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Show I Summer School At A. C. m Teachers Will Have Opportunity to do Some H Very Efficient Work at Little Cost. H The Arlciillunil College of Utnli H has completed arrangements for Its H annual summer school, beginning H June Utli. Courses will be given in H the common school branches and in all 1 subjects required for county and state 1 ccrilllcates. This uork will be given B by specialists, many of whom were B trained in normal schools, and have H had experience as teachers In public B schools; In short, the faculty Is com- h prised of men and women trained in the best schools of this country and Europe. Many teachers feel the need of better scholarship. These courses will be glcn to supply this demand. B For those who wlsli to add to their 1 professional knowledge, strong courses will be given In educational psychology and methods H Agriculture. 1 One special fcatiuc will he a course H In Elcmentaiy Agrlcultuie. This will meet popular demands, and will he Klven In such a way thai It can be put B Into any school the coming year. It will give an opportunity to put grain- H mar grade pupils In touch and H sympathy with their environment. This worlc can take the place of the perfunctory woik now too ficipiently I done In nature study. Seveial states H have already made clcmcuiary ngrl- H culture a part of the public school H work. The very extensive equipment H of the college, consisting of oichaids, H experimental farms, live stock, dally, H and conservatory will all bo used In H Manual Training. H New and iiiagiilllcciitly equipped H shops, wltli competent Instruetuis In H charge, will be at the command of H the principals and teachers of the H s,tatc. Hereacouisc hi bench work In wood will bo Klven, accompanied by Instructions as to how this work can be installed successfully In the upper grammar grades. Those who have had trouble In keeping the boys In school In the seventh and eighth grades can spend live weeks this summer sum-mer preparing to give the bos some practical manual training that will appeal to them, then this dltllculty will vanish. The sewing rooms and cooking laboratories, lab-oratories, with their extensive equipment, equip-ment, aic for tlio use of the progressive progres-sive lady tcacl ers who wish to tit themselves to do. in itio grades, some work that, through the girls, will go Into the homes of the community. Sewing, In the hands of a competent teacher, Is practicable In any of our schools now, and It will not only serve as an excellent means of education to the child, but, at the same time, will carry with It practical results. While It requires more equipment to Introduce Intro-duce the cooking, special pains will be taken to show how this can be done wltli the least expense and in the most practical way. Prominent Men. A number of the most prominent teachers and educators of the country will deliver Iceturesdurlng the session. Their names will be announced later. Credit will be given on the record for work done, and grades from the Summer School will he accepted by the State Hoard of Education In lieu of cxamlation. Logan has a mosl delightful summer climate for educational work. Expenses Ex-penses are low. The exceptional advantages ad-vantages olleied hero In both academic and Industrial lines ought to demand the consideration of every progressive teacher Can you afford to miss this opportunity? |