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Show DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Offic at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 11, 1929. NOTICE is hereby given that Thomas Oakley Poulton, of Salt Lake City, Utah, who, on Aug. 6, 1924, made additional stock raising homestead home-stead No. 032740 for WH, Section 13, Township 2(1 South, Rango 10 West, Salt Lako Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, de-scribed, before Ell F. Taylor, Register, U. S. Land Office, at Salt Lako City, ; Utah, on tho 24th day of April, 1929. J Claimant name.s as witnesses: J I Frank A. Poulton, Willard R. Poulton, Poul-ton, George Moore and Earl Bost, all of Salt Lake City, Utah. EH F. TAYLOR, Register. First publication, March 15, 1929. Final publication, April 12, 1929. |