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Show Federated Women's Clubs of So. Utah Elect New Officers Margaret Daly of Pangultch was elected president of the southern division of the Federated Women's Club of Utah at the district convention con-vention held in St. George Satur-! day. Other officers named were Mrs., Earl J. Allen, Pangultch, director;! Mrs. D. L. Haywood, Pangultch secretary; Mrs. Florence Corry, Ce-) dar City, historian, and Mrs. Arthur Jones. Cedar City, publicity manager. man-ager. Retiring president, Mrs. RoxeyL M. Romney of St. George, became! a director. Marilla Cook of Pangultch won the southern division poetry contest con-test with her "Spring In Contract", and runner-up honors went to Iletta Dowbell Reld of Pangultch for her, "Prayer for Patriotism." More than one hundred club wo-i, men from the southern Utah coun-i, ties attented the convention In St. George Saturday. (, & |