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Show Lewiston. LmvibTo.v, Utah, April 20, won. Just as the roads were getting fairly-dry fairly-dry and the most of the farming land so that it could be worked, It commenced com-menced to storm and we have been ic-cclvlng ic-cclvlng rain and hall for several days. The roads aro again In lad condition and some of our best beet laud Isso wet that a man can hardly walk across It. Considerable wheat and some beet seed has been sown, but the most of the beet land has .vet to be prepared and planted. People realize that It is getting late and the preponderance of opinion Is that it would be better If the crops wore In and growing. The Kocky Mountain Hell Telephone Co. has had a force of men hero the past week preparing to Install more 'phones and making Improvements In the way of painting and straightening their poles. William II. Telford, who has been laboring as a missionary In Colorado for the last eighteen months, returned home last week. He occupied a portion por-tion of tho time in the tabernacle last Sunday. The people were vcrv much Interested In what he said and he left a good Impression with the congregation. congrega-tion. A few days ago William Spackman left for a mNsion to Kngland. This will certainly be a nice trip for Mr. Spackman, as his parents came from that country some y ears ago. Hesldes the culture one gets from missionary and travel, he will have an opportunity oppor-tunity of visiting the home of his patents pat-ents and many relatives. We understand that It Is the Intention Inten-tion of Dr. W II. Parkinson Jr. to locate heie for business in his line at once. Ills sign is already out at the Telford hotel. It Is also said that a party from Logan will have a drug store here In the near future. A doctor and a drug store ought to go well together. Thco France, our former chorister and band leader, has been In town for a few days. He Is here disposing of property preparatory to moving his family to St. Anthony where he has been teaching vocal and Instrumental music the past winter. He says ho Minis plenty of work up there and that he Is kept very busy In St. Anthony and vicinity. ThcHaybal! Mercantile Co. has completed com-pleted a new fence on Main street north of their main building. Just now tin building is being repainted and before It Is Mulshed the firm name may be changed, as there Is a rumor atloat that Mr. Ilayball has sold his stock to Lewiston parties. Alvln Hrowcr Is busy making ptc-parallons ptc-parallons for a picket fence on the street In front of his icsldcucc. Geo. V.. Telford has put a cement walk around his new house and from the street to his barn. This is something some-thing new for Lewiston but many things out of the oidluarv in the lino of progress aie coming to this prosperous pros-perous section very soon. Will Watson, representing Smns Utah Gioccrv Co, was In town yes-day. yes-day. , |