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Show Items in Condensed form Oocs Trek to Aigentina. A resident of the Argentine Ilopttb-lie Ilopttb-lie who recently arrived In this country, coun-try, In speaking of Immigration to his country, snld: "Wo nre expecting the arrival of n considerable number of tloers, who, we think, will make good colonists In fact, there Is a regular 'trek' on from the Transvaal and the Orange Trcp State. Tho committee having the Matter In charge has al ready charter id several stci.Mcrs to take the eml-"nts from South Africa, nd when tin r'rh Ilucnos Ay res .ho Argentl government will pay heir cxpem to the place where Jicj nro to settle. "It would not surpr'se me If In n cw years th hulk of the Hoor popu-iitlon popu-iitlon of Sctith Africa hail hetaken itself to Argentina. The Ilrltlsh an chorltlcH nro afready Foniow'hat disturbed dis-turbed and the London Times ie-cenlly ie-cenlly declared that 'this movement Is as unaccountable ns the old treks from the republics In search of new fields.1 " |