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Show Sale of Delinquent Stock ! The West-Cache Irrigation Co., principal place or business, Ticnton, Cache county, Utah. There are delinquent on the following described s,took on account of asses-men asses-men t levied on March 10th, 11)00, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows: Name No. certificate No. Shares Amt , M. w. Butler, ,j:i,-i-i.-iTO,-ni,-io,.'j.m,.U77,-io,V-oi .4:11 .$ l-jti :;o J. W. Bench 321 ;t 7 112 Ollf CroniiuUt :i.'i(l 27.(1 S 28 A.R.Cheney (UMLC) 20J,-.H2 .... 7.:i 2 21 Nephl Chrlstensen 20O,-:i4tl (15 1 !)0 .lames Frew 224, I'ot 121.2 :il ."IS .1. K. Fuell 404 '. 4.C. ... 1 :ili Alvln Hawkes litis 27.(1 8 .'II ) '.. T;) (I. J:) (A. M. F.)14,-:t04,- 45!)... I iMf Jacob .lorgensen. MU M L'C) 211,-281,-20S, 14!) :t 447 1)0 "" I 20!l,-210. ( Joseph C. Jorgensen (U M L C) (S.'l,-222,-2i!7,-45r) 170.8. .... , r,:t 01 Joseph K Winn 42(5 l.'I.H.... 4 02 (Jcorgo Bench 4GU 1,5 4,- Ben Hansen 4X1 1.7. ... G4 Samuel I). Jensen 4.'i!) 10.!). .. :s 110 Wm. l. Hansen 431.'. 7,.ri 2 2," truest Jensen 403 7 24 Marinus Petersen 440 1.5 48 Harris Stephenson 40!) 4.2 12!) AboSmlth 4D.1 21.2 0 30 Newton Woodruff 18!) . 5.8 174 And In accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors of said company made on the 10th day of March, 11)00, so many shares or each piece of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at the residence of Parley Merrill at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, on the 12th day of May, 1000, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. T. N. Judaii, Secretary and treasurer of the West-Cache Irrigation company. Olllce at Trenton, Cache county, Utah. f . Mr HEJffEM 1 JkS? Clothes wear as well as KmS. ' W- they loo k and there's V' w f 1 style in every line 'g m -5 'rrlsffOl quality in every thread. Jj mj '$ -'JV '1lie lh'U S'stem sPrI" an(1 I KJrSyi Summer styles bhow the very I ES""' v il vSr?!? newest fashions for men anil 1 gMKjflsnfy boys the most attractive jBffi yJKjv' , ff and best-wearing fabrics I HIV fjjs ' M at reasonable price. The v & - ($ Bell System clothes will lit Imk Ifrfrtfp any fon"' Ml Wk. iff e Sltre " "lsPec ie new fS'I -fpv 4i e System garments before K? r $ making' your selection. HJ 3f K afl Derigncd and made by I Bjil? ffiylff Stern, Laucr, Shohlfir Co., Cincinnati, O. 8 " ' W Is-NEWBOLD J ! Points to Keep in Mind I JOU 00 I'l of VS. "k ll Don't buy your Muslin m M i'aiiiifl Underwear until jou See m " W il the mm H line of fr J H In Ribbons and rfSF W H Neckwear we M f Logan Knitting Factory I 500 Pairs of Gloves H at 25c and 50c a Pair M which Is less than cost ol material. These gloves are slightly Impcr- IH feet, being made by our operators while learning. They arc good bar- 'IH gains for the money. jH If you want the Best liH buy our all calf or horschidc gloves at $1 'J." and 1 50. These goods lH arc not excelled by any gloves on the market. We guarantee these to jH glvcjou perfect satisfaction. We stand hack or our gloves. H Forsalo al factory In old Con. I. building, opposite Kaglc hotel, H and at Tannery, South Main street, over the river. H Logan Glove & Tanning Company I I The FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOGAN, UTAH. H Cai-itai. $50,000.00 H SUIU'I.UB AND UNDIVIDK1) PltOKlTS $25,000.00 H Do our banking business at the Fhst National, the only National Hank In Cache county. Under supervision of the United States B Government. Safety for deposits. H Ptompt, progressive and up to dale. We want your business. jB We pay four percent Interest on time deposits. Interest compounded J 'J W S. McCoiiNicK, President. Am.an M. Flkmino, Cashier. J Jakks Quayi.k, Vice President II. E. Ciioukktt. Ass't, Cashier. BSJ LIST OF DIRECTORS: M W. S. McCohniok. Jamks Quayi.k .'omu'I! F. Smith John II. Andkuson Titos. Smaiit Soukn Hanskn. J C.C.Goodwin. C. W. Niiiluv. Allan.M. Flkmino J AKOTHKU M Excursion ! ! To ALBERTA, CANADA MAY 8th, 1906. CHEAP KATES H and fares lefundcd BAVJ lo purchases of our H BMVJ E. L. Sayre, S, L. City I Louis S. Cardon, Logan H Cement Brick & Cement Bldg. Blocks I JOSEPH E. WILSON JR. I M (IKNKHAL CEMENT CONTKACTOIt All kinds of Ceindtit work H lit large or small Jobs done anywhere and everywhere on short notice. H Cement sills, sidewalks, water tables, sewer pipe, roundations, etc. M Bell 'Phone 216 Z; Office and Yards 128 S. First East. ' M We've Got it Now an Entire S I ! New Line of Wallpaper : I i ( All latest patterns. Everything new. If q H I you buy before examining our lines you Q H J will surely rearer it. We sell no inferior m H I q jroods Uvea in our 10 cent papers. jg H I YOUR PAPER WILL STICK FOREVER if put H on with our prepared paste. Onepound makes H a bucket full. Only 15c. IjH We also have a Large Stock of Window Z H Shades. Beautiful colors, Handsome cloth Z H shades for 40c up. Room moulding, Z H S WILKINSON & SON., S J Remember the name. Remember the place. ; J FIRST NORTH STREET. 5 H |