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Show MAN IS INJURED AT PRESTON I Piikston, April 20. While on his wav home late last evening, Thomas Jenkins met with a very serious accident. acci-dent. At the excavation for the basement base-ment of J. G. Smith's new building on State street, Mr. Jenkins walked off of a perpendicular bank about ten feet high. He was found an hour later In an unconscious condition Today he is reported to bo in aserlousconditlon. It is a wonder that someone has not met with an accident In the same place before this, as there has been no protection or signal to warn peoplo traveling after dark that Instead of a plank sidewalk and fence as before there Is now a deep hole. Asa result of a careful canvass of tho business houses made by the officers of-ficers of the baseball club tho ball team has been placed on a llrm footing and the outlook for an exceptional successful season's work Is very good. There' was subscribed about $150 At The 0. S. Academy. Last Friday the teachers and students stu-dents voted a special Arbor I)jy and all participated in tho planting of a a grove of about 150 hardwood trees which weie presented to the Institu tion by Messrs. Geo. M. Cannon, of M Salt Lake, and Geo. C, Parkinson, of M this place. The trees were grown In M Mr. Cannon's private nursery at For- lil est Dale. The planting of tho trees jflJ was accompanied by appropriate cx;r- M ciscs I M Tho Normal graduates met last H Saturday and took their linal cxaml- H nation in psychology. Tho principal H reports that the students have done M excellent work dining the winter's M course as shown by the results of the lil tlnal examination. H The eighth grade class met today ' H for the purpose of selecting a class ; M motto and a design for tho class ban- ' H ner. The motto chosen Is "Make way ' H for the class of 'O'J." The banner de- ' H sign is to cost $20 and will bo ordered j H ready-made from an eastern llrm. The H class will give a dancing party on tho H 5th of next month, the proceeds going H to help defray the cost of the banner. H Student and teachers arc all busy H making preparations for Commence- ' H ment week which Is to be one of the H most Important events In tho history i H of the institution. Invitations have I H been sent to Prcs. Jos.F. Smith and to ( H Governor Gooding to be present on H (continued on page 8 ) H Preston Doings. concluded from 1st pige. the occasion. Prof. Klchard Lyman.of the University of Utah, Is to deliver tho address to the graduates. A Death, Sickness and Births. Last Saturday the funeral of Miss Martha Stevens was held at the Second Sec-ond ward meeting house. The speakers speak-ers were Sol hale, Oeo. II. Carver, II. S. (Jeddcs, Joseph Davis and Lorenzo Johnson. A large number of.rricnds of tho deceased were In attendance at tho services. Mrs. Thomas Kershaw lias been III with pneumonia. At present, however, how-ever, she Is repoitcd to bo Improving. C. I). (ioasllnd, the IT. S. Commoner, Common-er, has been conllncd to his room for several das with lagrlppe. Horn last weok to Claude ilawkcs, a boy, to Joseph Thomas and wife a bpy and on Wednesday to David Kamus and wife, a boy. The Opera llou se. At a meeting this evening of the board of directors of the Pieston opera house company, new plans and specifications specifi-cations were adopted and work on the building is to commence Immediately. The dimensions or the building will be H.lxlGO. It will face south on 1st South street. Personal Mention. The people of Preston aie lending their support to the unfortunate In the recent California disaster. $i:(."j.""i In cash has been sent to Governor Gooding to be rorwarded and another amount will be rorwarded In a few days. A. II. Saxcr and Beatrice Hampson were united In marriage at Salt Lake last Tuesday. After a few days visit with friends In that town they will icturn to Preston to make their lion. A farewell reception was given in the Third ward meeting house Wednesday Wed-nesday night In honor or N. 0. Miller, who leaves next Sunday ror Sweden where ho will do missionary work. Monday night tho stake choir resumed re-sumed Its regular weekly practices preparatory to the quarterly conference confer-ence to take place In the fore part of June. Farmers in tills section have been able to do little work so far this week on account- of there being so much rainy weather. A. W.Hart returned from Salt Lake this evening where he has been In the interest of the Oneida Irrigation Co. Mrs. Ray L. Davis caino up Irom Salt Lake Tuesday where she had been visiting relatives. Harrison Merrill has received a call to till a mission to Germany and Switzerland. Misses Harriet Luthy. Hay Head and Myrtle Neelcy were Logan visitors this week. Local Lodge I. O. O. F. will give a banquet at Hobb's hall this evening. Miss llelvla Lowe, or Franklin, Is In town visiting relatives and rriends. |