y Kjwderi manufacturers and Lmlers of all 71 W First Noiih s. A. oWinyarU the CltV. flavors of soda and mineral water: solo man- 71 w l-lrst ,oilii --l Lumber Dealers. . . . ufacturer of Monogram the Isst cereal , ii All independent electric system, fruitcoiieeo,, the market. pH prrrioorinc, celling, rustic, lath, doors. General Blacksmilhing "Tlir. T-Tfrn,,1rc " Palace Meat Market. ----- sash, mouldings, locks, hinges, nails, bolts. 1 lie rlerCUlCS. i uium. mull liwu lL. m bUlWeSB"nd!:'ontaxS?,CO,0,M,fr l.uggy and carriage work The Bell telephone SySteillwith Dr P M Poillseil Rust 4 Rcadlnfi. Props. H U'nU4" XOhux- ISlsouthMaln 300 SlibscriberS. Ur. I . iVl. I OUI&U1 Prlm,,h.,f..Mt.o,,.Por.. Veal. etc.. etq. M . Unlimited water power for estab- dentist. tYniame ,.) i-ouitn- m seas,,,,. M Real Estate, Loan and .In- Odell Photo Studio lishmeut of factories. njtsct of Teeth. jio.oo h.i,u,.,-. H suranceCo.,ofLogan. The city will soon have astreet cicKCTe th.' ...' 8o t K nt N. W. Kimball- A. E. Cranney, Mgrs. Family Groups a Specially. railway HlKhest class Crown and Ilri.lKe Work J.W.BARRETT 1 . Farms. Ilanches. Itesldence and lluslness t-Piinpali enlarewl Infra run India A 1 . It i- -.1 at most reasonable prices. Allwork iH tffiWnVSMX'K& inZTnZaclnTnri All e ectnc suburban hue with suaranteecL Teeth extracted without Archliecl. H fn's shoo store. center streets. Ijgau. Utah Salt Lake COllliectlOIlS IS a Certain paln' Ulliceoter U. II. aioru. Plans, mid Spe-incatlons funiMi on P--l . . rvrncnnn - short HOllCO. I'. O. HllS Hi OlllCO.7 f H prOSpeCt. North First Hast stleel BH Palace Meat Market Joseph Tarbet Logan has a commodious and beau- Put rubber tires on your ,"""B" ''hi'"1""1 ,r"'' ,, ,, TU . . tiful opera house, good hotels, a $10,- n hno-trv - --H Wm. Reading, Prop. The Plumber. nnn l ... j i i I ""ggy iH 000 pavilion and numberless amuse- nvrr i Prime beef, mutton, pork, veal, etc.; sua- PT"Orders executed, satisfaction guaran- Uieilt halls as Well aS a "NoveltV H Bmll Nielsen, the carriage builder I Wtr i sages fresh every morning; Ilsh, game and teed on short notlce-140 N Majn street, I.o- TMinnrro' K on South Mall) Street, will do tills for 4 MLX!! XT --H pouitrymseasonsswestcenteratreet mBm Three GentiU churches and ten E vou at a small cost. Any bKy or 3m ,, ucnu.t ciiurcnt-b aim ten a(,on Goai.il mc him. W 'MSRMmN -H Chas. W. Miller. Cache Valley Real Estate, Monnou meeting houses I iPr na. yy . iTiiii-i . j?me residences and up-to-date I I WmSmtvN. --i I U,an money at fl and 8 per cent, and sol bllsillCSS blocks. at r- r- i a i TBI rSil4?sPfik. M ii n r j i. im, a I residence and business locations, ranches a l(r . . . .,, . , J. H. PetritSCll, J-tJS?BWigM--Wr BJH U. 0. Foundry Building I and rarms In Cache Valley, hlnho and Cana A "CoillllierCial Cltlb" of ISO I JiTimnD.TM r-mrSSrf -S-!- da. Notary public In our otllco. . H NATUROPATH iui-i;H!N,tJrtlil5l H Artistic and Practical carriage Painter J. Z. Stewart. Manager. members. I Ilemoves the cause of .disease through M I Ihree miles from Logan canyon, "natimiai. mktiiods" without drug tt p n ,, c .. " Th, qMp Rnnrrl Rnr I t picturesque in west, from which g&S?ffl HoUSe Cold tire better H - - The Side Board Bar I fltheLogau mer, a beautiful LoKan. c.ah Sets yQm Urc whJle yon wak H WllSOn WhlSKBy Blon4Baldwln'Pr,",s' I Every opportunity ' for growth. inPflM iMI ID QIC PIE-Q And we uarantee that the tires set H I People are progressive and liberal. I LUuMll IvUnuLfllLlJ on this machine will stay tlRht lonRcr H THAT'S ALL. u1B..tow.I,..a.nr.,-.. 1 City, county and valley wants out- I -UU"n "--" than they will set the old way. 1 drink, a specialty; Lincoln hotel C sjde capital invested ill mines, gas, 1 m . ,, . Remember, we do all kinds of repair D I rnilrnirlc fnr.rnr,Ve 1 '' S' HA,N STREET. work and wo assuie you our charKcs lp ranroaub, ianoneb. m arc rcasonau;Ci pH L J Goodrich W. B. Parkinson, M. D. 10,000 other good points will be 1 H I named oil application to Commercial U Hoses and Carnations and all flowers M , p . . . , Physician and Surgeon. 1 Cluh E ,n season. Funcrnal designs a spec- ,, ... , H 1 flceJrMUdcen I r i. r . S laltv. Prompt attention Blvrn to or- Emil, E. Nielsen H i.McoTone U' "VesWenco phone Office-corner Main and center street, Ilea- I Doil't forget to pay US a VISlt. clcrsby mail Or phone. LOO AN, U'JAII HolilM. Hull EOT k. idcnco-balf bUwk north II Y college, po box I ,-, ,, , ,,, ,. H ind. 149. ,o.i..,m I I J O. Hox 128. Uel l'hone 153 K. I tijH Night calls from residence only, -'i ptoncs-12iW and 13flx - I HH B - I 1 H BBaMHMBKMkaBaaaMMaBMHBBaMnaBBaBw-- --------------------r----------fc----i--Mi H ,J. .,,M L K--------------------------------------------------------------- |