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Show Odd Fellows Celebrate Very Pleasant Affair in Honor of Eighty-Seventh Eighty-Seventh Birthday Of Order. The eighty-seventh anniversary .of the birth of Odd Fellowship in America Amer-ica was celebrated Wednesihy evening In a vcrv happy way at the rooms of Logan lodge No 4.1. There was music and spcechmaklng, a line luncheon and the best of good lodge times. A hundred hun-dred or more Odd Fellows, families and friends wcio present and even at a late hour they were loth to lcae the pleasures of the evening. The fcatuie, and a truly enjoyable one, was an address by Orand Secrc-taiy Secrc-taiy I'eter A. Slmpkln, ol Salt Lake. Mr. Slmpkln has spoken to the Odd Fellows hcie at dllleicnt times ere this and was 'a genuine favorite, but Wednesday night's cllort cemented ties even more. stiongly. The Orand Secretary has words unlimited, a forceful as well as pleasing manner of address, and in setting forth the glorious glori-ous principles aid deeds of Odd Fellowship Fel-lowship painted word pictures as only a master can. Incidentally ho gave historical facts about the giowth of Odd Fellowship, which Is today the greatest fiaternlty, in matter or numbers, num-bers, on the globe. He detailed the fact that Odd Fellowship is what the three links Imply, Friendship, Love, and Truth, Inteiferlng with no man's religious or political convictions under un-der penalty of constitution and bylaws, by-laws, and reaching out the helping hand to all mankind everywhere and under eveiy condition. Odd Fellowship Fellow-ship has spent more than $110,000,000 for the lellcf of sulTerlng humanity, the building or orphanages, In behalf or tlic widows or members, and in doing do-ing Christ-like work. Odd Fellowship, Instead or supplanting any church, is designed to assist all causes that are good, and Mr. Slmpkln staled that he Is a better minister because he Is an Odd Fellow and a belter Odd Fellow because he is a minister. Ills talk or an hour was teplcte with the 11 nest and best thoughts, and those who missed It, missed an exceptional treat. Incidentally, Mr. Slmpkln congratulated congratu-lated Logan lodge on Oeing the .voting-est .voting-est lodge In the United States o have a representative in a soveielgn firand Lodge, this representative being Charles Pearson, who a week ago was elected treasuier or the Utah Jurisdiction. Jurisdic-tion. It was also mentioned that Logan Lodge No.. 4,'l had donated $50 for the teller or San Franclscosullercts Fotty, other lodges in the state will send checks for.tliat amount or mote. Other pleasures or the evening were as follows: (ioidon Garrett pliijcu "Alice" so acceptably that ho must needs respond re-spond with "When the Itoblns He-turn He-turn " F II. Baugh sang "Tell Me" and as an encore sang "When the Bees Were in the Hive". Miss Hattle Lawson gave a very excellent ex-cellent recitation. At the close or the ptogram MUs Nellie Hayball gave a reading "An Old Sweclheattor Mine"ln a splendid way. H.G. Hayball, as master orccie-motrles, orccie-motrles, proved hlmseir the real It. The evening was then devoted to consuming a great vailety and unstinted un-stinted iniantity or about all the things good to eat that might be mentioned. men-tioned. Tills part of the piogtam ptoved as acceptable as the music and spcechmaklng and served as a means of a pleasant social Intercourse. The all.ilr as a whole was about as pleasant pleas-ant as they make 'em. |