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Show THINK MONKEYS HAVE "F-.C.'i. ' Eminent Men of Cclenee Aj"a with Prof. Garner. 1 It !b generally mipiioxeil tli.i. Prof. Garner In tlio first imin to nMH what lias com)! to he called the Bfwe.h of monkej'H. As a matter of fnc tho honor beloiica to Sir Itlcliprc! Durton, the famous orlcntallHt who translated the "Tlioimnnd and One Nlglitg." l.ady Hut ton tellB In lior hlosraphy of her illHtlngulRtieil hunlianil ilia Sir Mellaril Mell-aril believed firmly In nionUc speecli, that lie hail forty npcH continually with lilm for Rpveral yearn mid that he had written down a monkey vocabulary of sixty wonlu. TIiIh vociilmlury un-fortunatuly un-fortunatuly wbr lost. Prof. Gnrner can nialio a strange nionkey drink by saying say-ing a 'crtnln word, and with another word lie can mako It cat and with another word he enn frlKhten It. Hut Sir Mellaril Hurtnn couhl do all theso things, too. Ills vocabulary, furthermore, further-more, wns larger than Mr. Garner's. Urnst Ilaeckol, the ureal German scientist, Is In hearty sympathy with tho study of the monkey language. Ho says he believes flruily that such 11 lnn;niago exists. |