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Show BUY YOUR FURNITURE o r t 11 k SPANDE Furmtm'e Co. and you II ml that It Is well bought. Hack of the Stylish appearance and Superior llnlsh Hist mark every piece in our Tremendous Stock, Is the high standard of QUALITY that comes from honest methods meth-ods and careful supervision. We have Just received a large shipment of Carpets among them a consignment of thefamousCOLUMlUA ltUUS-SKLS. ltUUS-SKLS. which can not be surpassed sur-passed for beauty and durability. durabil-ity. Also a large liipii"iit of the old reliable HAYWOOD BABY CARRIAGES. Our prices will suit um Spande Furniture Co. Sidney Stevens B'ldg. What an Easy Action the Ksley piano has! The "action has more to do with tonal quality than the case or keyboard. You'll find our Instruments good all the way through. They stand on their merits. We stand behind them. Harris Music Co. Kstey and Newman Dealers Yes; We Have a Telephone. What's moie we pay attention to It, and orders for any quantity or size of coal are tilled promptly with top grade, easily-burning coal. Olatl to have you call, of course, but the 'phone will bring quick response. M. & L. COAL & WOOD CO Both '"Phones - - No. 74 i Logan Lumber Yard., E. L. Johnson, Proprietor. All kinds of building material 011 hand. Shop work done on short notice. All kinds of planing done. 157 West:;athJSouth, Jlell 'Phone 114. E. J MERRILL Osteopath. Uooms-Over Rochdalo Storo Of (Ice hours-0 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 pm Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. t I A good comrade I I for cabin or castle I (351 Golden . Gate Coffee l High Grade High Price 9 Sold only in aroma-tight tins. Never in bulk. J. A. FOLGER & CO. I1 i EstafclWic4 1030 SAN FHANCISCO fi ...- 1 . ... - ; -.. ., 1 Best Lumber V The Preston Lumber Gompany Gnrrics only the best and wc are not afraid of competilois In either Quality or Prices. All our lumber Is sawed fiom the best limber obtainable and acar-penter acar-penter who Is any kind of a judge will readily admit that the lumber lum-ber we offer is superior to that sold elsewhere at anything like the price per foot. When 3011 want good lumber, come here. Preston Lumber Co., JOSEPH BELKNAP, Manager. One-half Illock west of First National Hank, Preston, Idaho. i age m nHBaaoam'iiMiiHii. mm The Scenic Line IToGlenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Coloiado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points East. Connecting at Ogdcn Union Depot with all SouthernPa-Icltloul SouthernPa-Icltloul ),'i 1 10 t Li m r,riiiu. 1 Tni only Transcontlnon Line passing directly tlirough Salt Lake City & Splendidly Equipped Trains between H OGDEN AND DENVER , Vm Three Separate and Distinct Scenic noutes. " jr. THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY sTeEPINg'cAR To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis and Chicago wlthou change. Free Itecllnlng Chair Cars Peisor.ally Conducted Ex curslons. DINING CA U.S. Scivkv a ia Carte on all through trains For rates, folders, free lllustiated booklets, etc.. Inquire of your nearest ticket agent, specifying the lllo Grande route or addiess I I. C. BENTON, G PA D, Salt Lake City iJWj.w'v.'iaBgti'rffflajBJMfllffMIBnSMMM I THE GUARANTEED GOLD CUREl Your Druggist Guarantoos Every Dox of BROMO-LAV CONTAINS NO QUININE To Cure Colds and Stop Headaches - it docs the Work Qulckly-Safely Leaving no Dad After-Effects Like Quinine Preparations Because THERE IS NO QUININE IN IT In the Orange Colored Box at all Drug Stores 25 cents or by Mall. BriOMO CHEMICAL CO.. CHICAGO. V '. BjBjMBBBBiissssssssssssssBsssM r Sold and Guaranteed by Riter Bros. Drug Co. |