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Show H .' Stallion Season or Dennis Is On. BBH HBV S This beautiful standard bred stal- HH j , lion can be seen at Thatcher's Livery HHb E barn, Logan, also his certilicate of HHa registration. BBH Dennis Is among the nest In his BBBJ class, being larger than most standard BBH bred trotters. He is a beautiful black BBH , very line coat, heavy main and tall, BBH good disposition and style, and has a HHl trotting record of 2:22. No other BBH ", stallion produced in Hlah has such a HH I mark. Now is the time to pay so mo HHj , ' attention to this class of horses. HHj Call and see the beautiful black BHB I ' j standard bred stall Mi Dennis at HHj ' Thatcher's Livery barn, Logan. HHi': HfltBgflk HHB'HHHHHl |