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Show THE TETON PEOPLE GIVE $q00 I Tkton Cm, liJ.viio, April 2 Teton Te-ton City has aver been known for tho generosity of Its people. We do not wish to boast, but we want to give the good people of Cache an idea of the warm hearts and feelings that exist ex-ist in this land that they sometimes think cold Some three weeks ago Henry Rlchnun left Teton for a mission mis-sion to the southern states. As Is ll.o custom of the town, a farewell party was given him prior lo his leave-taking. A very enjoyable evening was spent and a purse of $150 presented him as a token of the good wll', of his friends. On the in Inst, tho angel of death claimed one of our good brothers, taking tak-ing him suddenly from a sorrow stricken strick-en wife and soven children The generosity gen-erosity of the people was again appealed ap-pealed to and a puree of $1(15 made up for Mrs. Cook. Words cannot express the gratitude of Sister Cook to her f i lends for their kindness in her hour of sorrow. I Just four days after ihMathow Rlrd I was helped on a mission to the south witli a contribution of $155. Rut the H end Is not )ct. H Tor San Francisco. H Sunday afternoon a mass meeting of H the citlcns was called to sco what H Teton could do to aid In the relief of ( H the California uulfcrers. It was agreed H that a car of Hour should be shipped H at once. A soliciting committee of I H eight was appointed to make a can- H vjs for contributions and the chair- i H man of the village board Instructed to H have a car placed at Sugar City for H loading on the following day. Special H arrangements were made with the H Teton roller mills whereby the Hour H was purchased at $1 40 per Cut. Those B who could not contribute Hour, nor H money to buy It, volunteered teams to , B transport It to tho car. The peoplo y HJ again demonstrated their character- HJ Istlc generosity and on Monday, tho H '.Mrd :t0,000 pounds of the staff of life, 19 representing Ai'jo was consigned to HJ Mayor Schmltz of San Francisco. HQ Totaling the four collections, wo get HJ a sum of $S00 for charitable purposes HJ In threo weeks time the thrco weeks H too of tho greatest scarcity of money BJ of all tho twelve months of tho year. HJ (continued on pcgc8) HJ H Teton Notes. BBJ concluded from 1st page. BBJ ' Surely there is a good people In Teton. BBJ, The work on the Moss-Caldwcll- HH1 Moain building Is progressing nicely. BBJ i The building Is to be an up-to-date BBJ , brick structure with Hat gravel toof. BBl ' The weather here for the past two BBl ' or three weeks has been beautiful, but BBl at present writing there are tierce H ' thrcatcnings of storm. Cropping is BBa on at full blast. Karly garden Is in BBl and much of it up Indications all BBl i point to a prosperous year for every H one. It is said that labor will be in BBl greater demand and wages higher this BBl year than ever before. We have a BBl beautiful country, admirable town- BBl site, location for health and eon- BBl ' venlenee, and wonderful resources for BBl development. BBl Wc are willing to share all the BBl above with the people of Cache. If BBl you haven't a good home, Investigate BBl conditions at Teton. Just a letter of BBl Inquiry addressed to Marlcr Pros. Co. BBl put you on. |