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Show Funeral Services at Wellsville I Evan Owen and John Leishman Laid to I Rest. Other News of the City. iH Wkli.svili.15, April 20. -On Sunday funeral services over the remains of Evan Owen were held In the meeting house. Many representee people from all over the Hyrum stake, some from Cache stake, came to p.iy their respects to the memory of that honored hon-ored man of (5od. The services were conducted by Rlshop Kvan R. Owen, eldest son of the deceased. The choir, under tho leadership of John Rrcnchly, rendered some beautiful selections. Patriarch Robert Haxter olfered the opening prayer. The speakers were G. Raxtcr, Moses Thatcher, Joshua Salisbury, I). L. Walters, Pres. W. 0. Parkinson, of tho Hyrum stake, and Rlshon Owen. All spoke words of praise for tho deceased de-ceased and of his love for tho truth, and for lift Integrity and devotion to the cause of Christ. He was an honest Latter-day Saint. Short Biographical Sketch. Kvan Richards Owen was born on August 15, 183'.', In North Wales. His parents died wiicn ho was but two years of age. Mrs. Catherine Hughes took charge of him and was a mother to him. He came to Utah in 1852 and worked in the southern part of tho state. Through hlsecomony and Industry In-dustry he was able to gather around him quite a number of cattle and horses and In 1800 he moved to Cache Valley and settled In Wellsville where jH he went into. stockratslng and became jHBl one of the largest cattle owners In this ImH section. He was the pioneer diary manof this valley. He was a member of the Wellsville city council for many j years; was councilor to Rlshop W. II. ,HB Maughan for L'J years. While In the jI cattle business he was also a largo .H laud owner and for years gave cm- ploymcut to a great number of men, IH and no man was better known than il Kvan Owen. He leaves a wife, four ' sons and three daughters, all grown. ' He was a devoted husband, a kind and Jl Indulgent father, and his whole asplr- il atlon in life was that his children !H should be useful and energetic cltl- 7cns, and be faithful and true to tho "1 cause of Christ. tl Another Pioneer Gone. iM John Leishman, brother of James jH A, Leishman, of Logan, died at his 3 residence hero on tho L'.lrd, of typhoid fl fovcr. Ho was one of tii i early plo !. ncers of Cacho Valley and one of the ! early settlers of Utah. It was a good i man and a truo Lattr-day Saint In M every sense of thcwoid, truo to his i convictions. Funcrm services will bo I o'd In the ward meeting house today. iil e Stork Busy. f While some of our aged peoplo are il (continued on page 8.) i'l kH I , Wellsville. Hk , concluded from 1st page Him passing away to the great beyond to B; ' - Kct tholr Just reward, the stork hag Hi paid a visit to the home of John A. Hr Lclshman and left a twelve-pound H. boy. It continued It rounds and left H, ' a beautiful girl at the homes or Fred HH Darlcy, Andrew Hutchison and Henry HJ Hurt. Mothers and babies arc doing J Party To Missionaries. HJ Next Monday, Walter M. .Jones and HJ John J. Hendry will leave Wellsville HJ to (III a mission In Kurope. a farewell HJ . party will be given them In the hall HJ Friday night. Like all others that Bh leave our ward to Jill a mission, they Bb will have a good scnd-olT.tlie good pco- BB pic of our town and district contrlb.it- BB ing money to help them while absent. H Personal Mention. BB (ieorge Ilankhcad, of this city, has Hi sold his ranch to Thomas O.irlcy and H will move to Illackfoot, Idaho, 111 the HJ near future. Mrs. llankhead will re- HH main In town for the summer. H Mcssrs.Qulnticy, Hyde and Maughau t of the Logan sugar factory were In M our town Monday looking up the beet HB industry. Although the beet crop BBJ was a partial failure last year, our HH farmers will put In more beets than BBJ ever before. BBJ Thomas A. Lclshman has put u nice BBJ fence around his line residence. He BBJ has now as line and commodious home BBJ as there is in tlio city. BBJ Our city fathers voted MO to the suf- BBJ fr.rcrs in San Kranciaco Other con- BBJ trlbutions will be forth coming right BBJ, BBJ; I'rof. Miller has been in our city for BBJj two days giving lectuies. Tuesday ho HH: spoke on"Character IJulldlng." Wed- HH ncsday night, "Parental Heredity." BBJ! He also visited the schools and spoke HH to the pupils on "facial Purity" |