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Show iif-ii - IJJJJJJJB 43T i B Nature's Groat Invention JJJ On 'le tnnkolMle Amirou t ir uwiy, f.ir awiy. Whir In l.rrMi kIM Aiiitn-l I lnw r ti ill l iv j All p(. k. l .I flnwtri ill Ani;M.t in n!r Hnfl J An nltlo I r ii imWcr, all luus to te dir fttill PUJ August I'luncr is tlic only medicine JflH (free from nliolmlic stiimil nils) tli.it li is PUJ l)c"ii simessful in Lrrpuiu; the entile- PJH tliirty-tuo fi'tt of dijji-stiM- iipiir.itusin n PJH tinnii.it ccmihtion, mill assisting ti.iture's PPH processes ufMij-cstioii, st-p.ir.ition and al)- PflPJ (sorption for building ami te-liuililiii); - PflPJ by presenting am. irregul.tr or uun.itiir.il PPH cutset uhuli interrupt lie.iltliv ami pcr- PPH feet ii.itur.il processes unci result m lutes- PPPPJ tin.il iiuligestiou, c.itarrlinl affections PPPPJ (cnusitie; nppetiilicitis stoppage of the PJPJ gall duct), fermentation of unhealthy PPPJP foods, nervous dysjiepMi, headache, roil- PPPPJ r.tip.itiou and other coiupl.iiiits, such us PPH colic, hilioiisiiess, jaiindue, etc. 1 PflPJ August I'lovnr is natures intended reg- PPPPJ nlator. Two sues, 25c, 75c. All druggists. RRRRJ City Drug Store, Logan, (hah. H LEGAL NOTICES H . PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. PPPPJ Consult County Clerk or the ttetpectlve Sign- PPPPJ ers for further Information. PPPPJ ! In the District Court, Probate Division In and PPPPJ! for Cache Courty, State of Utah. RRRRJ ( notici: ruti:irnu HBHJ KsUteiif Miirriiii-r Merrill, ilisvasi il. I Creilltors will nn'si'iil cliilnis with miiii'Iii'I-h I to llio iiiiilurslk'iied al Ills ri'shli lice at Itli'h- I iniiml Caclin Couiiti. I'tali. on or l'font tliu I lOlh ilaj of IVIiruari, A. II l'7 I llalmif llrsliinlilliMiliiii. April Till IIHXI I T, II Merrill, administrator of tlie estate of I MarrlnitrW Merrill, il ased J Hart A. Nelel.er. atlornes for said .'Male. RRRRJ. MITICF. TO C'lti:iITOIl. HBHJ Hntateof Anna C lledln. dis-easud I ' Cieilltorswllt tiresrut elalins Willi touchers I t to tliu liuderslk'ned at Ids resilience In l.iik'an I I'ltl.ln tint eoiinty of Oaelie, and Slate of I Utah, on or before, the Mill Mayor Anirilit.llW J .I.C. KNrini.rs, adiiilulsiralor. HBHJ .1. C. Wallers, altorne) J 1 Date of 1st imlilleiiliiii, ,ril Till last May H H Notice of Sale of Personal Property. RRRRJ In the mutter of the estate of Itlpley J S. Lyon, deceased RPRR J Tlie undersigned will soil at private RPRR RRRR (10.1 shares of tii.iud Contial Mining RRRRJ company stock RRRI lOOshaics Victor 1,1 Mining company RPRR RRRR HOO shatcs Swansea Mining compaii) RRRR RRRR 11I8-1C0J Inteiesl of tlOOO.OO bond of RPRR Tclluihle Power company RRRR WK) shaies of Idaho Sugai company RRRR RRRR Otiorafloi the'thdayor April, HMtl, RRRR and written bids will be received al RRRR the olllce of the undersigned, at No RRRR 85 North Main street. Logan, Utah. RRRR Terms of salo cash. RRRR .lA-MK.sC. Waltkus, Executor. H Notice to Water Users. RRRP Stale Engineer'-, olllce, Salt Like RHH City, Utah, March 31, VMM RRRJ Notice Is hereby g! en thai Joseph RRRl Mouson et al, whose postoillcu address RRRJ is Logan, Utah, has made anplica- RRRl lion In accotdanee with the require- RRRJ incuts of Chapter los, Session Laws of RRRJ Utah, luo.'i, to appropriate onu hun- RRRJ drcd trtcnl.v-tive (12,") cubic-feel per " v second of water Mowing In Blacksmith Kork Itlver, Cache Count, Utah. Said water will be dlvei ted by means J of a dam and a pipe line al a point which heals south 7! degrees U minutes IU seconds cast "'' 2 feet (lis- HBl laul from the south west corner of HbJ the south cast quarter of Section L, Bl township 10 uoiih. It inge 1 east, Sail Lake base and meridian, front where HBl il will be comojed fot a distance of 1 1.1, llii feet and thete Used fiom .latin- J ary 1st to Dccemher :ilst, Inclusive, of each year, lo develop power for Hie purpose of electi it- lighting and pro- H polling machinery in Millvllle, Wells- villu and llvrum in Caclie County, Utah. Aftor having been so diverted and used, tile water will be iclumed HB 1 to the natural channel of said sttcain B I al a point which bears south 77 degrees H ! tt miuuu-s east r.'dit feet distant from m tliu south west corner of the south ' , I casl quarter of Section 2, Township 10 H , I north, Itange 1 oast, Salt LaUc base H i 7 and mei Idl. in. This application lb H ! - designated in the Stale Knglneur's of- H llco as No. 71.) H All protesU;agalnst the gtanllng of H said appllcallon, stating the reasons H lliurcforo must be made by atlldavit In m duplicate and Illed lulhlsoillca within H , tlilil (;:o) days after the completion m of the publication of this notice H Cai.cii 'I'annhu, M p. Stale Kuglnecr m ' Dato of tltst publication April 7th, . date of completion of publication May H Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tar H JV ) . Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds from H the system by tentiy movlna too bewelt. Notice to Water Users. State Knginecr's (Jillce. Salt Lake City, Utah, March .11, UWH. Notice Is liercb) glen that .lames McNIel, whose postolllcc address is Logan, Utah, has made application In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 10S, Session Laws of Utah, Um)."i, to appropriate twenty-tlu hun-dr hun-dr dths (.i"i) of a cubic foot per second sec-ond of water How log from a spring in Cache count, Utah. Said spring Is situated al a polAi oils feet north and 01 1 feet east of the east quarter cornel cor-nel of section 27, township 11 north, range 1 cast, Sail Lake base and meridian. Said water wll1 00 diverted al a polnl where It Issues from said spring and convened for a distance of soo feet by means of a pipe, and there used from April lsl to September ,10th, Inclusive, of each ycai, li Irrigate 6 acres of land embraced In section 27, township 12 north, tange I cast, Salt Lake base and meridian. From Octo-bet Octo-bet 1st of each jearto March Ills', of the year following, as much of said water as may be necessaty will Le used for domestic purposes. This application ap-plication Is designated In the State Knglneer's olllce as No 7!7. All pi otests against the giantlng of said application, stating the teasons therefor, must be made byailldavll in duplicate and Hied In this olllce within thirty (.'ID) days after the completion of tlie publication of this notice. CalkiiTavniiii, State Lngluecr. Datcoflirst publication April 7th, date of completion of publication May-nil. Ballard's florthound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy cough; oppressed, tattling, rasping and dilllcult bieitthing. Ilcntv C. Sterns, driigKist. Shullsburu'. Wis , writes, May 20. 1U02: -'I have been selling Itallaid's Horehound Syrup for twoyeats, and have never had a pre-natation pre-natation thai h.ts given better .satisfaction. .satis-faction. 1 notice that when I sill a bottle they come back for more I can honestly recommend It." 25c. .')! and $100 Sold In liltcr Itios. Drug Co A Dandy for Burns. Dr. Height, l'aua, III. wiltes: "I have used Itallaid's Snow Liniment always and recomni'Mided It to my fi lends, as I ant contldent thete Is no better made 'It Wit dandy for bums.' Those who live on farms are especially liable to niiinv accidental cuts, burns, bttilses, which heal rapidly when Hal-lard's Hal-lard's Sow Liniment Is applied. It should always be kept In the house for cases of emergency " 2,"ic, ,"0c and tl.ni) Sold by Itlter llros Drug Co. Ilealth is Youth. Disease and sickness bilng old age. Ilerblne, taken every 11101 nlng heroic bieak fast, will keep you in lobusl h eallli, 111 you to ward, oil disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, fevei skin, llvei and kidne complaints it puiilles the blood and cletrs the complelon Mrs I). W. Smith, Whitney, Te., writes April .1 Itioj. "I hao used Ilerblne, and llnd It tlie best medicine for constipation constipa-tion and ller troubles. It docs all you claim for It lean highly recommend recom-mend It r0e. Sold by Itlter llros, Dm Co Cures Coughs and Colds. Mrs r. 1'eterson, (I2," Lake St To-peka, To-peka, Kans, sais "Of till coiiKh re-inudies re-inudies llallard's Iloiehound Mrup Is my favorite: It has done and will do all that is claimed for II to speedily cure all coughs and colds- and It Is so sweet and pleasant to tho tasto Sold by Utter llros. Drtik'Co Nelson Statue Is Decaying. Tho Nelson ktatue in Trafalgar Hquaro, Ionilnn. Is ulieudy decaying. It Is found that tho only Ktouo that re-orlsts, re-orlsts, hut poihaps tho only 0110 who Is rortlaml limestone of which St. Paul's cathedral Is hullt. All Meat for Parisians. A street fatgn that amazes American visitors In I'arls reads: "Iiutcliory of Horse, Ass mid Mule a Specialty.' Chicago Meat Market Is the place to go for all " kinds of Family Meats. Highest casli price paid for all kinds of hides HOPKINS AND ROBERTS COAL Plenty of lT. P. and Hock Spring coal on hand $,"i for 2.000 lbs de-liveicd, de-liveicd, or t .10 at tlie scales Very special rate on car loads Wo furnish any coal desired. 1st S. and fith W. Cash on delivery. LOGAN JUNK SHOP HritiK all scrap Iron, metal, bottles, rags and rubbers, or call us up and we will come. Ind phone :t.17. Hell phone 146 South Main St. Oregon Short Line R.R. CACHE VALLEY TIMK CAM) No. II. Dull)-. No. 15 Daily Mixed. I'ucalullo -;(." l. 111. .. . '-:30 a. in Salt Lake 4:10 " ll:Sp.rn Ogden SiSO " 1:3 " Caclie.Tct. 7:00 5:30am Mendon 7:1S " 6.00 " Logan 7:35 " fl: " Smltlitlold 7:53 " 7:00 " Utolunond 8:01 " 7:1.! " Kranldln 8:23 " 8:15 " .. AIIIIIVUS 1'rnlon l(i' " :IOa.in sOUTll HOUND. I.KAVES. No. IS Dally. No, ID, Daily Mlie I'renloii 7:10a. tn BilOa.m I'raiiklln 7:27 " 10.00 " Klchniond 7i4i " lOMi) " Smltlitleli 7i5t) " 11:10 " Loean 8:15 " ,. ,.I":50i.id SIciidon 8:33 " H10 " Cache .let 8:50 " ... 1:35 " a 11 11 IV its. Oitden 10:35 " 00 " SaltI.ako 11:45 " 7s40 " I'ocatello 145 " I'or further Information awily 10 VV. W. Wuodsldo Airent WHEN GOING EAST WHY NOT ENJOY YOURSELF? You will If you travel over the Illinois Central Cen-tral R.R. IT COSTS NO MORE. The best of service between Omaha, Chi cage, Minneapolis, and St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and all Southern and Southeastern South-eastern points. For full Information or literature call on or vv ilte ... . J. A. Foley, Com. Agent, 75 W. 2nd S Salt Lake City. To Los Angeles and Glorious California VIA Salt Lake Route LOW Excursion RATES See your nearest agent or write to . L. MOORE, D.P.A. Salt Lake Utah. City of Mexico and Return $69.80. April 2.1th to May fith the Colorado Midland will sell lottnd trip tickets Salt Lake to Cltj of Mexico, and icttirn for $0') so Good for sixty days and stop-overs Now Is the right time to visit Old .Mexico. Y0111 choice of three ionics Observation Ob-servation cars thru scene rj In da) light. Illustration books of Mexico free. For fin ther Information write L. II. Hording, Gcn'l Agent Salt LakeCltv Olllce 7" West Second Suuth Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, lorjan, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMKS for. FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged SALT LAKE CITY DIRECTORY Cullen Hotel. West Second South st. Modern and up-to-date. Hate.s M.OO per day. S. C. EWING, Prop. B, G, Morris Floral Go,, TII0S. HOBDAY, Manager. rioral Designs and Decorations :: :: llranch C2E. 2nd S. Phono 853. McCORNICK HU1LDING Windsor Hotel Centrally located. South of Ken-yon Ken-yon Hotel, Main street. Kuropcan plan. Hates reasonable. reason-able. State trade solicited. Hates 60 cents and up. ,. When you arc In Salt Lake Look for Big 7 IT'S MARK'S CIGAR STORE. 7 West Second South Street FLMT RIG WORKS f'i;t'Jy5j'5';r?':',v est I iff lmkMmm iiioii okmik iiKvritMiu.n utics made from olil CariH-is. No 230 We nutli Temple l'aniiililci nr application I THROUGH SFRVICE ST. LOUIS AND Till? EAST VIA "f Missouri Pacific Railway THIUH'C.II SCENIC 1 COLORADO I FERTILE KANSAS AND MISSOURI l'ttllman Sleeping Cats, Observation Dlnlne;Car.s Electric LlKlits Elcciilc Fans Heclinlnj; Chair Cats (seats free) Up-to-date Day Coaches For Ilerths. Tickets, Foulders, etc., address H. C. TOWNSEND, Gcn'l Passenger and TIcketAijt. ST LOCIS I The Only Double-Track Railway between 1 (be Missouri River and Chicago. I jOverlaiid I Limited I II The Most Luxurious Train la tbc Wcrld B a Compartment and drawing - room fl B sleeping cars, observation cars, din- S ing'cars, buffet-smoking and library B Hears, with barber, bath and Book-1 B lovers Library; entlro train electric J 1 lighted, through to Chicago without P Gj charge Direct connection for K 1st. Paul and Minneapolis I gj Tnkfts, resfriatinni anl full In H m formmon in he obtalnej from m JH LA Waikrr (u-ncral AKent HI I Chicago & North-Western Ry, 1 J 206 South Main Street, S 1 hwi4 Salt Lake City, Utah. ffl DaWIH z JKliSalve 1 ForPilci Burns, Soroi. I |