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Show Legionaires Will Sponsor Benefit Dance Saturday The Cedar City and Hurricane Posts of the American Legion are sponsoring a benefit dance Satur- v day evening, April 19th, in the Armory building, the proceeds to go to Wilbur Jennings, the small son of the late George S. Jennings, former form-er member of the Cedar City Post, who Is in the local hospital recovering recov-ering from injuries received Wednesday Wed-nesday morning. Continuous music will be furnished furn-ished throughout the evening by orchestras from both Cedar City and Hurricane, it is anounced by Vergene Slmklns, commander of the local Post. Tickets will be on sale Friday and Saturday and can be purchased from any local Leg-lonalre, Leg-lonalre, as well as at the door Saturday Sa-turday evening. American Legion officials urge the generaUiubllc to Join with them in this worthy cause. |