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Show ( I May Day At Mendon -- H ' Mk.ndon, Apiil U.Y-Thc llrst of H May will soon be here and our ward H ' never falls to have a gala day. Under H i the auspices of Sunday school superln- H tendency there will be a great day for H ' the children and the general public. H No means will be spaied to make this H celcbiatlou the best. . There were H' i many c, nulla, iu- for queen of May H I day, but Miss Olive Wood won out by H a good majority. Jesse Wood was ! ' nominated and drew the largest number num-ber of votes for Archbishop. Program. !i:30 a. in. lirass band selections lo o'clock Crowning of the queen and May polo dance. 10::io.- Program In ward meeting house. 12 o'clock, dinner. J p. in.- Children's dance and also a big game of ball. p. in. -A dance In Hlchardss hall: H. Y. orchestra. Everybody welcome. |